chap 12

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Jungkook pov

'It's first time that he didn't came in my cabin am I missing this?'

" Let's go Jungkook to your husband" I said to myself maybe, i started to accept him as my husband.

I saw him from far he was working silently. I wanted to go to him, so I took some files in my hand and went toward him.

"Mr kim" I called him softly.

" Yes sir" he said in extreme cold voice for first time.

" Complete this all files" I handed him all file's

" Ok" again cold.. argue with me like always why so silent and cold
I realised he is HURT...
It 8.30 as today was some pending work it took me half over everyone gone maybe from this shift now everyone was working they were night shift employees.
'Maybe Taehyung Hyung is Also gone?'

I came out of my cabin my eyes fell on him he was working.

" Mr kim why you are still here" I asked he never like to work more than his time

" My work is still not complete sir" again cold voice.

"Do it Tommorow let's go home" I said being worried

" You go I'll come after completing this.. "he was sounding so different than usual.

I saw out of window weather was not good

"Hyung it's 8.30 and weather is Also not good" I said in worried tone.

" We are in office sir" he laughed bitterly "and one more thing don't pretend that you care for me" he said rudly.

"Ok then do whatever you want I don't care" I angrily left from there.

Jungkook angrily left both are egoistic their ego is more than anything

All day Taehyung ignored Jungkook .
He was hurt from Jungkook s words the words were roaming in his mind..
He was thinking Jungkook also want a rich person like everyone..
Then Jungkook gave him work he wanted to show Jungkook that he can also be rude cold like Jungkook or more than him but at same time he didn't wanted to hurt younger bad. He knew younger can't able to take his ignorance.

Taehyung was working in office with night shift people it was almost done he sighed.

"Fuck" he groaned leaning on his back seat. He was tired by sitting whole day on one place.

" It's 10 fuck" he again sighed looking at his watch.. his back was aching so much.

" This is the hardest work" he said to himself..

He was about to stand up when everything turned black.

"Shitt!! What happened now" he was confused he couldn't see anyone because of darkness he stumbled on his place cause he was not able to see anything because of dark.

Before he could say anything he Heard " Heyy guy's don't panic it's just electricity cut" everyone sighed when one of employee said.

Taehyung wiped a little sweat from his forehead.. he was still on Jungkook's words. He was hurt.

" Thank god" he sighed in relief when finally light came.

He saw outside weather was not good but still he have to go he can't stay here.

" Looking like it will rain anytime" he thought.. he stumbled little when he felt hand on his shoulder

"Tae" he heard a similar voice he was about to see the person but before that the person embrace him in tight hug

CEO HUSBAND (taekook ff) ✓Where stories live. Discover now