chap 20

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Jungkook pov

When he came I felt happy.. I was waiting for Tae Hyung he and me were talking
'he is cheesy and flirty..'
When I saw mingyu woh after 5 years..
The feeling when you meet your best friend after long..
I have only 2..3 friends they are my comfort zone and mingyu is one of them..

I hugged him tightly just we use to do in clg day's it's pure friendship..
But but then I felt a strong and dominant gaze on me..
It was him.
I ignored it..
But he was glaring at mingyu like he will eat him alive..
He was looking like he is jealous
He again talked in cold tone which I hate most..
He was looking Angry
He banged cabin door harshly..
mingyu was looking at me weirdly

"He is your emplyee right?" mingyu asked me..

"Y-yes" why did I shutterd ?' Should I tell him truth he is my friend he should know..'

"Bro I think something is wrong with him" mingyu said.

" What do you mean?"

"He was glaring at me dangerously like he will kill me by his eyes.. I somehow ignored it " mingyu said While wiping his sweat
I took water and gulped it in one go.

" I think he Love you" I choked on water.
I coughed little.. I was unable to say anything

" Now don't act like you don't know"
mingyu said while rolling his eyes.

" It's clear in his eyes" he noticed it 'does anyone can see love in his eyes for me? '
'It makes me feel special'

" Come with me let's have coffee"
I said ignoring topic.


We came out of my cabin we were passing through passage.
I felt my blood boiled after seeing the scene infront of me..
Suddenly I felt unknown feeling and Anger.

I saw Lia bending little on his desk..
He was talking with her..
They were looking so close like she'll gonna sit on his lap
'see he don't have any problem' I gritted my teeth and rushed toward them.

They were looking so close like she'll gonna sit on his lap'see he don't have any problem' I gritted my teeth and rushed toward them

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"Wow mr kim" I clapped.. Lia stood up properly he was not looking at me..
His face was cold.

" Pls tell me one thing you both you come here for work or for gossips..
I don't pay you guy's for this.
Do whatever you want to do after office.."

"Am I clear!?" Lia nodded his face was expressionless.

"Hey Jungkook calm down dude they were just talking" he was trying to calm my anger..
I myself don't know why I became this much Angry.

" It's ok sir now I'm used to" he said rudly..
I clenched my jaw hard.

"Hey bro don't call me sir.. our age is same call me by name or whatever you want" mingyu said.. I didn't liked when he called sir to mingyu .

" Let's go from here" I held mingyu's hand infront of him intentionally..
He was staring at me I can sense
He stares were enough to scare me little

We came in cafeteria...

" He is scary" mingyu said we took seats

" How dare she to talk with him this much closely" I mumbled..

" He is all yours then why you are boiling your blood" mingyu said causally what the fuck he said?

"What?!" I asked with shocked face

" He is your husband he is all your" 'how does he know? '

" How yo--" I was about to ask he cut me by his words..

" You are thinking how I knew? So hear, I went in your house earlier but you were not at home.. so uncle told me about your marriage.. but he didn't told who is the person he said he works as your employee..
But I confirm after seeing him how much he loves you his eyes are enough to scream" after hearing everything somehow I was feeling proud of being his husband.. a kim Jungkook

" You bastard you didn't invite me."

" Sorry this marriage was only between his and my parents"

" It's ok you possesive husband of mr Taehyung" why I was feeling shy after hearing Taehyungs husband from his mouth.

" I'm not possesive" I cleared..

" I know you are not" he gave me done expression what does he meant by this?

" Ok now I'm taking leave, I'll come tommorow "

" Ok by" he went
Im feeling relief now.. but still I was Angry..
I came in my cabin..
My breath stucked when I felt Someone pinned me to the cabin door..

" What is this behaviour me kim" I asked with straight face he was too close with me.. I was feeling his body pressed with mine
He was looking Angry and pissed..

" Ask yourself kim Jungkook" he said deeply sending shivers in my body

" What I did?" I asked staring at his eyes which were burning like fire..

He came more closer to me.. even there was no space his nose was touching with mine..
His hand was on my waist..
One hand on door.

He punched the door beside my head I closed my eyes.
I opend my eye  'I can't be weak..'
I made eye contact Looking at his eyes straightly.. same as him.

" I'm not your husband here in office."
I pushed him little..
His dominant side was something

" Do whatever you want" he said Angrily and left from there
I ran my fingers from my hairs
I kicked the door lightly

--to be continue


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