chap 21

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Jungkook pov

The hell!
What is wrong with this man he just left from here after scolding me..
Arghh I hate myself why I become weak infront of him
Why he behave this much possessive for me?

I sat on my chair, I decide to ignore my thoughts and focus on work but I couldn't.
'He is Angry.. '
But does he care about me he was talking with Lia too much closely
'Should I go home? '
I was in my thoughts when I heard knock..
For sec my eyes sparkled thinking it was Tae Hyung but then I saw Lia I managed my face straight.

"Sir!?" Lia came toward me head was little bit low as always..
'She should be cause how dare she...'

"Yes?"I asked

" Mr Choi said they need that file urgent which we--" she stopped Suddenly.

" Which we??" I again asked.

"Mr kim were working on that file but still it was little bit remain"

"Hmm give me that file I'll complete"
She gave me node...
I was right he left already
I sighed.
'This much Anger? Just seeing me with my friend.. this possessive man'

After sometime Lia gave me file..
Idk when time gone..
I was shocked when I saw 12am
"The fuck!!" It was too much I literally lost myself in work..

I came out of my cabin I saw everyone from afternoon shift already left..
There are only night shift people

'I should call him.. He must be worried'
I took my phone out of my pant pocket just to curse 'shitt!!'
'My phone is dead..'
I couldn't go in office to call him because I was standing in parking.
Now I was on urge to break something..
I took my car.. driver was on leave for somedays it was only me alone.
On other side

Taehyung pov

I was to Angry without thinking Anything I took my bike and left for home..
I know my this anger will be reason of something bad..
I shouted on him, I hate seeing him with someone..
I made dinner for both of us

After sometime

Now I'm seating on couch waiting for him..
'The fuck! It's 12am'
'How dare you kim Jungkook this much late..'
I tried to call him but no us 'Where the fuck is your phone'
'Now you are tasting'
I called in office
They said he left already then where is he?
I myself don't know why I was this much Angry literally my all worriedness and anger mixed with each other I know I'll do something in my Anger
'where are you Jungkook?'

Jungkook pov

I was coming toward home..
Fuck!! It's scary I never came alone
The way toward new home I mean my new home we have to pass some forest area and it was dark here..
My heart was beating Insanely I just wanted to reach home soon as possible..

"The hell!" I shouted when suddenly my car stopped in mid road
Why me?
Outside was all dark somehow I came out of car..
I check car bonate.. I couldn't see anything because of darkness my phone was also dead.

 I couldn't see anything because of darkness my phone was also dead

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This area was creepy.. I was not used to this area..
I was looking here and there.
'why I'm feeling like someone is watching me..'
'Something bad will gonna happen'
'God help me send someone..'
I can't tell you my hands were shaking.
The sound of silence was killing my all hopes ..
I Flinched and closed my eyes tight when I felt a hand on my shoulder..
I faced the person----
In home

Taehyung pov

'Shitt! I can't wait now it's already 12.45..'
I took my bike keys
'just meet me you kim Jungkook I'll teach you lesson today'
I was too much angry that it was impossible to control me..
He know how much I will be worried and he didn't even bother to call me? Not even one call
I was about to left when I got call I hoped him but it was unknown number I recieved call

"Hello" I said hoping his voice

"Hello kim Taehyung" he called me by my name it was not him.

"Who are you?" I asked.

" One of your well wisher" he laughed again.

"The fuck!! Tell me who are you"I shouted

"Ohh!' don't be Angry we will talk this later let's come on point"

"What are you talking about" I know this will come..

"It's not good--" he laughed dirtly

"It's not good to leave you beautiful husband all alone in mid road that's too at mid night .. what if someone took advantage of your sexy husband"

" You asshole! If you have guts then come infront of me"

"Find me then" challanging kim Taehyung.

"First you should focus on your husband.. if you don't want I can do it instead of you"

" You mother fucker" my veins popped from my forhead and my hands how dare he.

"Just imagine him under me---"


" Shitt!! Your husband is lucky bastard" after saying this he cut the call..
'what does he mean?'
'Jungkook just why?'
'Why you like to make me worried'
I puched wall hardly what if-- no no I opened door
I was extremely Angry.

I saw him---

--to be continue


Heyy wamily 💓

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