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The Fever end up going on a three-game road trip that Jessica is excited for because the last location just happens to be Las Vegas, which means that she gets to see Kate again. Their first stop would be in Seattle against the Storm, then they would go to Los Angeles to play the Sparks, ending in Vegas with the Aces.

Jessica is settling into her hotel room when there's a knock at the door. She groans loudly knowing that the person knocking on her door was Caitlin because Caitlin was the only person that bothered her.

Jessica opens the door and Caitlin is standing there with her suitcase. Jessica's brows furrow as she pokes her head into the hallway, looking both ways to see if there was a camera. She looks at Caitlin like a child that had been abandoned on her doorstep.

"Hello?" Jessica greets.

"Hey!" Caitlin says smiling widely. A little too widely.

"Are they, like, preparing your room?" Jessica asks.

"Actually, there was an error when booking the rooms and one won't open up for the night," Caitlin informs her.

"Oh, that's sad," Jessica says, "Well obviously you got a room, I mean you are Caitlin Clark."

"I am!" Caitlin exclaims and Jessica smiles and nods her head, "I gave my room to NaLyssa."

"Now why would you do that?" Jessica asks with a sigh.

"Because I knew you'd have a room and I wanted to have a sleepover!" Caitlin says grinning.

"Please tell me you're joking," Jessica says.

"I'm not," Caitlin tells her.

"Dude I only have one bed!" Jessica exclaims.

"That's fine, I promise I don't take up that much space," Caitlin assures her.

"You are six feet. You take up too much space," Jessica responds.

Caitlin pouts, "I bet you don't tell Kate that."

"I don't! Because she's my girlfriend! You are a stranger that is trying to get in my bed!" Jessica exclaims.

Caitlin places her hand on her hip, "First of all, I'm your friend. Second of all, I am not trying to get in your bed as you so vulgarly put it. I was trying to be accommodating to my teammate."

"Why don't you and NaLyssa share a bed?" Jessica asks.

"Because she takes up too much space-"

"Seriously?" Jessica asks.

"Jess, let me in your room!" Caitlin whines, "Please? I'll sleep on the floor."

Jessica groans as she steps aside and allows Caitlin inside. Caitlin smiles triumphantly as she rolls her suitcase into the room and then flops onto Jessica's bed. When she sits up, Jessica is glaring at her, and Caitlin sits up straight and mutters an apology.

"This is the worst day of my life and I've torn both of my ACLs," Jessica says.

"Oh it is not going to be that bad," Caitlin tells her, "We can do girly things, like braid each other's hair and we can share secrets and watch movies-"

"You have a game tomorrow," Jessica says, "And I have work tomorrow. We're not doing any of that. I am going to eat dinner and sleep."

"Fine, be boring," Caitlin mutters.

Jessica sighs, "I am going to dinner with Nika. Would you like to join?"

"Nika?" Caitlin asks, "Like UCONN Nika?"

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