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Jessica was getting ready in Azzi's bathroom mainly because Paige was taking way too long to get ready and because Jessica found that she enjoyed Azzi's mild nature. She was so used to everyone in her life being so high energy, sometimes she was like that herself, but usually it was because she just matched the vibes of those around her.

"You played really good today," Azzi tells her as she was putting the final touches on her makeup.

"Thanks," Jessica responds, "I was super nervous to play with you guys."

"What?" Azzi asks with a small smile, "Why?"

Jessica shrugs, "I mean you guys are so good."

"You're really good too," Azzi responds, "I know what it's like to come back from an injury. Mine wasn't as bad as yours but I know how hard the road is. You just gotta trust in yourself and your body will follow."

"Thanks, Azzi," Jessica says with a small smile. She finishes straightening her hair and runs her fingers through it. She heads out of Azzi's room and into the living room where all the girls are listening to music and pregaming since they likely wouldn't be able to get any drinks once they were out.

"Where's Paige?" Azzi asks from behind Jessica.

"Still getting ready," Aubrey answers with an amused smile as she looks at Jessica.

"Does she normally take this long?" Jessica asks.

"Nope," Ice says.

"She's trying to impress someone," Aubrey says.

Jessica points to herself, "Me?"

"I was supposed to go to the Pacers game with Paige and she asked me to stay home when she found out that you would interview her," Azzi shares.

"She also sat there for like ten minutes staring at the mirror pic you posted before figuring out something to comment. Personally, I felt like she could have been a little thirstier," Ice says shrugging her shoulders.

Jessica laughs and shakes her head, "So you guys all know that Paige has a crush on me?"

"It's not a big secret," KK says, "It did intensify after she visited you in Indiana."

"So, if you could just do us all a favor and tell her she looks amazing when she steps out of the room it would make this go by much quicker," Aubrey says. Jessica nods her head and holds her thumbs up. 

Paige's door opens and she steps out. She was wearing her hair down and a crop top which showed off her toned stomach along with cargo pants. No one in the room spared her a glance as they were all too busy on their phones or mixing drinks. Jessica looks at Paige amused.

"You guys are all ready?" Paige asks confused.

"Yeah, we've been waiting for hours," Azzi exaggerates.

"Shut up, no you haven't," Paige responds, "Have you guys started drinking yet?"

"I have," Ice says, "Catch up."

Paige points to Jessica, "Would you like to do a shot?"

Jessica shrugs, "Sure."

Paige smiles as she leads Jessica over to the kitchen.

"Titos?" Paige asks as she holds up the bottle.

"Hit me," Jessica says.

Paige smiles as she grabs two shot glasses and fills them to the brim. Jessica squats as she looks at the shot and then up at Paige. The blonde smiles at her and squats beside her.

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