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"What even happens at a jersey retirement?" Jessica asks Caitlin as she stares at the pancake she is making. Jessica was not a good cook, but she was capable of making pancakes most of the time.

"People say nice things about you and then they just hang your jersey in the rafters," Caitlin answers as she hands Jessica a coffee mug, "It's disgustingly sweet."

"I know it pained you to make it that way," Jessica says with a smile as she takes it. Caitlin simply smiles and kisses Jessica on her cheek.

"Opposites attract I suppose," Caitlin says.

"Is it lame to have your high school jersey retired? Like college makes sense, WNBA would be so freaking cool, but high school just seems lame," Jessica mutters.

"It's not lame," Caitlin assures, "You did crazy stuff in high school. I was reading the paper, and your stats were insane. You accomplished in two and half years what many people take four years to do. You deserve your jersey retired. Be proud of yourself."

"I'll try," Jessica says as she looks at the pancake, she flips it over to see that it is golden brown. She looks at Caitlin with a smile, "Check me out."

Caitlin bites her lip as she lets her eyes rake over Jessica's body, "I am."

Jessica laughs, "No I meant the pancake."

"Oh," Caitlin says as she rests her head on Jessica's shoulder and looks at the pancake, "That pancake is perfect. Just like you."

"Is it because we're both brown?" Jessica asks quirking a brow.

"What? No," Caitlin responds, and Jessica laughs at the expression on Caitlin's face.

"I'm kidding, relax," Jessica says with a smile.

Jessica finishes making breakfast and the two of them eat breakfast together talking about nothing of importance. When they finish, Caitlin does the dishes and Jessica sits on the counter beside her.

"What do you wear to a jersey retirement?" Jessica asks.

"Some people dress up, some don't," Caitlin responds.

"I feel like because it's high school, I'm not going to," Jessica says.

"Okay," Caitlin says as she cuts the sink off and dries her hands on a towel, "I personally think you'll look good in anything."

"Why thank you," Jessica says as she slides off the counter. She smiles at Caitlin and throws her arms around her. Caitlin hugs Jessica close. Jessica smiles as she buries her face into Caitlin's neck.

"Wanna stay here forever," Caitlin says.

Jessica laughs as she leans back and looks at Caitlin, "In the kitchen?"

"No in your arms," Caitlin says.

Jessica smiles, "I shall allow you to take up residence there. You may have to pay rent though."

"How much?" Caitlin asks.

"Not money," Jessica says as she cups Caitlin's cheek and kisses her. Caitlin smiles into the kiss as she pulls Jessica closer to her. Jessica pulls away, her nose scrunching as she looks at Caitlin, "You taste like coffee."

"It's almost like I was drinking it," Caitlin teases.

"Tell me why I like you again?" Jessica asks playfully.

"Because I'm so charming and you couldn't possibly resist me," Caitlin says.

"No, I think I have Stockholm syndrome," Jessica jokes. She smiles and starts to sing, "But I fear I'm getting used to being held by you." 

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