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Jessica was laying on Paige's bed while she took a shower after the workout that day. The team had actually practiced and ran through plays, so Jessica stood on the sidelines and talked with the coaching staff.

Jessica was scrolling through her phone when the bathroom door opened, and she looked over at Paige who walked out in a towel. Jessica averted her attention back to her phone screen as Paige went through her clothes, finding something to wear.

"If you want I can totally leave the room," Jessica says as she looks away from her phone and over at Paige.

"You're fine," Paige tells her.

"I know that, but if you want me to leave I can," Jessica jokes. Paige's lips spread in a smile as shakes her head.

"You don't have to leave," Paige says, "I'm just grabbing clothes."

Jessica nods her head as she looks back at her phone screen.

"So our date," Paige says, "It's gonna be kind of long."

"Long?" Jessica asks as she looks at Paige, "Like how long?"

"Like it might be all day," Paige says.

"Are you kidnapping me?" Jessica asks and Paige laughs as she shakes her head.

"No, I'm romancing you," Paige says, "Though sometimes there's a thin line between the two."

Paige smiles at her before heading into the bathroom and closes the door behind her. Jessica gets off the bed and opens the door to Paige's room.

"Don't ask Azzi, she doesn't know what the date is!" Paige shouts from the bathroom.

"How the hell did you know that I was going to ask that?" Jessica says.

Paige opens the door and peaks her head out, "I'm a mind reader."

"Sure," Jessica says. Paige blows her a kiss before she closes the door and Jessica laughs as she still heads into Azzi's room. Azzi is sitting on her bed looking at her laptop when she looks up at Jessica with a small smile.


"Hi," Jessica greets, "Am I bothering you?"

"Not at all," Azzi says as she closes her laptop, "What's up?"

"Nothing," Jessica says as she sits on Azzi's bed. Azzi smiles at her amused.

"You're cute, you know that?" Azzi asks.

"I am aware, but I don't know what I did to earn such words," Jessica says.

"You always come in here when Paige is occupied," Azzi says.

"Yeah, cause I want to hang out with you," Jessica says, "I think you're cool. I wish we would have got to play together; your game is so smooth."

"Hey, we still have a chance," Azzi says, "Who knows where we'll end up in the draft."

"True," Jessica says with a small smile.

Azzi watches Jessica, smiling, "You want to know what Paige has planned for your date, don't you?"

"So bad," Jessica says and Azzi laughs.

"All I can say is that it's really thought out. She put a lot of effort into it and you're going to love it," Azzi tells her.

"Okay," Jessica says.

"Jessica," Paige calls out.

"In here," Jessica says.

A second later, Paige is poking her head into Azzi's room. She's wearing cargo pants and a button up short sleeve shirt which is left unbuttoned, showing off a white cropped tank that Paige is wearing.

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