chap 14

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Jungkook was little sad cause first Taehyung never behaved cold with him he always talk with smiley face but this Taehyung was something.

Jungkook was in Guilt that he hurted Taehyung badly...
Jungkook thought Taehyung will talk with him after coming home but he was wrong infact Taehyung was looking more cold and Angry...

Jungkook waited for Taehyung on dinning table but Taehyung didn't came...
In mid night Jungkook woke up he realised he was still there.

He came in room he saw Taehyung was sleeping unknowingly he was hurt.

Without saying anything he slept beside Taehyung with safe distance

Morning 🌄

Jungkook pov

I opened my eyes... Suddenly my eyes fell on the sleeping figure he was looking so cute while sleeping..
I smiled unknowingly..

Who'll say this man was looking extremely hot yesterday

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Who'll say this man was looking extremely hot yesterday..
fuck!! What even I'm thinking I shouldn't But I can't deny he was giving Daddy vibes.

Hell!! What is wrong with me?? Am I mad?

I got up slowly I didn't wanted to wake him.
I tugged him with blanket.. it was first time I was looking at someone like this.

I went in bathroom I did my morning routine...
I was missing his talks the way he always find way to flirt with me
Maybe I show I don't like but internally I like it.

I came out " this lazy man" unknowingly words left from my mouth he was still sleeping.

'I know he'll come late.. cause mr husband is still sleeping.'
But I'll not gonna do anything nor I want to wake him up he looks cute while sleeping

I made breakfast for both of us..
Last time I came in room

"Why he is still sleeping?" I thought being worried..
I went toward him I was about to check him by touching his forehead but before that my phone runged I immediately left out of room cause I didn't wanted to wake him..

"Hello" I said it was Lia.

"Sir can you come early?" For what?

" Meeting actually they said they want to meet you now" she said it annoyed me.

" No arrenge after 2 days " I said coldly.

"S-sir" I clenched my jaw.

"Ok fine I'm cokimg" i was feeling annoyed and upset.


In office

Now I was sitting here with bad mood. The only person was roakimg in my kimd it was him.

It's 10 maybe he came??


Author pov

Taehyung was sitting on chair head on desk, eyes closed it was looking like he was feeling weak and sick..

His eyes were Feeling more heavy than usual.. his head was aching badly he was feeling like he'll faint anytime..

"Fuck! My head will gonna explode" he said in very low voice holding his head

He was sneezing continuously everyone was looking at him..
That's when Lia noticed him.

" Hey mr handsome what happened" she asked worriedly.

"Nothing" Taehyung said while raising his head.

" Really?" she again asked.

"Ye-yes " Taehyung sneezed making Lia laugh little.

"Liar" she let it out this word.

" Let me just check your forhead"
Before Taehyung could say she put her hand on Taehyung's forhead.

"Shitt!! Mr. kim you are burning "
She said worriedly.

"Hmm" Taehyung just hummed in response.

" You shouldn't have to come here"

" It's ok miss Lia "

" What it's ok?? Let me bring some medicine for you"

" That's so sweet thank you" Taehyung said with smile.

Lia left from there living Taehyung alone

" I wish you care for me like this Jungkook" Taehyung smiled sadly.

"I'm trying my best my love.. you really think it's not hurting me?? It hurt me more than you" Taehyung thought..


In Jungkooks cabin

"It's enough" ceo said he was not Able to concentrate on anything..

Without thinking anything he opened his laptop.. he opened cctv footage he wanted to check Taehyung.
Then his eyes fell on Taehyung who was leaning on chair with closed eyes looking very weak and sick.

" Why he is looking tired? Looking like sick... Sick fuck" Jungkook cursed that means Taehyung caught cold and maybe fever too.

" I should have check on him he was wet yesterday" Jungkook was disappointed on himself.

"Fuck if he is sick then why he even came here?" Many thoughts were roaming in Jungkooks mind it was looking like he was talking with himself

Jungkook called Lia

" Send mr kim in" after saying this he cut the call.

Taehyung knocked on door.. Jungkooks heart beat raised suddenly.

"Come" Jungkook said in soft voice for the first time in office.

Jungkooks Heart ache looking at Taehyung his pale face was screakimg like he is sick how careless he is he didn't noticed it..

" Sir all files are complete---" Taehyung sneezed

" Why you came in office??" Suddenly Jungkook asked.

"Why people come in office--" Taehyung said rudly but again sneezed.

"For work" he completed his sentence and again sneezed.

" You are looking sick you also have cold that's why I said why you came today" Jungkook said with soft and worried tone melting Taehyung's heart.

"You didn't even ate yesterday.. you did breakfast??" Jungkook asked hopping yes.

" No" Taehyung answered rudly.

"Sit there" Jungkook said in cold tone like he always use in office.

"Why?" But Taehyung is Taehyung

"It's my order mr kim" Jungkook said in strict tone.

Taehyung sat on couch like obedient kid Jungkook wanted to smile but he controlled..
Anyone could notice sleep in Taehyung's eyes his eyes were looking heavy
Jungkook noticed that

"Lay there" Jungkook ordered.

Taehyung remained silence he did what Jungkook said.

---to be continue


Next chap

" I'll not take medicine.. I want you to kiss me first" Jungkook choked on water and Taehyung smirked


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