chap 25

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Jungkook pov

"This waist and this man both are MINE." Did I just accepted?
I held his waist tightly.
'Why I'm behaving possessive for him?'
'What is this feeling?'
' But it's beautiful.'

I gripped tight on his waist.. he was driving toward home.
'What if it was old me? I would never sit on bike but not I'm liking it..'
'I'm like everything what he do.'

I felt hungry my stomach growled

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I felt hungry my stomach growled.
'i can't tell him'
I became shocked when he parked bike infront of small restorant.
He understand me even without saying me anything.
I smiled little.

"H-hyung why we stopped here?" I asked.

"I'm hungry and I know you are too" he gave me smile it seemed like he was normal now.

He held my hand and walked in. It feels so good. I wanna hold his hand for rest of my life.
We came in restorant.. it was small but homely much better than any 5 star hotel.

Why I was so blinded in money? Literally forgot this life is better..
I used to hate middle-class people and their life and see me now!
We sat on small table there were only 2 chairs ofcourse this table was for couples.
I was watching everything cause it was my first time coming in small restorant..

I was watching everything cause it was my first time coming in small restorant

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"This is my fav place." He told me.

"Really?" Idk but it made me happy..

Soon one waitress came to ask for order. She was staring at him like hot meal
'why everyone is behind my man?'
'should I write on his forehead that he is married?!"
The fuck!! What just I thought..
I came from my thoughts when Hyung asked me what I wanted to order.


"Yes" I came out from my thoughts.

"What you want to order?"

"Anything you want" I said in normal tone..

Soon waiter came with dishes.. I could smell the smell of delicious dishes.
Waiter placed dishes on table.
'I can't wait'
'Why I'm behaving like this.. just like I do with dad!?'
I saw him smiling Looking at me..
I was missing this.. I missed this whole day.

I took big bite, it is hot fuck!!
"Gosh it's hot!!" He became worried, he immediately handed me water glass.

"Slow down!" I laughed akwardly. It's embarrassing.

"Its all yours. " He said before started to eating.

I was eating and staring at him at the same time.
'How can someone look hot while just eating?'
Soon we finished our dinner.
I wanted to pay but 'why will I? I have my husband he'll pay for me.'

We came out. My eyes fell on the icecream truck.
I was continenously looking there and he noticed it too...
Before I could say anything he said

"Wait here I'm bringing ice cream for both of us" how he know what I want?

"But---" he didn't Hear me. he went
I saw him coming with ice cream in his both hands..

I smiled just like small child.
He handed me vanilla icecream and his one was strawberry

"You like strawberry?" I asked cause I never tried this flavour.

"Yup.. it's my favorite" he said while licking on icecream.

I said nothing.. I was to busy in eating ice cream I didn't even ate half and it fell from my hand
'Fuck!! I hate myself..'
'Why I'm like this..'
Without knowing I pouted..
I saw his reaction.. he look's shocked then I noticed I was pouting. I managed my normal expressions..

"Wait I'm bringing other for you" before he can go, I held his hand

"What!?" He asked me.

"No I don't want other.. Umm.. give me yours" I asked.

He smiled..

"But...but.. it's my mouth.. I mean I ate it "

"You are saying like you never kissed me" I snached ice cream from his hand.. I didn't noticed what I said.. I noticed his shocked face soon I realised what I said
I wanna burry myself 6 feet under ground

"A-actually--" I tried to say..

"Finish ice cream fast we have to go" he said and smiled
I blushed internally
I ate his ice-cream I didn't know but this flavour taste good or its him?
'Why I'm being pervert here?'
I finished ice cream..
Then I sat on bike holding his waist tightly..
The speed of bike was normal the cold breath was hitting on my body making everything refresh..
I laid my head on his shoulder I could sense him smiling In lips..

"Hyung?" I called him softly.


" You really thought you made me uncomfortable?!" I finally asked
He didn't answered me.

"If you are thinking this!? Then you are wrong. I never feel uncomfortable with you.. you are my comfort zone" I finally confessed.

"I love you Jungkook" he confessed suddenly I melted in moment. But I didn't dared to say a word..
I just hugged him tightly as I can.

After reaching home we slept.

Next day
In morning 🌄

We did our breakfast..
My car is repaired now. Still I want to go with him..
I wore formal clothes as always but he was looking hot in black shirt and black pant, black suit on him.

"So your car is repair?" He asked me

"Yes" I answered short.. don't he want me to come with him?


"Bye I'm going then"

"Ok I'll come after sometime I like to make make my boss Angry" he said teasingly.

"Is that so? So mr come fast because your boss's Anger is not good" I said with smirk.

"I know, I know how to handle him" I laughed and went.
~in office~

For now, i was waiting for him where the fuck he is? He is still not here?
The hell! It's 11 already

--to be continue


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