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"This is literally a terrible idea," Jessica says as she does her makeup in Kate's bathroom. Beside her, Kate was getting ready as well, brushing through her hair. The sink was a mess with both Jessica and Kate's thing littering it as they got ready for a night out.

"I think it's a great idea," Kate says, "Everyone loves a double date."

"Normally I would agree with you," Jessica says, "However, I don't like Connor."

Kate meets her gaze in the mirror and a frown crosses her lips, "Wait, why not?"

"Well first he said I wasn't your type, which I don't really care about, but then he followed it up by calling me exotic," Jessica says, as she goes back to doing her makeup, "Like what the fuck does that mean?"

"Jess, why didn't you tell me he said that?" Kate asks.

Jessica shrugs, "I mean it's not a big deal."

"Jessica," Kate says. It was becoming rare for Jessica to hear her full name out of Kate's mouth, it was usually Jess, pretty girl, or baby, so Jessica knew that Kate was feeling someway about what Jessica had just told her.

"Kate," Jessica says jokingly but Kate doesn't appear amused.

"You know that isn't true right?" Kate asks.

"Yes, I'm well aware, which is why it isn't a big deal. You may have dated different people in the past but you're dating me for like forever in the future which is why I said it didn't bother me. It just makes me not like him. I'm not exotic my parents are literally American born and bred. I'm so freaking American that my dad doesn't even drive foreign cars. We're a Ford family."

Kate tries to remain serious, but she can't help the smile that crosses her lips at Jessica's cute rant.

"Didn't realize you're so patriotic," Kate teases.

"His exotic comment made me patriotic," Jessica says before capping her eyeliner, "The only things that should be considered exotic are cars, animals, and food. Not people."

"I agree," Kate says, "And we're not doing this for Connor, we're doing it for Caitlin. I haven't seen her in a while, and I want to catch up."

Jessica sighs, "I guess I am willing to sacrifice my sanity so you can have a playdate with Caitlin."

Kate laughs and bumps her hip against Jessica's, "It's not a playdate."

Jessica twists open her mascara and leans closer to the mirror, "It's a playdate and Connor and I are going to sit there like awkward parents watching our children."

"Okay you need to work on your analogies because that one is terrible. You're calling yourself my mom," Kate points out.

"Actually, I am your father," Jessica corrects, "And you refer to me as Papa as Victorian children had once referred to their fathers."

Kate laughs, "You're so stupid."

Jessica smiles as she leans away from the mirror, "Stupidly hot."

"Now that I agree with," Kate tells her, "After dinner my aunt told me that if I lose you, I'm stupid."

"What?" Jessica asks with a laugh, "Why would she say that?"

"I guess she really liked you," Kate says with a smile. 

"Honestly you're the catch in this relationship, Martin," Jessica says as she puts the cap back on her mascara. She turns and leans against the bathroom counter. Kate bites her lip as she looks at Jessica, "So I'll politely disagree with that."

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