chap 42

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Jungkook pov

After 1 day doctor gave Hyung discharge. Today we are coming in home, I mean in our Village house.

We sat in car, I sat beside him.
Jin and namjoon Hyung also with us. Jimin, yoongi Hyung and mom dad went in other car.

"Hyung how's your head feeling now" I asked, touching his wound on head softly, but with straight face.

"I'm ok Jungkooka.. now it's almost healed" I held his hand without looking at him. he gave me smile.

"So you are not angry on me?" He asked me with innocent eye's like he never did prank on me..

"I'm still I still haven't forgive you" He held my hand more tight

"Please" he said while showing puppy eyes and I mouthed him 'shut up.'
It was looking like hyung's were enjoying our talks.

"Jungkook" Jin Hyung called me.

"Yes Hyung"

"I never thought. I didn't even imagined you have this side.. cause I seen you cold and strict in office but you total different here" I laughed because I myself don't know how I changed.

"Changed? From which angle he is still same coldie Rudy" He said sulkily.
Cause I'm ignoring him from 2 day's.


"What you i said truth how can you ignore me?" Aww so cute.

"Then dare to prank again." I rolled my eyes.

"I said I'll not do anything like this again"


"What hmm" he came close to my ear

"Let's go home I know how to earn your forgiveness mr wifey" I widden my eyes. My cheeks hit up.
This man just minutes ago he was acting cute and in sec.. gosh his duality.

Soon we reached.
I helped him even he said he is ok now.
I was looking at him while cokimg in.
I thought suddenly how much scared I was when they hit him on head. I don't want to remember that horrible memory.

"Come in baby" Mom said looking at us. I held his hand without looking at him.

Wow this house looks so joyful.
Everyone is here.

"You both go take rest I'll call you on lunch time.. Jungkook you are also looking tired I told you I'll stay in hospital with tae but stubborn you.. your face is telling you need sleep you both go and take nap" I gave node.

We both came in room I suddenly got pinned to door and it's him

"What are you doing?" I asked with straight face.

"What you are doing? Ignoring me huh?" He asked me looking at my eyes making me feel small and weak.

"Leave me I'm Sleepy" He slide his hand on my waist. I felt shivers.

"The more you'll go far the more you'll come close to me" he pulled me more close. My chest was touching with his chest.

I put my both hands on his chest looking at his eyes.
"What you'll gonna do? Cause I don't think I'll forgive you soon" I said daringly. He Smirked.

"I'll kiss you" his eyes fell on my lips.

"Still I'll not Talk with you"

"So you indirectly allowing me to kiss you? Don't you?" I hate!! my cheeks automatically became pink.

He came close to me until I feel his breath on my lips.
I tighten my grip on his shirt.
He pressed me more on wall.
I closed my eyes, his one hand came toward my face.. one went on my waist under my shirt.
My skin Shivered when his cold hand touched. He rubbed his palm on my waist like glass material.
Finally he captured my lips with his.
We didn't moved them for some sec until he started to move.
I kissed him back. We started to move slowly. I totally forgot that I was Angry on him.

I felt a strawberry flavour in my mouth he always smell like strawberry. "Mhpp" I moaned in his mouth when he pinched my Belly.
It was first time we are this much close.
First time his long fingers caressing my body.

He sucked my both lips.
I felt myself growing 'fuck' I cursed myself in mind.
His fingers went more up till my chest. I whined when he Circled his fingers around my hard nipple.
He took chance and slide his tounge inside my mouth.
'It's fucking hot to handle.'
He pulled out when I patted his shoulder.
I felt his growing thing against my thighs.
'It's so embarrassing.'
I hid my face Against his chest.

"There is nothing to be embarassed it's just me, your husband.." He patted my head. He know how to calm me.

He kissed my forhead.
I raised my face to look at him. He gave me sweetest smile.
He again cupped my face to kiss me when I pushed him.
I smirked.

"Hey, come back!!" He whined.
I shooted glare from my eyes.
I mouthed him 'fuck you' and this pervert man replied "come I will.."
My cheeks again became red. I enter in bathroom.

Fuck what was that!? I'm still feeling butterflies. His soft touch against my body.
What if he did!! The hell I'm thinking.
But there is nothing wrong I love him and he love me.
But no he deserve this you did prank on me now my revenge time.

After sometime I came in room and I heard him talking with someone on call

"So you are finally coming I can't Wait" with whom he is talking?

"Hyung with whom you was talking?"

"Um-m-- I'll call you latter"

"With whom you were talking?" I asked.

"My college friend really close friend" I made 'o' shape.

I saw him smirking.
He took some stapes toward me. I understood he was about to capture me in arms but I moved and he fell on bed.

"Ouchh" I laughed.

"You little Jungkook you just wait" He said in annoying voice.

"I'm not little mr I'm your boss"

"Whatever" and he laid there like don't know from when he didn't got sleep.
This lazy man.

I came toward everyone.

"Jungkook you should rest" Jin Hyung said in worried tone.

"No Hyung I was feeling bore so I came here" I sat between jin Hyung and jimin.

"Jungkooka so when you guys planning to go back?" Jimin asked me

"Day after tomorrow cause mingyu is handling company.. it's been so many days I don't want him to bother. Tae hyungs health is also good now" I noticed mom's sad expression.

"But I thought you'll stay some days more "

"I'm sorry mom we will come back soon" Mom smiled finally.

"Jungkook and I'm also going tommorow" jimin told.

"Me and joon too"

"I'll miss you all." Mom said

"We will miss you too mom"

"Btw I forgot to tell you all there was marriage in our relatives but we couldn't go because yoon was in hospital but today is their reception and they called us today we are going there.." Jin Hyung and jimin looked excited and I was Also happy. I never went in function like this I was always busy in work. I never enjoyed.

"I'm excited wow I'll wear my new outfit which jungkook choosed for me" jimin was very excited.

"Jungkooka what you'll gonna wear?" Jin Hyung asked me.

"Actually i didn't bought any clothes with me and I only have shirts and hoodie and formal clothes" Jin Hyung gave me done reaction.
'What is wrong here?'

"Hyung he is like this from Starting!! My pobo bestfriend" I was just looking at them with confused face.

"Jungkooka don't worry I have one silky shirt with me.. I'm sure you can kill people after wearing that" Jin Hyung winked at me.
I blushed.

"You three planning to kill my son's huh?" We laughed.

---to be continued


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