chap 43

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At evening

Jungkook pov

Hyung already went outside of room being all ready.
I came out of room wearing a silky transparent shirt which is to smooth sliding from my shoulder. I paired shirt with black skinny jeans.
I saw myself in mirror
'I can't believe'
'It's me??'
'I never wear this type of clothes. I only wear formal clothes.'
'This shirt is looking fucking sexy thanks to jin Hyung.'
I set my hairs exposing my forhead.
I can see my collarbone perfectly from this shirt.
I smirked.
Now it will be fun Hyung you played with me now it's my turn.

Taehyung pov

I was waiting for him..
'why he is taking much time?'
Jin Hyung and jimin also came I saw my brother and bestfriend almost fainting after looking at their husbands.
I gave them disgusting reaction.

"You both are overreacting now" They both rolled their eyes.

"Let's see your reaction now" yoongi Hyung gave me smirk.
What does he mean?

I saw Jungkook coming from room I almost lost my breath

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I saw Jungkook coming from room I almost lost my breath.
'He is unreal!!'
' Damn I can't take it.'
'He can be reason of my death.'
His shirt which was showing his perfect collarbone. Shirt was sliding from his shoulders.
So sexy. He never wear this type of clothes.
He was coming there wearing this no I don't want people to drool over him.
My mouth was parted already.
I felt someone patting my shoulder from so long.

I felt someone patting my shoulder from so long

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"What!!" I came out from my thoughts.

"What happened now we were overreacting then what about you huh?" Are they teasing me?
I ignored them.

"Jin Hyung jimin how I'm looking" He asked them

"O my god you looking like angel" "Jungkooka I can't believe it's you it's like it's someone with your face" we laughed.
Jimin was right no one saw him like this

I tried to talk with him but he ignored.
What the!! Doing on purpose.
I can't tell you after looking at him I just want to slam him hardly and kiss him.

"O my god Jungkooka you looking so beautiful" Mom kissed his Forhead.

My brother and bestfriend talking with their husbands and here mine angry bird is still angry.

"Jungkookaa" I went behind him

"What!!" I cupped his face

"You looking beautiful" I said looking at his eyes.

"I didn't ask you.. and I know I'm looking sexy" He winked at me lastly. It's not him!! Who is he? Where is my coldie Rudy baby.
I don't know him!!

"Let's go boys we are late" whole ride i tried to approach him but he..
You wait kim Jungkook you'll get for ignoring me..
I smirked.
Something was in my kimd.

We finally came.
We congrats bride and groom.
Jungkook was totally comfortable here with Jin Hyung and jimin that's what I wanted.
I was just staring at him like a psycho lover.

"Attention!! attention!!" Host caught everyone's attention.

"We are playing some couples games so please pay attention." I smirked and went toward him. I held his hand.

"What are you doing?"

"Holding my husbands hand any problem?" He said nothing but I know internally he was happy.

"So first game is husband will gonna stand in line and we will put blindfold on their wife's eyes.. wife's will Guess their husbands by touching hands" sounds interesting.

"yoongi Hyung come we will participate"
yoonmin is also participating.

"Jinnie let's go" namjin Also went. I was about to ask him before that he dragged me there holding my hand.
I smiled widely.

Soon they tied blindfold on their eyes.
They switched our positions..
I was standing on 5 number.. Namjoon Hyung and yoongi Hyung on 13 and 15.

Some wife's came but they couldn't guess.. now it was Jungkook's turn.
I don't know but my heart was beating fast will he Able to guess me?
He touch many people hand but he walked forward until he touched my hand. He smiled when he held my hand. he hugged me.
Everyone clapped for us.
I opened his tie.

"So first person who Guess correctly is mr Jungkook" we clapped.
After us jin Hyung and jimin Also guessed right.

"Now it's paper folding game" host gave instructions.
'I can't take my eyes from him.'
'He is looking so gorgeous'
Everyone was looking at him.

We stood on paper. Soon music started and we both moved our body together. I put my hand on his waist and his hand on my shoulder.

Music stopped and we folded our paper..
Many couples lost now it's just me yoonmin and  namjin.

"You can do it my boys" We chuckled after hearing mom's voice.

Music stopped and jin Hyung lost balance and they are also out.

We folded paper more. Now I picked him in arms he widden his eyes. He wrapped his hands around my neck.

"Why you picked me?" He asked me.

"There is no place you can't stand so I picked you" I replied.

He is looking at me.
"Can I kiss you?" I asked in flirty tone and he widden his eyes.

"Shut up" he hit me softly with his palm. He suddenly realised something.

"You leave me.. you are injured.. your wound"

"Don't panic baby.. I'm ok" We heard clapping voice.. yoonmin Also out and we are the Winner.
He smiled widely.
'We won..'
I made him stand softly.

"We won Hyung" He unknowingly Hugged me.

"But you were ignoring me!!" He smirked and pulled out.

"Thankyou for reminding me." Everyone was looking at us lovingly.
Soon we were done with this function.
Mom dad said they met some relatives so they will come in hour we all 3 couple left for home.

When we reached in room first thing I did was pinning him to the wall.

"You did your second mistake" I said in dark voice. He looks scared.

"What I did?" He asked.

"You ignored me.. so you deserve punishment" I smirked. For my surprise he circled his hands on my neck looking at my eyes straight.

"So you yourself want me to ruin you? Don't you?" I pulled him from nap

--to be continued


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