chap 10

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They both wre returning toward home fighting like Tom and Jerry..
Jungkookwas too nervous but he was not showing it infront of taehyung. He didn't wanted to look weak infront of him.

They finally reached

They finally reached

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Jungkook pov

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Jungkook pov

'Wohh this house is so beautiful I Never thought just like I used to imagine in childhood but I can't tell this bastard.'

I was really tired.. I was feeling so sleepy.

" Baby we reached" the fuck -baby-? Me? Argh!! ' I have eyes I can see we reached' I rolled my eyes on him.

" Don't roll your eyes like this I can roll them in different type" suddenly a pink flesh spread over my cheeks 'what is happening with me I'm dirty minded or he meant this?'
'What I'm thinking?'

" Our house " he said with smirk before throwing himself on Couch..

" You called house" I laughed little even I liked still I wanted to say this.

" What do you mean??" He asked.

" I mean so small " I said looking over house.. I could see disappointment on his face did I disappointed him by my words?

Suddenly he stood up infront of me with straight face.

" I'm not rich like you so I can't afford mansion like you " he said mockingly I did hurt him?

" Whatever.. and one more thing I'm your boss so stay in limits don't think I'll change just cause you are my husband now " I said rudly.

Suddenly he pushed me on couch coming really close to me my heartbeat was not normal.

He suddenly Hovered over me I was feeling damn nervous but safe as same time.

" This is my house kim Jungkook so I'm boss here so it's better to hear me here" he said in his deep husky voice sending shivers..' kim kinda suits on me' heck what I thought.
I never thought my employee can make me like this? fuck his face was too close..
I didn't wanted to look small or scared but what should I do I was all silent while he was hovering over me on couch.

"Understood?" I was confused for some sec his duality is no joke.

"I- " why words were not coming? Because he was to close staring at me making sinful holes.

"From now you have to stay here kim Jungkook" he again leaned toward me this time close to my lips.
'I'll not let this happen what he think?'
I pushed him little and coughed. I was to akward akward.

" Where is my room" I managed my cold tone.

" Your room? Correction our room" again smirk. I gritted my teeth internally.

" I'll not gonna stay with you.. in same room.. you are pervert" I mumbled last two words.

" First thing as you know this House is small so here is only one room" he said with smirk I'll not stay with him what if he tried no.. no " so you have no chance mr "

"Pervert" I again mumbled but he heard it.
He came closer to me.

" Wanna know how much pervert I'm? I can show you" he said with cocky smirk while biting his lips. fuck? I was feeling so small infront of him.

" W-where is room?" I asked.

" Upstairs one and only room" now he was smiling like just mad. he was flirting with me.

Taekooks room

I came in room

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I came in room. room was beautiful well stayed by Mr kim i never thought this lazy man like neet and clean thing's.

I really didn't had energy not even to set my clothes..
I dropped my luggages beside closet.

" kim taehyung have good choice" unknowingly words left from my mouth after looking at room but I widden my eyes when--

"Yes I have good choice that's why I choosed you " hell!! he listened me without saying anything I went in bathroom.

Taehyung pov

'O my god how cute he is.. pretend how much you want that you are cold only I know the real face behind this mast I'll bring that old boy back'

'Sometimes he say very harsh and rude he have foul mouth but he is really innocent by heart..'

The way he went in bathroom without saying anything.. yes i heard he was saying i have good choice

'He behave so cute sometimes..
I can't control myself his those pouty plumy lips.. chubby cheeks I want to bite them so hard '

He came out of bathroom towel on neck wet hairs.. baggy shirt with night pant.. he was looking so tiny and cute Looking like mine

I was literally staring at him like manic and he noticed it.

" Why are you staring at me?"
' If you'll look this much beautifull how can't I?'
I was thinking the only thing how he will look with my bite-- heck what I was thinking.

" N-nothing I was just waiting.. I.. mean I'm going to take shower.. you sleep be comfortable" i said with smile the I came out of my horney thoughts.
I came after shower i saw he slept already I smiled unknowingly.

" How cute" only words came from my mouth.

I came toward him some hair's strands were blocking my way I tugged them behind his ear..
I sat beside him
I was caressing his face.. my eye's fell in his jusy red lips. I unknowingly leaned toward him I don't know what came in me I was about to kiss when I realised 'no I can't do this without his permission..'
I kissed his forehead.. and laid myself beside him.

I was thinking what just happened in this day's I never thought I'll be able to make him mine soon I'll make him fall for me.

I don't know when I slept...

---to be continued

Next chap

Jungkook opend the door he was in guilt he hurted elder by his words
He freezed on his place when he saw elder was all socked in water Looking very hot but he enter in room ignoring younger


Hey wamily 💓

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