chap 24

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Shit! This boy is making me horney
I noticed him glancing at me time by time..

I was continenously looking at him I totally forgetting about my work until I heard " do your work mr. You can stare at me Latter" I coughed little he said this while looking at laptop

" And who he looking at you" he gave a preety smile.. my face was cold

" I can see that, right?" he said with smile.. I started to work again

After some hours..
I have to complete this files filling all data, my eyes fell on watch it's almost lunch time..
I'm feeling hungry so I'll do it letter
He is still working, he even forget about food when he work

Jungkook pov

How mean he is.. Talking with me rudly I hate him..
Today I boiled my blood for 2 time just cause him and that Lia.
I don't know what came in my mind and I said that he will work here from now..
He is Exact infront of me, I can see him from corner of my eye how can he ignore such a hot person..
I noticed time it's almost lunch time..
I want to eat with him, alone
Just by thought I smiled but my smile was no longer when I saw Lia again I pretend that I didn't saw her

" Mr kim let's go in cafeteria everyone is there today mr. Kim is giving treat"

" Just 2 Min I'm coming" he smiled finally I saw his smile but for her not for me.

" Lia go he is not coming before finishing all work" he said nothing

Lia went..
I again fucked up!! I saw his emotionless face which was holding sadness..
But why she always ruin when everything is about to become ok

I called my worker

" Bring here"

After ending call " put that aside" I ordered him

" But sir my work is still remai--" I cut him by

" It's my order" he obeyed and put everything aside.

After a min worker came and place food on the glass table which is placed infront of couch..
I sat on couch I called him there, he came.

We finished our lunch without talking with eachother, I tried to talk but this stubborn man

After sometime

How much time he'll gonna ignore me? I sigh.
I noticed mingyu came.

"Heyy buddy" he gave me side hug he sat beside me

"Hey Taehyung what are you doing here?" mingyu asked him but Hyung said nothing.

" I told him" mingyu smirked toward me

"Got it" mingyu shut his mouth when I glared at him, he came near my ear and said.

"You were jealous right?"

"No" why I would be jelaous.

" Bro your husband is scary he is giving me death glares" mingyu again said in low voice. I noticed his face he was looking Angry literally he can kill anyone by his dark eyes this eyes feel femilar like yesterday

"Shut your mouth and leave or he'll kill you by those scary eyes" I laughed little

mingyu left..

Taehyung pov

What the fuck they both were talking?
It's 8pm everyone from this shift is going..

"Hyung can I come with you?" He asked cutely


" My car is in garage for repairing I didn't bought car" he was looking cutely at my eyes..
So cute

" Someone already asked me for lift" suddenly his expression changed

"Who? I know Lia right, ok then if I came late then it's not fault"

Without saying anything I came in parking.

"Mr handsome can I come with you?"
She asked

" Sorry miss actually today sir didn't bought his car so he is coming with me" I told her

"No problem" she left

I was waiting for Jungkook when I noticed someone suddenly my heartbeat Increased I can't face him..
I saw him.. after so many years he is same..
I went toward him.. he didn't noticed me he was about to sit in car before that I hugged him tightly.
He Flinched but said nothing

" How are you joonie Hyung?" He said nothing just pushed me little

" You here " he just said 2 words. He tried to ignore me

"Are you still Angry on me?" I asked

" I'm late" he said before he can go I hold his hand

" You can't go.. I missed you" he gave me fake laughed

"For real?"

"You are my bestfriend Namjoon Hyung why you are talking like this " he suddenly hold my colar

"BESTFRIEND? I WAS NEVER YOUR BESTFRIEND" he yelled at me.. i know I'm at fault

" You believe or not but truth is truth"
I said looking at his eyes


"You also know why I did"

" Wow.. you threw me out of your life when you needed me most.."

"I know, I know"

"What you know?"

"J-jin h-hyung"

"What jin Hyung I would made him understand but you.. why I'm even bringing past here"

"Why you came here?" I tried to change topic

" Jin work here so I came here to drop him...umm.. what are you doing here?"

"I work here" he gave me unbelievable look

" What?"

" You Heard right I work here"

"You missed me right?"

"I forgot you already just today I saw you" I can caught his lies

"Liar jin Hyung told me that you miss me" he said nothing

"Hmm I'm going"

"Listen-- actually.. I married" he faced me

"Congratulations" he said coldly

He left..
I know he still love me.. Love me as Bestfriend he is hurt cause I was hurt
I don't know when I'll able to make everything alright

I took log breath.
I felt hand on my shoulder

"Why you are still here?" It was Jungkook

"I think you want to go alone"

" No--no "I took bike

" Sit" he sat behind me.. he held my waist

"This waist and this man both are mine" he mumbled but I heard it.. I smiled

--to be continue

Next chap

"What happened?" Jungkook asked with shocked eyes when he saw blood was dripping from Taehyung hand ..

" One truck was about to hit him" Lia said


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