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Caitlin's first press conference for the Indiana Fever is a huge affair. News outlets from all over Indiana and even outside of the state are there trying to get a glimpse of the new star. Jessica looks at the sea of reporters unimpressed.

"It's interesting to see you in your natural habitat."

Jessica looks over to see Caitlin standing there. She was dressed up and her face was made up. She looked pretty but Jessica would never tell her that.

"My natural habitat?" Jessica asks.

"You know," Caitlin says as she nods toward the other reporters, "Hungry vultures descending on their prey."

Jessica chuckles, "Interesting. So, are you the prey?"

Caitlin shrugs, "Depends. So you're a liar."

"Me?" Jessica asks, her smile slipping away as confusion consumes her features, "What are you talking about?"

"You said you weren't good at basketball," Caitlin says.

"Good is objective," Jessica responds, "It is in the eye of the beholder."

Caitlin rolls her eyes, "Good is not objective. You were North Carolina's Miss Basketball three years in a row. And not just any three years. Freshman, sophomore, and junior years of high school. You led your team to two state championships and almost a third."

Jessica sighs, "So I used to be good at basketball. It doesn't matter."

"Why lie?" Caitlin asks.

"Because it's easier to say I wasn't good than to tell the truth that I messed up my knee and ruined my entire future," Jessica responds. Caitlin's expression softens.


"And we thought I'd be the one to invade your privacy," Jessica says sarcastically, "Look I don't have any questions for you today. Instead, they want us to film a video."

"Video?" Caitlin asks confused.

"My boss, Julie, she thinks that reporting on all things you will increase our market value. So, she wants us to make videos, play off each other's personality. Make entertaining content," Jessica explains as she looks around the room, everywhere but Caitlin's face.

"They want us to be Youtubers?"

"Essentially," Jessica answers, "You can say no. It's no sweat off my back."

Caitlin feels bad for calling Jessica out. She knows she can't say sorry because that's admitting defeat, but she wants to make it up to her.

"What were you thinking?" Caitlin asks.

Jessica shrugs, "We play Horse. Each missed shot we get to ask each other questions."

"You want to play Horse?" Caitlin asks surprised. That provokes Jessica to look at the basketball player.

"You're a basketball player. I was trying to pick something easy for you," Jessica states.

"Is it easy for you?" Caitlin responds.

"Don't worry about me," Jessica states, "So?"

"Yeah, I'll do it," Caitlin agrees.

"Great, I'll reach out to your people," Jessica says formally as she turns to leave.

"Jessica," Caitlin calls after her.

Jessica turns as she walks back toward Caitlin, she doesn't allow her to speak instead she asks, "Did you tell Kate?"

"Did I tell her what?" Caitlin asks.

"That I was good at basketball," Jessica states.

Caitlin's eyes narrow, "Why does it matter if I did?"

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