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"I freaking love golf!" Jessica exclaims as she jumps up and down on the final hole of the golf course.

"This is a quiet sport, have some dignity," Caitlin says and Jessica grins as she walks over to Caitlin and slings an arm around her shoulder.

"Are you upset that you lost?" Jessica asks.

"You said you'd only played mini golf," Caitlin says with a frown.

"My grandfather used to take me golfing," Jessica says, "But I was ten I didn't think I would still be good."

"I literally hate you," Caitlin says as she looks at Jessica, but her smile indicates anything but. Jessica laughs and pats Caitlin on the shoulder as she looks at the camera.

"She loves me guys," Jessica says. Caitlin doesn't deny the claim and Jessica looks over at Caitlin, smiling at her as well. Caitlin begins to lean forward but Jessica quickly turns to the camera and pats Caitlin's back, "I'm going to do a victory lap on the golf cart."

"Jessica this is a quiet sport!" Caitlin shouts as Jessica begins walking toward the golf cart.

"Then why are you yelling?" Jessica asks with a smile as she gets on the golf cart. She starts driving circles around Caitlin while laughing menacingly which earns a laugh out of Caitlin. They finish filming the video and Jessica lets Caitlin drive the golf cart back to the country club.

"Zoobilation," Caitlin says as she looks over at Jessica.

"It's so much fun!" Jessica exclaims, "You definitely need to go."

"I am going," Caitlin says, "The whole team is actually.

"Oh, that's so fun! A little team bonding if you will," Jessica says shimmying her shoulders.

Caitlin laughs, "Well Katie Lou is bringing her husband and Aliya and Lexie's bringing her boyfriend and Aliyah is bringing her boyfriend and Erica is bringing her wife-"

"Are you gonna go through everyone that's in a relationship on the team?" Jessica asks jokingly.

"No, I guess I should just get to the point," Caitlin says with a laugh, "Would you want to come to Zoobilation with me? Officially because you're a part of this team but unofficially as my date?"

"Is that a good idea?" Jessica asks, "I mean I want to but I don't want to draw unnecessary attention."

"You're always playing it so safe," Caitlin says shaking her head, "Are you ashamed of me, Jess?"

"No," Jessica states, "I just would really like it if I never had to see Amy again and if we get caught then I'll see too much of Amy."

"Okay," Caitlin says, "But doesn't sneaking around make things so much hotter?"

"I guess," Jessica states. Caitlin looks at Jessica, noticing the tentative look on her face.

"Are you worried about something?" Caitlin asks.

"No I just want to make sure things are okay with you," Jessica says, "You're very famous. You have a lot to lose if this comes out."

"I don't care about all of that. I want you at Zoobilation," Caitlin tells her.

Jessica sighs, "Fine but I'm bringing Vanessa. Unofficially she's my date. And will be on my arm all night. You can watch us from afar."

"If that makes you feel better," Caitlin says with a sigh, indicating that she doesn't like the idea at all.

Jessica smiles as reaches out and pokes Caitlin's cheek, right where her dimple is. Caitlin looks over at Jessica at the action and she can't help but smile, causing the dimple to make an appearance.

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