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Jessica was at the bar with her friends. Their night was a total disaster as far as romance was concerned. Josh had failed to get the number of two women and had given up for the night. Brooke had rejected everyone that talked to her, and Vanessa decided that she was content being single and didn't want to put herself out there.

"Jessica, you're our final hope," Brooke says, "It's time for you to go and find a lover."

Jessica's brows furrowed, "Why me?"

"Because we as a friend group cannot leave this bar without one of us getting or giving a number," Brooke states.

"I don't want to give or get a number," Jessica says with a pout, "I like keeping my number private."

"Too bad," Brooke says as she grabs Jessica's shoulder and spins her so that she's facing the bar, "See that girl over there in the leather jacket? Go talk to her."


"No buts!" Brooke says as she shoves Jessica. She sighs as she walks over to the bar. She slots herself beside the leather jacket girl and the bartender comes over to her. Jessica orders something strong. She was good at talking to people, but she didn't want to talk to anyone tonight.

Maybe if she just stood here her friends would think she'd gotten rejected? That sounded like a really good plan.

"I'm pretty sure that drink is going to kill you."

Jessica looks up to see the leather jacket girl and her eyes narrow, "Caitlin."

"Jessica?" Caitlin says as she looks at her before letting out a laugh, "I almost didn't recognize you."

"Why?" Jessica asks genuinely confused, "I look the same."

"Except you're missing a stick up your ass," Caitlin responds with a smile.

Jessica rolls her eyes as the drink is set before her, "What are you doing at the bar? Aren't you in training?"

"Team bonding," Caitlin responds as she motions toward a pool table and Jessica notices several girls from the Indiana Fever gathered around it.

"Is that Aliyah Boston?" Jessica asks with a grin.

"That is," Caitlin says as she looks at Jessica, "Try not to act like such a fan girl."

"It's Aliyah Boston!" Jessica exclaims, "She's a national champion! Not that you'd know about that."

"Ouch," Caitlin says with a smile, "But you seem to forget that I'm the reason Aliyah didn't go back-to-back."

Jessica scoffs, "You? Did you forget Gabbie, Kate, Molly, and Monika? They were there as well."

"You know a lot of Iowa players for someone who hates Iowa," Caitlin says.

"To be a good hater, you have to know who and why you're hating. Why do you think I know so much about you," Jessica states, "But that's beside the point."

"What is the point?" Caitlin asks.

"I want you to introduce me to the team," Jessica says.

"Seriously?" Caitlin asks, "Aren't you here on a date or something?"

"No, I'm here with my friends," Jessica states matter-of-factly.

"Oh, I didn't know you had those," Caitlin retorts.

Jessica holds her middle finger up as she grabs her drink and heads back over to where her friends are.

"I assume that didn't end well," Josh says when Jessica takes a seat at their table.

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