chap 1

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English is not my first language.
Forgive my grammar mistakes
Let's start


The boy who was ceo. he was roaring like Angry tiger his eyes were showing anger with cold face.

" sorry..sir it will not happen again" his employee said while pleading, her head was on floor her lips were Shaking in fear but does he ceo care? nahh he doesn't even give fuck to them.

"HOW MANY TIMES? YOU ALL ARE SAME.. YOU ARE FIRED.. GET OUT FROM HERE.." he roared Angrily. He sat on chair banging his hand on table

"That's why I hate middle class people.." he pulled his hair in frustration.. he started to find something on his table he again clenched his jaw.

 he started to find something on his table he again clenched his jaw

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"LIA..LIA..LIA " he shouted. one lady came in his cabin she was thin, tall  perfect. Her eyes were showing pure fear she looked down at fear not wanting to make or look at her boss

"What happened sir?.." she asked while looking down..

Ceo raised his one eyebrow in questioning way

" Where is my schedule? you know I want that on time " he said in the calmest tone but his secretary knew how much serious he was..

" sorry sir it will not happen again " she said somehow.

" Last chance Lia.. you know me well I'll not even think twice before firing you.." he again said, while giving her glares.

" I'm sorry mr. Jeon just give me 1 min " her eyes were in floor.

" Where is new employees? " He took look at his wrist watch.

" Yes sir many people came today for interview we will choose best "

" Who is boss? " He asked suddenly.

"Y-you " she said immediately as, she knew she said something wrong.

" So who will take decision who is Able to do job here? " He asked putting his one leg on another totally looking a strict and perfect boss..

" You "

" Hmm so it's me then send them here I'll take their Interview again "

" Ok sir " her eyes were on floor all time. she might be cursing him in mind.

" You can go now " he said coldly .

She went out of cabin.. ceo took water glass and gulp whole glass in one go

" I hate this type of people shitty middle class, " he thought this thing In his mind.

Jeon jungkook

Jeon jungkook

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CEO HUSBAND (taekook ff) ✓Where stories live. Discover now