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Jessica and Paige were sitting in Paige's car at the airport. Jessica's knees were drawn to her chest as she looked over at Paige leaning her head against the back of the seat as she looked at Jessica.

"You get custody of Simba," Paige says, "Someday I'll drive over and pick him up."

Jessica laughs, "Okay, I'm sure he'll miss you."

"I'll miss him too, but he's your first Lego set, so I have to let you have him," Paige says, "Though I did think about keeping him so that I had a reason to force you to come and see me again."

"You have basketball, besides, aren't you guys going on vacation? And then you're going back to Minnesota. You'll be so busy you won't even think about me," Jessica says.

"Completely untrue," Paige says, "I'll be thinking about you constantly."

"So, what do we want to do about this?" Jessica asks as she motions between herself and Paige asking the question she'd dreaded since they kissed at the club.

"This?" Paige asks.

"Yeah is this like a week fling? Oh! Or a Connecticut booty call!" Jessica says snapping her finger and making finger guns at Paige.

Paige laughs, "What?"

"I don't know I'm making jokes because I am deeply concerned with your potential answer to the question," Jessica says with a shy smile.

Paige reaches out and traces her fingers over Jessica's leg, "I would like to see where things go. I won't ask you to be exclusive just yet because we are in two different states and I will be busy the next two months. I know you have some things to sort through so just let's just communicate and see where things go."

Jessica nods her head, "Okay."

Paige smiles as she looks at Jessica, "Are you going to miss me?"

Jessica shrugs coyly, "Maybe."

Paige leans over and kisses Jessica's knee, right where her scar was. They get out of the car and Paige rounds the car as she hugs Jessica close, wrapping her arms around Jessica's waist. Jessica buries her face in Paige's neck.

"I wish we had more time," Jessica mutters. It was honestly how she had been feeling all week. She wishes she never tore her ACL, she wishes that she and Paige had really had a chance. She doesn't know what the future holds but she knows that things could have been so different.

"Me too," Paige says.

"Okay," Jessica says as she pulls herself from Paige's embrace, "I should probably go before I start crying and do something to turn you off significantly."

Paige laughs at Jessica, "I'll probably cry when I get back to my apartment so you can cry in front of me."

"Nope," Jessica says, "If you won't cry in front of me, I'm not crying in front of you."

Paige bites the inside of her cheek, "Call me when you land."

"I will," Jessica says, "And I'll send you a picture of Simba and how he's settling in at my apartment."

Paige laughs and nods her head and Jessica can see that Paige is fighting her emotions. Jessica pulls Paige in for another hug and the blonde clings to her. Jessica runs her fingers through Paige's hair.

"Want me to come to Minnesota?" Jessica asks.

"Yes," Paige answers instantly.

"We can go to White Castle," Jessica jokes.

"I hate White Castle," Paige says with a tearful laugh and Jessica laughs.

"I know," Jessica responds, "We definitely won't go to White Castle."

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