chap 48

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Jungkook pov

I widden my eyes when Mr jung ran toward him and hugged him
How they know each other?
'I know I'm possessive for him I don't like when he hug someone..'

I was damn confused they parted away from tight hug..

"You both know each other?" I asked with confused expression.

They both were to busy in each other my question got ignored..

"Don't hug me.. you know I don't like it" It was Tae Hyung who whined..

"Are you Angry?" Mr jung asked.

"Ofcourse you didn't came in my marriage" Tae Hyung hit his arm.. he never talked with me like this..

"I'm sorry"

"Okok" finally they can see mee..

"I'm sorry mr kim.i got along " He smiled with his sunshine smile.. when I made eye contact with Hyung, he made his face cold again.

"Mr jung take seat.." We three sat on couch mr jung and Hyung infront of me"

"So I was asking you both know eachother?" I couldn't hold myself and I asked again.

"Yes we know each other" he flashed biggest smile.

"How?" I asked i saw him drinking water.

"He is my bf" what!!! I saw him splitting water out of mouth while coughing.. I stood up

"You ok?" I rubbed his back.. while rubbing his back I gave him death glares.

"Mr kim don't take me wrong I meant bestfriend by bff" he laughed.. he allmost took my life. "And I know he is your husband " I smiled when he mentioned husband.

"Mr kim--" before he can complete I cut him by

"Call me jungkook.. you are hyungs friend and elder than me so.." he smiled.

"Same with you Jungkook call me hobi.. hoseok what you want"

"Hyung will be good" we smiled.

"Jungkook can I ask you one thing?" Hobi Hyung asked.

"Ofcourse" I saw him staring at me coldly.. i know he is angry on me.

"Can I take Tae with me? For today actually we are meeting after many days"

"Ofcourse you guys can go" I smiled but from inside my possessive self.

"It will be good if you joind us" he want me to come with them?
Before I can say-

"No hobi Hyung he don't like this and he have lots of words" It hurts you are this much Angry on me?

"H-he is right hobi Hyung you guys carry on.. we can go any other day I have one more meeting today " they went from here..
I tapped my foot on floor..

Taehyung POV

We came in parking..
'I'm Jerk always make him sad how his face became sad when I said he doesn't like he can't come.. I hate myself..'
'But this dumb hobi'

I was in my thoughts when I got slap on my back..

"What!?" I angrily looked back.

"Don't tell me he don't know about you" hobi glared at me deadly.. it was like he came in his aura..

"That's why I said he can't come.. we have to find that bastard who wants to kill me.. i don't care about myself but I do for him." I put my hands in pocket..
'I'll find him at any cost.'

"Now let's go we are late.. we should go to that place first we have chances to get proof.." I saw hobi Hyung Sitting in car..

"Hey wait!! Don't you wanna have bike ride with me? It's been long" I smirked.

"You and your bike.. let's go" I wore helmate he sat on backside..

"I got information where they burried suzi? We can get his information or any clue from there He must have been coming there.." As hobi Hyung said I fasten my bike speed..

We came in graveyard.. i parked my bike outside..
We came and saw name 'kim Suzi' my eyes became numb she was good friend of mine.

We came and saw name 'kim Suzi' my eyes became numb she was good friend of mine

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I sat on my knees infront of her grave.

"Why you did that suzi? You loved me right? I told you you'll find someone good.. you was my good friend.." I said in low voice..

"Taehyung don't be emotional.." I heard hobi Hyung, who pat my shoulder..

"Sometimes I think her brother is not in fault too.. he had only her in this world and he lost her because of me" somehow it's truth

"Taehyung shut up.. what are you saying the person who almost killed you a years ago.. the person who Many times attacked you.. you thinking about him?" Hobi almost almost shouted.

"I'll find him.. " I said.

"Yes we came here to find him.. so we should focus on that" I came in my sense.. my emotions took over my mind but now Vs mind is back.

"Hobi Hyung I know we can find clue here.. " I sat on my knees infront of her grave.
Some one sparkling thing caught my attention.. it is under leafs..

"Hyung see what is here" hobi Hyung came toward me


I took the thing and it's locate.. "locket?" Hobi Hyung asked.


"It's her maybe cause you can see how securely it's tied up here" yeah it's her..

"Hope.. I seen it somewhere" yes I seen it but where?

"Really? Where" Hyung asked.

"I don't remember but I'm sure I seen same locket"

"It means you met her brother already?" I can't believe I met him already?

"I don't know maybe.." We were talking.. i was all silent when my ears caught a low sound of someone's foot..


"Shh Hyung someone is here.. someone is keeping eyes on us" I saw Hyung took his gun from his pocket.. I did same..

We both saw here and there.

"I'm sure someone is here" I told him..

"Let's find then.." we started to find.. i heard some voice from behind tree

"Sir he is here should we shoot?" So it's his man.. i pulled him holding his collar.. he fell on ground.

I stood up.. he punched on my face with gun.. gun hit on my forhead i felt little blood on my forhead like little cut.. my eyes turned dark.

I kicked on his stomach.. he again came and punched on my shoulder where my wound was still fresh.. now 'he is in my nerves..'
I punched him on face and just one puch and he was lying on ground
Hope came there..

"WHO ARE YOU?" I asked..

---to be continued


Hey wamily 💓

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