chap 26

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In office~

For now, i was waiting for him where the fuck he is? He is still not here?
The hell! It's 11 already

"LIA.. LIA..LIA" I yelled her name
Instead of her other employee came

"Where is Lia?" I asked coldly.

"Sir miss Lia is not here.." I was right
I fist my hand in anger.
Why he like to boil my blood.
I gritted my teeth they both are together.
I was taping my foot on floor in Anger might I look calm but only I know the thing burning inside me.
Finally they came together.

"Care to explain mr kim" I said calmly and coldly

"Sir he---" Lia tried to say it's enough for me now!!

"ARE YOU MR KIM!?" I yelled. I don't know what I do when I'm angry.

"No.. sorry sir" she looked down in fear

"Sir----" he tried to say something I was fuming in anger but my anger vanished when I saw blood drops on floor

"BLOOD!!" I stood up on my place

"Sir this is what I was trying to say!! Mr kim had accident" suddenly my face went pale just by thought he gotten into accident.

"A-accident!?" First time I shutterd infront of the person other than him..
Anyone could notice fear in my eyes.. fear of losing him.

"I was waiting for bus that time I saw many croud when I went there I saw mr kim and many people helping him.. his bike was on road, he told one truck was about to hit him.. but god send one angel who saved him by pulling him on right time" my hands were Shaking, just by imagine it

" m--" I couldn't even speak, this was my state after hearing this..
My eyes became teary but somehow I managed infront of Lia..
He was continenously looking at me..

" Sir he injured his hand cause he fell on his right hand" I blinked my eyes many times because I couldn't see my vision was blurry due to tears..
I noticed why I didn't noticed blood cause of black shirt it was invisible in black colour.

" Lia you can go" I order somehow not wanting to Sound weak infront of her.

"Ok sir" she bowed and went.
My mind was total blank. I was just getting flashes of him being on ground and truck is coming..
'Will he also leave me? Like mom!?'
I went and hugged him tightly as I can
I didn't care anymore, I let some tears fell from my cheeks..

"I'm fine" he caressed my back with left hand.

I made him sit on Couch.
I wiped my tears with my elbow.

"Jungkook!" He called me softly

"Shut up!!" again tears fell from my eyes

"I'm alright."

"H-how.. y-you... M-mad.. p-person"I was hiccuping he wiped my tears with his left hand ..
I was crying for first time infront of him.
I tried to open his shirt "ahh" he moaned in pain.

"You ok!?" I asked worriedly
Finally I opened his shirt leaving his upper body naked.
His elbow was badly injured..

"Why you are crying?"

"Who is crying?"he gave me done expression.

"I'm alive I'm not dea--" before he could say further i put my palm on his mouth.

"Shut up!! Just shut the fuck up! You stupid kim Taehyung. How can you be this much careless? where the fuck was your mind" I yelled little.

"I'm sorry"

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