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Something was definitely burning in Kate's apartment. She jumped out of bed and rushed to the kitchen where she saw Jessica was fanning something on the stove that was smoking a lot. Kate rushed over and turned the stove off and looked over at her girlfriend.

"Uh good morning?" Jessica greets.

"Why are you trying to kill me?" Kate asks.

"I wasn't trying to kill you," Jessica responds, "I was trying to make you an apology breakfast."

"Never do that again," Kate tells her, "In fact an apology breakfast would only make the matter worse."

"Did I make the matter worse?" Jessica asks, her eyes widening. Kate laughs at the expression on her face and shakes her head.

"No, just this one time you get an C for effort," Kate tells her.

"Damn I've never gotten a C in my life. This is really upsetting," Jessica mutters, "Only straight As over here."

"Unfortunate those As did not come with cooking lessons," Kate mutters.

"What was that?" Jessica asks.

"Nothing dear," Kate says, and Jessica rolls her eyes.

"Well, I burnt breakfast. How about we go out to get something?" Jessica asks.

"Actually I have to go meet my aunt. Her flight leaves this morning so I was going to see her off at the airport," Kate says and Jessica nods her head.

"Okay well my flight doesn't leave until tonight so maybe we can get lunch then?" Jessica asks.

Kate smiles, "Sounds good."

Jessica nods her head and sighs dramatically, "I guess I'll just eat a bowl of cereal or something."

"You could always harass Kelsey into going to get breakfast with you," Kate says and Jessica's face lights up at the suggestion as she pull out her phone and calls Kelsey. Kate shakes her head as she goes into her room and changes. She kisses Jessica on the cheek before heading out of her apartment.

Kate wasn't a liar. She was going to see her aunt off at the airport. She just happened to take a little detour in the meantime.

Caitlin was already at the breakfast restaurant and Kate could tell the drinks from last night were catching up with her. Caitlin had never been a drinker, so when she did drink, it kicked her in the ass.

"Hey," Kate greets as she sits down across from Caitlin.

"Hey," Caitlin says, holding on to her head. She notices that Kate is alone, and Jessica isn't with her, "Where's Jess?"

"She's getting breakfast with Kelsey," Kate answers. Caitlin nods her head, and she tries to hide her disappointment but it's clear as day on her face.

"Sad she's leaving?" Caitlin asks.

"Of course," Kate says as she leans back in her seat, "I'm in love with her."

Caitlin pauses and looks up Kate, her brows furrowing, "What?"

"Jessica?" Kate says, "I'm in love with her."

Caitlin scoffs, "You just started dating."

"Yeah, but Jessica is just someone that is easy to fall for," Kate says with a small smile, "Honestly, I think I was a goner the moment I met her. The first time. You know, back in Nashville?"

Caitlin's eyes narrow at Kate, "You were at that tournament?"

Kate laughs, "Yeah. Honestly, it's funny how all of us forgot it and then we remember bits and pieces. I remembered meeting you and Jess. Jess remembered meeting us both, but you only remembered Jess."

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