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Caitlin meets Jessica in the parking lot of the elementary school. Jessica is wearing sunglasses, but she's also wearing the Indiana Fever shirt that Caitlin had let her borrow for the first video and she's unable to stop staring at it.

"Hey," Jessica greets as she takes her sunglasses off and puts them atop her head.

"Hey," Caitlin responds. She felt that things were going to be awkward since they hadn't really spoken since that night in Jessica's hotel room in Connecticut. Caitlin walked away from that conversation feeling a bit embarrassed and still trying to uncover why Jessica's opinion mattered to her.

"Okay so," Jessica begins, "The staff knows we're here. They're going to gather the kids in the gym, and you'll make your big appearance."

Caitlin nods her head.

"Try to be nice to the children. I know having a heart is difficult for you but grow one today," Jessica teases.

Caitlin's brow furrows at the words, "I have a heart. And I'm great with kids."

"Oh, I get it, you just suck with adults," Jessica responds nodding her head. Caitlin glares at her and Jessica simply smiles as she pats Caitlin on the shoulder before she begins making her way toward the school building.

And just like every interaction they had, Jessica seemed completely unbothered by their conversation in the hotel. Maybe Caitlin was grateful for that because it meant that things wouldn't be awkward. They just fell right back into the roles they played.

"I'll introduce you," Jessica explains.

"Aw but nobody is going to know who you are," Caitlin says with a pout.

Jessica laughs, "Unlike you, I'm not desperate for attention."

"You're a reporter," Caitlin says, "The only people who go into that profession are those desperate for attention."

"No, I just like talking shit," Jessica says, "And I have a pretty enough face that I get to do it professionally."

Well, Caitlin didn't have a rebuttal for that.

Jessica smiles at Caitlin as they stand outside the gym doors, "Stay here."

"Okay," Caitlin responds.

Jessica heads into the gym and the kids are sitting on the floor. She smiles at them and some of the kids gasp and whisper to each other when she walks in. Her camera team was already filming and Jessica made her way to the center of the court as she looked at the kids.

"Hi! My name is Jessica Williams and I'm a reporter which means my job is literally to be on TV," Jessica says with a smile, "I report on sports, mainly the Indiana Fever."

"Woo!" someone cheers and Jessica laughs.

"Exactly," Jessica says, "So if you guys don't mind my friend and I would like to hang with you guys for field day?"

"Who's your friend?" one of the kids asks.

"I'm so glad you asked," Jessica says with a grin. The doors open and Caitlin walks in and the kids lose their minds. Jessica laughs as Caitlin waves at everyone and high-fives some of the kids sitting in the first row.

"Hi!" Caitlin says, "You guys ready for field day?"

The kids cheer and Jessica looks at Caitlin with a smile. The two exchange a smile and the teacher divides everyone into groups and then into teams. Jessica and Caitlin decide that the first game they'll join in will be a dodgeball match in the gym.

Jessica walks over to her team with a small smile, "Okay so I know I'm not Caitlin Clark, but do you know what's cooler than playing dodgeball with Caitlin? Beating Caitlin! I mean not many people can say that, so you guys want to help me do that?"

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