chap 2

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"kim taehyung " taehyung said confidentially with soft smile.

Ceo cleched his jaw without looking at the male who was standing infront of him. He was still reading file " if you want to stay here for long so obey my orders and don't break my rules " ceo said while raising his head but just take one look at taehyung with judging eyes.

Taehyung just gave a single node..
" You can start work from today.." jungkook said with cold tone but taehyung was looking little confusing he was really not prepared cause he thought if they choosed him he will start from tomorrow.

" jeo-- I mean sir " jungkook raised his one eyebrow while taping his one foot on floor.

" What but? mr kim It's your first day and from Starting you are be like this"
taehyung remained silence..
He didn't like the attitude of ceo.

" You can go from here now..ask Lia she will show you where you are working from today "

Taehyung left from there.

" This face of this middle class people.. I love it but this person is something it will be fun " ceo thought this in mind with a Rudy smirk on his lips.


Taehyung pov

'Where is Lia?' I was finding her from 10 min.. "sit down tae she'll come"
I said to myself.

Then finally she came toward me waving her hand.. gosh she was too much.
She was calling me mr.handsome from morning ahh!! I didn't wanted be rude but she was annoying.

" Heyy handsome " she said I smiled at her but my smile was forced.

" Miss can you pls show me my desk "
I asked.. what she is trying to do she was smiling too much.
I walked behind her.

" This one is yours " she said.
" Thank you " I said with smile and sighed.

She went I was still thinking what just happened in his cabin he is too rude ass.. challenging me baby it will be fun to break your this shitty attitude.

When I enter in cabin I couldn't believe on my eyes how can someone be this much beautiful and that to a boy. his those cheeks and kissable lips he was looking like angel until he spoke " sir it's sir " his that word.

He was looking younger than me that was the reason I called him mr.jeon but he was to rude 'what he think himself!!'
Argh kim taehyung like to break those spoiled millionaires bitchy attitude ( smirk )

'one thing I'll not gonna lie you can say I have crush on him on my first day fuck' It will be fun to annoy him.
'people must be Thinking him daddy material but I saw he is baby behind that cold mask.'
The fuck what I was even thinking
'Let's go let's annoy this coldie baby '
I came toward his cabin I saw him working like this.
O god!!

O god!!

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CEO HUSBAND (taekook ff) ✓Where stories live. Discover now