chap 55🔞

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At night Taehyung woke up with his dark eyes.. he saw his husband beside him who is sleeping. He kissed Jungkook's forhead and smiled.

He got up and wore his t-shirt he saw time "4" he brushed his hairs..
His eyes turned dark like he will k!ll someone by this..
He came out of house he put his gun in pant pockets.
He sat on his bike where he is going?
Ohm blinked his eyes while struggling his wrist to get free but no use the rope was tied tightly. he looked towards the stairs and see a man walking down on them while humming a song. he was pretty curtain who the person is of course he is none other than the king "Kim Taehyung".

Taehyung walked closer to ohm being carefree you can't really tell by looking at his face that he was angry. he doesn't seems like but ofcourse the silence before the Storm is louder than the Storm it's self. ohm gulp a lump in his throat. he couldn't even beg for his life his mouth was closed by a stupid cloth which was in reality pretty weak. if his hands were free he could just rip it apart but ofcourse time is the strongest it can make the weak things the most powerful, it's just about how to use them and "when" you use them.

Taehyung came behind his chair putting his veiny hands on his shoulder gripping it tight and whispers in his ear.

"So what your pretty little mouth said about my love?" Taehyung asked in his heavy voice which seems calm very calm but it makes ohm shiver on his place he knows he is fvcked.

Taehyung pulled gun out and placed it on his temples, ohm closed his eyes in fear soon he gets to hear a crisp sound ohm exactly know it was the safety button which was no longer on.

"Pretty.............. Boring" Taehyung said as he tile his head and dropped the gun on the floor which made a loud sound in the empty basement there were more people but they were not less then must they don't talk unless they were allowed to or rather it's important.

Taehyung came in front of him his eyes are piercing the soul of the other man who was helpless not even in the state to move but rather just to bear whatever was coming for him.

"Can I have a kn!fe it might a little more interesting" Taehyung said with a wide smirk.

The orders the followed soon one the man bring him a sh@rp kn!fe along with the pair of gloves Taehyung took the gloves and kn!fe and wore them while looking at the eyes of ohm which were now speaking more than him mouth even could they were beginning even tho is not curtain what is coming for him but still he knows is in a WORST state right now.

"What you call my love? "Slut" huh?" Taehyung question as he raised his one eyebrow as he tap his feet on the concrete floor, it should consider a miracle that ohm haven't peed in his pants but still to build up tears in his eyes he desires to say a lot but little he knows there is nothing left to say.

"You say that by your t•ngue" the speed of tapping his feet increase at the same time tears fell from the other man's eyes Taehyung could hear the silent sobs for the f0rcefully closed mouth, he walked closer to him and grabbed his chin and gave him a sweet smile which rather look evil which it is.

"Why are you crying for? I haven't even done anything......... darling" it took Taehyung few more seconds to uttering the last word he clearly know he doesn't deserve it but of course it feels nice to tease.

"artery forceps" Taehyung said as he opened the palm of his hand to get what he wants soon he felt the cold metal though the rubber if the gloves, he smirk.

"Open his fvcking mouth" Taehyung commanded and of course it gets fulfilled within a second the man opened his mouth by the help of a gag and the other one held his hair pulling his head backwards to give enough space to do the work properly.

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