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Caitlin had been to some pretty lavish homes in her time. There were always executives and CEOs trying to impress her to sign a deal or whatever. The point was that Caitlin had seen some pretty nice houses so it shouldn't be taken lightly when she said that Jessica's godmother's lake house was probably one of the most beautiful homes she'd seen before.

The driveway was massive. Jessica told her that the property in total was about 19,000 square feet, meaning they would walk for days and still be on the property. There were no people nearby, just the massive lake house and the lake.

"What does your godmother do again?" Kate asks.

"She runs the network," Jessica says, "But her husband gave this to her. He comes from old money."

"Old money indeed," Kate says as she looks at Jessica, "There is a pool here, right?"

Jessica laughs, "There is a pool and a hot tub and the lake so you can get wet however you desire."

Caitlin rolls her eyes at the remark and Kate looks at Jessica amused. Even Jessica shakes her head disapprovingly, "Yeah I realize how wrong that sounded."

Kate laughs as she nudges Jessica, "How about you check everything out and I'll bring the bags in?"

"Sure, I'll just hide the drugs and the money laundering business, you know the real reason we have the house," Jessica says as she skips off toward the front doors of the house. Kate goes to the trunk of Jessica's car to grab the bags and Caitlin joins her as she grabs her own.

They head inside the house and if the outside was impressive, the inside was insane. The house was massive and there were several rooms. There was a movie room with reclining chairs and other multipurpose rooms.

The pool in the backyard was massive with a perfect view of the lake and just as Jessica had promised, there was a basketball goal in the pool. Also in the backyard was a fire pit with several chairs surrounding it.

The first of the other guests to arrive were Jessica's friends, Brooke, Vanessa, and Josh. Caitlin had seen them around before and Kate had heard many stories about them, but neither had been formally introduced to the friend group.

Jessica greets her friends and helps them bring their stuff inside. Kate stands there nervously, and Caitlin sits on the couch watching as anxious energy practically radiates off of her friend.

"Okay so," Jessica says as she skips over to Kate and takes her hand, "This is Kate! Kate, this is Josh, Brooke, and Vanessa."

"Hi," Kate says with a shy smile, "Nice to meet you guys."

"Bring it here!" Brooke exclaims as she embraces Kate, "It feels like we've already met. Jessica here talks about you all the time. You should have seen her before the two of you got together, she was yearning quite loudly."

Kate laughs and Vanessa and Josh both give Kate hugs and exchange pleasantries.

"And as you guys know, this is Caitlin Clark," Jessica says as she points at Caitlin. Caitlin offers the three of them a polite smile as she lifts her hand in a wave.


"Hello," Brooke greets, wiggling her fingers in a wave. Jessica's brows furrowed at Brooke. Caitlin offers Brooke a tightlipped polite smile, not returning Brooke's flirty nature.

"Anyway," Jessica says clapping her hands together, "The day is young so let's get into our bathing suits and spend some time at the pool while we wait for everyone else?"

"Yes please!" Vanessa says, "Josh and I brought plenty of alcohol."

"And snacks!" Josh exclaims with jazz hands.

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