chap 39

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First check chap 38 because it's double update

"He lost too much blood and the wound on his head is deep.. his head hit very badly.. he have chances to loose memory" suddenly I felt like crying.
'No.. no he can't forget me!!'
'He love me.. how can he forget huh?'

"B-but he is ok right?" I asked with my teary eyes.

"Yes is is alright he will get his conscious in 3 hours." After saying this doctor left.
I saw him from glass sleeping with big white bandage on his head. It must be hurting.
Tears rolled from my eyes.
Why always he?

I sat on bench with cold face..
The only thing I was thinking.
''what if he forgot me?'
What I'll do?'
He made me fell for him.

'Only I know what I'm feeling right now even doctor said he is alright but still it's paining here.. in my chest seeing him like this..
This is only second time I'm broke like this first time i remember when my mom was lifeless laying there..'

'I'm alone here.. only Namjoon Hyung..
He came as our saviour he saved us..
Even I thank him 1000 times still it's not enough..'

I saw namjoon Hyung came toward me with water bottle In his Hands.
He handed me bottle.

"Take this"

"Thank you"

I saw mr Kim coming Hurriedly toward us.

"J-joon! How's Taehyung?" Mr jin asked in worriedness on his face.

"Jin relax i talked with doctor they said he is ok he lost alot blood.. he will get his conscious in some hours." They both Hugged.

"Thank god!!" I think he didn't notice me till now.

"Mr jeon! What are you doing here? And your clothes? You looking like you cried alot.. something happened?"

"Umm mr jin actually Tae Hyung is my husband" I paused.

"What? For real"

"Shh jin it's hospital" Namjoon gave glare to jin

"Ok ok.. I can't believe you and Tae?" I said nothing.
'Why am I not good match for him?'

"Can I see him?" Mr jin asked.

"Jin Hyung come with me you can see him from glass" I called him Hyung the second person after Taehyung Hyung. I never called anyone like this who work in my office.
'Why I was blinded in ego?'

We came and I showed him Tae Hyung.

"Gosh! See his head" my eyes became teary again cause i know it's because of me.

Suddenly I felt tight hug from jin Hyung. I know this is what I needed from long cause there was no one whom I can tell.. it was hurting me seeing him like this.

"Shh don't cry Jungkook" he said while patting my back.

"I can call you Jungkook right?"

"You can Hyung.." After 10 min now I was feeling much better. I told him what actually happened and thank god they both Also came here for his birthday.. what a coincidence like God wanted us to save.

After sometime I saw mom and dad came while running toward us.
My heart ache seeing mom crying and dad's eyes also teary.

"Y-Tae where i-is my y-Tae?" She asked while crying.

"Shh aunty he is ok now don't cry" Namjoon Hyung hugged her it looks like they know eachother more than anything.

"How can I joon? I-i thought everything became good three years ago but what is this now? He promised me right? he'll leave everything.." what they are talking i can't understand.

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