chap 23

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Jungkook pov

I opened my eyes slowly slowly not wanting to wake up. sun Ray's were disturbing my sleep.
Why bed feels like heaven in morning? With closed eyes I checked beside me by pating my hands on bed, but there was no one..
In sec my all sleep went, I sat on bed like ghost.
'where he gone?' the first thing came out from my mouth
Maybe he is still Angry on me because  I came late yesterday.. I can understand him he was worried for me but he should understand I'm not kid right?
What if he thought he made me uncomfortable by kissing?
If he is thinking like this, so he is wrong.

I did my morning routine, but he was the only person who was roakimg in my kimd all time..
Where is he?
I came in kichen.. I thought to make something then my eyes fell on some bouls he already made breakfast..
A smile came on my lips.

I think he left for office..
I came out of house
"Fuck" how can I forget? My car is in garage for repairing yesterday I came with mingyu
What should I do now?
He also left

I walked Little then my eyes fell on familiar car, it was jimin's car..
He noticed me too and he stopped immediately

" what are you doing here" jimin asked me what should I say? He was sounding formal and cold.

"Nothing can you give me lift?" I asked.

" Come sit" I came and sat beside him.

I was playing with my fingers.. 'why he is behaving formal with me?' 'did dad told him and jungkook about marriage?' I bit my lips looking down.

"Jimi--"I was about to say he cut me by.

" Shut up you bastard.. you married without telling us" tae said, no Actually he yelled at me.

"I'm sorry" i know I'm worst friend.

" Fuck your sorry"

"I'll introduce you to him" I said while playing with my fingers

"No no keep your handsome to yourself" he was talking very rudly he never talked with me like this.

"I know I deserve"

" Yes you do"

" Does yoongi Hyung know to?" I asked looking at tae noticing his expression

" So what you think I'll hide this from him like you did"

" What I'm even expecting? You didn't even invite us in your marriage" he suddenly stopped car.

" I swear jimin, no one was invited just dad and his parents"

" I'll talk with you later.. here is your office"I came out of car.. he immediately started his car without saying by.. I knew he was Angry.

I came in parking hoping to see his bike parked there, but wait he left early than me where is his bike?
Where he gone?
I was about to call him when I saw my blood boiling scene.
The fuck!
She was holding on his waist, and he was letting her do.
I saw he was coming toward parking, Lia sitting behind him on bike
'how dare she?'
I unknowingly made fist of my hand
'She is in my nerves.'
He parked  bike and she came toward me, so annoying!!

"You both together?" I bitterly asked, her. why I even asked?

"Sir actually mr kim were coming and I was waiting for bus so he gave me lift" She said with smiley face, and I greeted my teeth..
He left from there ignoring me like I never exist.

I came in cabin, my anger was on next level.
'I might scold someone out of this..'
I kicked the chair hardly..
I hate this feeling when I saw that girl with him..
I fucking hate

Taehyung pov

I thought to left early cause I didn't wanted him to make him uncomfortable..
I know I did wrong yesterday out of my Anger, but can't he understand I was worried. I know he is not kid but still cokimg this much late all alone is not safe the thing which I regret, which can hurt my family I hate it.. that's why I'm scared for him..

I was to Angry yesterday.. I came in room he was sleeping..
I was feeling sorry I made him uncomfortable that's why I left early..
I can't make eye contact with him..
He always saw me as calm and naughty type of person, but yesterday I saw him scared just by my minor Anger I hate myself that I scared him..

When I was coming toward office
I was in my thoughts when Lia stopped me, irritating girl. I shouldn't say this but she is..
She asked lift from me and I couldn't say no.. she even held my waist I said her to no..
When I came in parking I saw his Angry, jelaous face then I noticed one more thing he didn't brought his car, then how he came here?

I sat on my regular place
I started to work concentrately..
After sometime..
She again came toward me and started her blah blah blah
I was not even interested..

Suddenly I heard Jungkook's shout
"" he yelled while coming toward me. he was looking more Angry.

"What happened sir?" I asked coldly.

"From now you'll work in my cabin, cause I want you to pay attention on work not on random things" last thing he mocked while eyeing at Lia..

"Ok sir" I was about to sit on my chair when he said.

" From now mr kim" so possesive for me?

I came behind him, as we enter in cabin he closed door and held my hand.

" I wanted to talk with you" just minutes ago he scolded me and see him now

" But I don't want, I think you forgot we are in office" I tried to loose his grip from my hand

"Why are you ignoring me" he sounded like he will cry. I wanted to hug him tightly.. but I said nothing.
After 2 kim of silence he left my hand when we heard some workers knocked on door

I saw in 15 min they adjust desk in his cabin. this man is unbelievable he really want me to work here? Infront of him, alone.

"Sir why I'm here alone?" I asked coldly

" Alone?" He look pause and laughed bitterly "I'm here mr kim, or you are missing someone" he sound possessive and jealous.

I sat on my new place, I can't deny I liked this place more not like I loved it he is Exact infront of me..
How will I work if he'll look like this

How will I work if he'll look like this

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Shit! This boy is making me horneyI noticed him glancing at me time by time

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Shit! This boy is making me horney
I noticed him glancing at me time by time..

--to be continue


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