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"You know you didn't have to help me with my bags," Jessica says as she sets her suitcase down on the bed. She only had two bags, one of which Kate insisted on helping her with. Kate sets the bag down and looks at Jessica with a smile.

"Well, I had a feeling that if I just let you come to your room you would have totally bailed on us," Kate says.

Kate was absolutely correct.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to Jada first. She's a total sweetheart. You'll love her," Kate says and Jessica sighs as she follows Kate out of the room and to the one right beside it. Kate uses her new room key to get inside, and she looks over at Jessica with a smile.

"Kate what took you so long-" Jada cuts herself off at the sight of Jessica, "Were you in the lobby picking up girls?"

Kate laughs at the comment, "Actually more like she was picking me up."

"I was not," Jessica says quickly, "If there was any picking up, Kate did it."

Kate laughs at Jessica's remark.

"Jada, this is Jessica Williams. She's a reporter for the WXIN in Indiana. She's also a certified Iowa hater," Kate jokes.

Jessica looks at Kate with a blush, "Dude!"

Jada looks at the two of them in amusement, "Hello Jessica from WXIN."

"Hi," Jessica says as she looks at Jada, "And I'm not an Iowa hater. I rooted for you guys like once or twice."

"Once or twice," Jada says with a laugh, "That is huge. Who are you a fan of?"

"UCONN and South Carolina," Jessica answers and Jada bursts out laughing.

"Well of course you hate us!" Jada teases, "Probably Caitlin more than anything."

"No, I think she's a great offensive player and the things she's done for the game are impressive I mean she's solidified as arguably the best college player ever," Jessica says.

"What about her defense?" Jada asks with a smirk, noticing how Jessica only mentioned her offense.

"It's okay," Jessica says with a shrug. Jada snorts.

"So what are you doing here?" Jada asks.

"I'm here to cover the draft, but I noticed Kate in the lobby," Jessica says.

"She said me and Gabbie were like flies," Kate says with a laugh. Jada snorts at the remark.

"I also said you guys were really good," Jessica defends.

"She did," Kate admits, "I thought it would be cool if she met Cait since it's likely they'll be working together."

Jada looks at Jessica, "You're not a creep, right?"

"I don't think a creep would confess to being a creep, but I assure you I am not one. I actually really love basketball. Women's basketball especially. And I tried to stay in my room, but Kate wouldn't let me," Jessica says as she looks at the player.

Kate shrugs, "You had a really good first impression on me."

"Which is insane because I'm pretty sure I insulted you like three times," Jessica says.

"I'm into that," Kate teases and Jada rolls her eyes at the flirting, but Jessica simply laughs.

"Well let's see how you do with the big dogs," Jada says as she jumps off the bed. Jessica sighs and Kate gives her a gentle shove toward the door. Jessica follows Jada across the hall and knocks on the door.

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