chap 40

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Author pov

Namjoon and Taehyung both cried hugging each other.
The bitterness between them, from years looks likes they forgot it, when they met.

"I'm still mad at you Tae." Namjoon pulled out from hug while Wiping his eyes.

"I know it was my fault.." Taehyung  looked down. He tried to sit proper but he hissed in pain which he felt in his stomach..

"Tae you ok?" "Tae baby" worried Namjoon and mrs Kim asked.

"I'm ok mom and namjoon Hyung" Taehyung  gave smile. Jungkook was noticing everything with teary eyes, standing in corner thinking he is no one here.
No one know what conversations happened between Taekook so they didn't had any idea they were thinking Jungkook talked with Taehyung before them.

"Tae I need proper explanation.. why you did that with me really tell me I was nothing for you?"

"I'll tell you everything Hyung" Taehyung gave smile. Jungkook was also standing there, Taehyung  noticed him.

"Yoongi Hyung so you'll not gonna hug me?" Taehyung asked.
Yoongi went toward Taehyung to hug him.

"Sorry Tae I left from there if I was there--" but Yoongi got gut by.

"Shh yoongi Hyung it's not your fault.." it was looking like they all meeting with each other and Jungkook was standing like ghost he don't know what is happening.. the only thing was running in his Kimd that how can his love forget him?

They were too busy in talking so nurse came..

"You all leave petient alone now.. let him rest only one person is allowed to stay" after saying this nurse left..

"Tae now take rest baby call me if you need something" mrs Kim kissed her son's forhead lovingly before going out.
Everyone left one by one leaving Taehyung and Jungkook alone who is still standing on one place.

Taehyung noticed him.

"Are you gonna stay There forever, mr?" Taehyung asked with cold voice.

"N-no i-im l-leaving.. s-sorry" Jungkook said while looking down with blurry vision.

He took some stapes forward it seems like his legs don't want to move. He wants to hug Taehyung so tight crying on his chest telling how much he love him.

Lastly he decided to go out cause he didn't wanted to breakdown himself infront of Taehyung who now don't remember him.

He pulled door slightly..
He paused on his place when he heard.

"So you are leaving your husband Kim Jungkook?" He can't believe what he heard or he is just hearing things now.
He faced Taehyung.
He saw the way Taehyung was looking at him innocently.

"W-what y-you s-said..!?" He asked not believing on his ears

"I said are you leaving me, mr coldie?" Taehyung smiled. And that's it Jungkook cried hard. He ran toward Taehyung practically jumping on him hugging so tightly like like someone gonna snatch Taehyung from him.

" r-rem..member m-me?" He asked while crying hard, burring his face in Taehyung's neck.

"How can I forget my husband?" Taehyung let it out small chuckle.

Jungkook made his palm in small fist and hit on Taehyung's chest

"Ouch it hurts" Taehyung said while chuckling. It was not hurting really.

"I.. h..hate" Jungkook cried more.
Now Taehyung  was feeling bad doing this prank.
He just thought one thing dumb ways to die.

"Sorry.." Taehyung rubbed Jungkooks back. Cause he was still crying.

"FUCK YOUR SORRY" Jungkook pulled out angily. He wiped his tears harshly suddenly his expressions turned cold.

"I'm sorry please.. I'll not do this again" only JungkookKnow how cute Taehyung  sounding right now.

"DON'T TALK TO ME" Jungkook Said in cold voice.

"I'm sorry for my stupid prank please." Taehyung got no answer from Jungkook.

After 15 Min of silence.. Jungkook finally let it out.
His eyes again became teary after thinking how much he was worried and scared that Taehyung forgot him

"You know I t-thought.." his voice cracked. " I thought you forgot me.. you know how much I cried.." Taehyung cupped Jungkooks face.

"In really sorry please.. I'll do whatever you'll say for forgiveness.." some tears came from Taehyung's eyes too seeing Jungkook's this state. He never thought his stupid plan will affect on Jungkook life this.

"You were not opening eyes.. I was scared.. i didn't knew what to do.. I was alone I called namjoon Hyung thank god he came.." Jungkook told everything to Taehyung like child tell to his mother when he is hurt.

"Sorry baby beacuse of me.. are you hurt somewhere Jungkookie?" Taehyung asked worriedly scanning Jungkooks boys.

"I'm ok.. but your wound is deep.. is it hurting?" Jungkook asked sitting very close to Taehyung, checking his wound on head.

"Not it's not hurting.." Taehyung 
gave smile. But he hissed in pain when Jungkook touched his head.

"Liar" they both laughed. They attached Their forhead together.

"I'm sorry again pls forgive me.." Taehyung  asked with close eyes.

"I'll think about this mr I'll take my revenge" Jungkook said while pulling.
He faced wall ignoring Taehyung who was seating beside him.

"Oyy Jungkookaa please.." Taehyung  got no answer.
Taehyung was just cursing himself cause how stupid he can be?

Jungkook was noticing Taehyung  from corner of his eyes but not showing it to Taehyung .
Jungkook immediately faced Taehyung  when he saw Taehyung  was trying to lay properly but he hissed.

"You should have tell me" Jungkook made Taehyung lay.

"But you are not talking with me" Taehyung was sounding sulky

"It's me who should be mad not you" Jungkook gave glare.

"I said sorry many times and still saying please don't stop to talk with me" Jungkook wanted to smile at his husband who was behaving cute now, which is not his personality not after he saw him fighting alone with all men's. Only Jungkook know how fucking hot he was looking that time.

"I'm not accepting your sorry now take rest.. tell me if you need something ok.." Jungkook rolled Taehyung's shirt little upward to see wound which was now covered in big white bandage.

"Is is hurting?" he touched softly.. very softly not wanting to hurt him.
Taehyung  smiled, At his coldie who never cared about anyone and see him now.

"It's not hurting don't worry" Jungkook leaned toward Taehyung's face.
Taehyung closed his eyes he thought Jungkook is going to kiss him on lips he felt pair of lips on his forehead. He opened his eyes just to see his ceo husband Smirking.

--to be continued


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