chap 5

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Jungkook pov

I don't know why appa called me early, today. what he want to tell me??

After sometime I heard his voice
I managed my cold face.

" Sir you called me?" He asked standing infront of me.

" Hmm" i could see he pressed his lips together not wanting to talk more.

" Can I know why you called me sir?"
What should I say I really don't know what came in me suddenly and I called him.

" I--" what should I tell him?

" You what sir?" Argh why I can't even say you can go?

" Mr kim you can go" I said finally he gave me look like he I can't believe.

" I think you said something wrong.."
What does he mean.. am I this much heartless? So ok I'm..

" so you don't want to go then" I said while looking at laptop.

" I'm going bye " wohh this man is really something ..
Who will believe this man is elder than me..
Don't think I checked his age i just noticed in his documents.


Taehyung pov

I reached. I opend the door as I expect I got a tight hug from my mom it was warm. I burried my face in her neck she is short than me hehe...
In sec my tiredness went seeing her face, the way she ruffled my hairs like childhood and lastly kissed my forhead. I liked it but still " I told you mom I don't like it" she smiled when I whined like Little child.

" My Tae is same as always" she again hugged me.. then I noticed handsome middle age man came toward me with smily face, he hugged me. He is highted than me I always feel like I'm baby when I'm standing beside him.. he give me feeling like no matter who you are but your father will always protect you.

" How are you young man?" he asked me while patting my back

" All fine dad tell me about you?" I asked with my boxy smile at point I lost this smile like i lost myself Fully..
Ahh what I even started to thing

" Are you hungry Tae?" My mom asked being worried you might be thinking it's my house they were already here before me so..
They come here whenever they want but most of the time I forced them.. now I was Feeling like home.

" Yes mom I'm hungry I was missing your food " I can't tell how much I miss them. The thing is they don't want to leave village because their all memories are there and I Also don't want to force them.

" Give me minute Tae I'll make something good " I smiled.

We did eat something. The time was 6 pm. I could sense their expressions like they want to tell me something ...
Yeah he was telling me something on call but before that coldie snatched it

The living room was silent untill mom spoke " I'm so happy my old Tae is back " I just couldn't make eye contact with them " I'm Also happy " this time dad said.

I thought to change topic cause guilt was eating me now.

" So now tell me dad what you wanted to tell me" I noticed my dad being nervous, scraching his nap ..
I do the same thing no question I got this from him.

" Actually--" I raised my eyebrows something was cooking between them
They shared a nervous eye contact with each other.

"Tae we came here for---" I know this they come here for reasons

" I know this you came here for some work " I said with smirk.

"Tae we fixed your Marriage "

" Ok..ok wait what the f---" I stopped myself by saying last word what the hell marriage and mine?? That's to fix ?

CEO HUSBAND (taekook ff) ✓Where stories live. Discover now