chap 13

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In House

Jungkook made dinner for him and Taehyung.. he was feeling guilty too much guilty and scared

" Shit" Jungkook  let it out when he heard loud thunder he closed his eyes putting hands on ear

Suddenly his body Shivered thinking about Taehyung it's been 2 hours since he was waiting for Taehyung..

He was sweating too much he was just looking at door hoping elder will come now it's s not like he care or he do?? Who knows?

" Where the fuck are you? I told you come and what you said huu?? I pretend that I care for you" Jungkook  was thinking everything while walking in home it was looking like he don't want to sit.

Thunder became loud and loud scaring him more and more he was scared not for himself but for Taehyung

"Pls come fast" Jungkook said closing his eyes putting his hand on his chest hearing his own heartbeat.

"Ahh" he literally scremed when everything went black that means power cut..

" The fuck why he is taking this much time ?" He was looking so worried like he will cry anytime but why? Just for his employee?

He couldn't see anything he was finding his mobile on couch.. he tried to call Taehyung but his phone was coKimg unreachable.. he finally found his phone he sighed in relief.

He turn on his torch he saw battery only 5 percentage means his phone will dead anytime so he went toward kichen.

He was finding candle 🕯️ and he found " thank god " windows were making sounds but he was not scared for this he was scared for Taehyung.

His phone was dead till now he came in living room candle in his hand..
He scared little when suddenly door opend he closed his eyes in fear but he took relief breath when he saw the person was Taehyung..

He wanted to run toward Taehyung hugging him tightly.. wanted to tell him how much he was feeling worried and scared but something was stoping him..

He noticed Taehyung who was standing on door he went toward him..
He can just stare at him he already lost his breath.

Taehyung was standing there all socked white shirt was all see through
His body was lighting in deem candle light.. Jungkook s Mouth was hung up by looking at Taehyung..

He never imagined this he wanted to ask but words was like stucked in his Thorat..

"H-hyung" he tried to say.. he tried to make eye contact with Taehyung but Taehyung ignored it.

This Taehyung was looking the hottest for Jungkook .. unknowingly Jungkook's eyes went in Taehyung's muscular chest and abs he never thought Taehyung's body is this much well built.. blood stoped running in his body and stucked on his cheeks..

The sight was to hot for him he just forgot that Taehyung just came all way being wet and socked in rain he was too busy at staring at him and Taehyung was like he don't even give fuck..

Jungkook's eyes went on floor which was wet little by Taehyung cause water was dripping from his body.. he was shivering little.

" Can you give me towel" Taehyung asked coldly it did hurt Jungkook .. cause Taehyung never behaved like this with him

Jungkook  was thinking that he hurted bad .." can I get towel please" Taehyung again asked while clenching his jaw looking more hot

"O-ok i-im sorry.. wait a min" Jungkook  said being embarrassed Taehyung noticed that.

" Beautiful" the only thing Taehyung thought when Jungkook went to get him towel the way Jungkook was looking so beautiful holding candle in his cute hand..

'He is cute until he open his mouth..'
Taehyung smirked thinking about Jungkook s reaction the way he reacted.

He again managed cold face when he saw Jungkook  came..

Jungkook was about to wipe Taehyungs hair but before that Taehyung snatched towel from Jungkook .

" I can do this" Taehyung again said coldly

"I was just h-help" Jungkook  tried to say

" No need" Taehyung denied him harshly

Rain was not in mood to stop and light also didn't wanted to come...
Taehyung was wiping his hairs when a loud voice of thunder echoed in house making Jungkook  scared he automatically shifted toward Taehyung

Jungkook puted his hand on Taehyungs shoulder and head on his chest eyes closed in fear..

Taehyung's heart was jumping but still he didn't changed his cold expressions after Minute Jungkook pulled out being embarrassed..

He raised his face to look at Tae just to lock his eyes with him...
Everything was romantic...
Taehyung was staring at Jungkook's lips and his eyes...

Taehyungs leaned closer slowly slowly Jungkook  Also gave up closing his eyes but Taehyung left him *cough*

"I'm going to change" Taehyung said akwardly changing topic.

Taehyung sneezed that means he caught cold..Jungkook s cheeks were looking red..

He thought to prepare dinner and thank god light also came.

He was sitting on dinning table waiting for Taehyung.

" Why he is taking this much time ? "
Time passed he don't know when he slept on dinning table unknowingly..
Suddenly he woke up by loud voice of thunder he felt pain in his neck he realised that he slept on dinning table he noticed time it's 2 at night..

He laughed bitterly.

"See Jungkook  he didn't came " he put all food in freze

He came in room he saw Taehyung was sleeping

"Didn't even bothered to check on me" he said to himself " but why I'm even expecting?" he asked to himself

--to be continue


Hey wamily 💓
Don't forget to comment actually it's my first time trying something about taekook so support me

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