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Caitlin stared at her phone, looking at a picture of Kate and Jessica from the Ace's preseason matchup. Jessica was wearing Kate's jersey and it looked like Kate had just finished playing since she was still in her jersey. Kate had posted it which was shocking since Kate rarely posted. The caption of the picture? My Ace. Seriously? It would have made more sense if Jessica was the one who posted it.

"Hey!" Jessica greets with a smile, "Happy gameday!"

Caitlin quickly swipes out of Instagram and looks at Jessica. She was not used to her smiling at her. Or greeting her so warmly.

"Uh hi?" Caitlin responds, unsure why Jessica was at the practice facility, not that she was complaining.

"We have morning interviews," Jessica says, "You know, gameday, but I figured you'd be bored, and you've had cameras in your face all day, so I thought we'd do something fun."


"Yeah," Jessica says, "I thought we'd just have a casual conversation and film it. I know that isn't fun so we're trying random things I've purchased at Trader Joe's. It'll be like that guy who interviews people with hot wings, which is on our to-do list, but I didn't want you getting sick before your first game."

"How considerate," Caitlin deadpans.

Jessica tilts her head at Caitlin and her smile slips slightly, "Why aren't you as excited as I am? I'm not even playing today! It's your W debut! Scream or something!"

"I'll pass," Caitlin says with a chuckle, "But why are you so excited?"

"I don't know, I think I'm still buzzing from this past weekend. Kate made the Ace's roster and we're officially friend-in-laws!"

So, they had made things official, which explained Kate's post. Caitlin had a million questions like who asked who, where and when it was done and most importantly why it was done.

Kate and Jessica made no sense in Caitlin's mind.

"I thought you didn't believe in friend-in-laws?" Caitlin asks as she looks at the ground.

Jessica shrugs, "I'm okay with it if it means that Kate's my girlfriend."

Caitlin is trying really hard to be happy for Jessica. She's trying really hard to be happy for Kate, but she's just not able to find it.

"So it's official?" Caitlin asks.

Jessica tilts her head curiously, "She didn't tell you?"

"Well, I figured the Instagram post was her telling the world," Caitlin says.

"I told her not to post it," Jessica says, "I just broke the hearts of seventeen-year-old girls everywhere."

"Why?" Caitlin asks confused.

"Because they're in love with Kate," Jessica says with a laugh, "And honestly, I can't blame them."

Caitlin has never seen Jessica like this. She's seen sarcastic Jessica, angry Jessica, funny Jessica, mysterious Jessica, but not infatuated Jessica. It isn't like Caitlin hasn't seen girls acting like this over Kate before, but for some reason seeing Jessica act like this over Kate confused her. Jessica wasn't like the other girls. Caitlin held her in higher regard.

"Right," Caitlin says, "Well congrats I guess."

Jessica looks at Caitlin confused. She was supposed to be enthusiastic, "I thought you wanted us to be friends-in-law?"

"I did, but I didn't know you'd act like this when you and Kate got together," Caitlin says.

"Like what?" Jessica asks, "Happy?"

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