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Caitlin Clark concludes that her body needs four things, food, water, oxygen, and Jessica Williams. She honestly doesn't know how she survived months of never kissing Jessica Williams. She's certain now that if she had to go as long as she did without kissing her she might actually die.

"Everyone is going to wake up soon," Jessica says against Caitlin's lips as they are pressed up against the refrigerator in the kitchen. Jessica had woken before Caitlin and left her to go make coffee and Caitlin being the clingy person she is, went downstairs and immediately wrapped her arms around Jessica, which somehow led to them making out against the refrigerator.

"I told you we should have gone back to the old house," Caitlin says before stealing another kiss, her hands holding Jessica's waist tightly.

"It was late," Jessica responds as she pecks Caitlin's lips, "And I didn't want to leave Mina without saying goodbye."

Caitlin pokes her lips out and nods, "That's fair."

"Now," Jessica says as she squeezes herself out from between the refrigerator and Caitlin's body and makes her way over to the coffee pot, "Can I interest you in some very bitter coffee?"

Caitlin looks at Jessica and smiles, "Yes please."

Jessica opens the cabinet and grabs two coffee mugs. As she does so, Caitlin comes over and wraps her arms around Jessica's waist, clinging to her. Jessica pours the two cups, and she turns in Caitlin's embrace to hand her a mug.

Caitlin accepts the mug, but not before stealing a kiss. Jessica places her coffee on the counter before sliding herself up on the counter and Caitlin stands between Jessica's legs, she holds her coffee in one hand and traces over Jessica's legs with the other.

"So, what are we doing today?" Caitlin asks.

"I'm taking you to the farm," Jessica says with a smile, "My dad lives outside the city, it's like an hour away. I'm hoping he'll let us borrow his Bronco."

"Bronco?" Caitlin asks her eyes lighting up.

"Yeah," Jessica says, "My dad likes to restore old cars. He has this beautiful seafoam 1970 Bronco. I want to take it to the engagement party. Show up in style."

Jessica wiggles her eyebrows and Caitlin laughs.

"I love old cars," Caitlin says, "Especially Broncos."

"Do you think you'd ever want to buy one?" Jessica wonders.

"Maybe," Caitlin responds, "But it would have to be a classic."

"Yeah, the new Broncos feel fake," Jessica responds. She looks at Caitlin with a small smile, "When I was in high school, I wanted my first car to be a hellcat."

Caitlin laughs, "What?"

"I wanted to go fast," Jessica says with a smile, "And I wanted to be loud. And because of that one song with the City Girls. I thought the 2015 SRT was so beautiful."

Caitlin's fingers begin to move higher up Jessica's thigh, "Do you still want one?"

"No," Jessica says with a laugh, "They're terrible on gas."

"If you wanted one, I'd buy it for you," Caitlin says.

"How many times do I have to tell you I don't want your dirty money," Jessica says, "Besides never buy someone you're not married to a car. That's like finance 101."

"We're not married yet," Caitlin says with a smile.

"You're so cocky," Jessica responds, "You know I may meet the love of my life someday."

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