chap 50

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Taehyung's birthday day..

Jungkook POV

I opened my eyes I saw time.. it's correct 12 of night I smiled.. I saw him Sleeping cutely.
I kissed his Forhead lovingly

"Happy Birthday love" I said in low voice not wanting to wake him..

"I'm sorry already I have to act like i forgot your birthday just wait for surprise today I'll confess my feelings"
After saying this i wrapped my hand's arround his waist and burried my face in his chest.. I don't know when I slept..

In morning I woke up..
I did my morning routine when I came out of bathroom I saw him seating with sleepy eyes

"Good morning" I said..

"Good morning Jungkooka" I smiled..

"I'm going in office early today" I told him

"Why is anything special today?" He asked i know he want me to wish him happy birthday..

"Yes today is really special day.. " I smiled.

"What is today?" He asked me.

"Today is our company's anniversary so there is party in our office that's why I'm going early all employees will come in evening " his face became straight.. i know he is thinking I don't remember his birthday..

"Ohh that's good Jungkook I'll come in evening" he said with straight face..
I'm feeling sad now..

I kissed his forehead lastly coming out from room.
I told all employees that today is his birthday today I'll tell them about what he is for me..

Taehyung pov

When I woke up I thought he will wish me but he don't remember..
Really Jungkook?
'Don't be sad Taehyung' I told to myself..

I was about to go in bathroom when I got mom and dad's call
They wished me happy birthday.. I got everyone's call.. everyone wished me except him.
Am I not special for you Jungkook?

On my birthday my mood is all fucked up..
I did my morning routine..
I suddenly got hobis call

"There is good news, Taehyung" I could sense he smirked.

"What it is?" I was curious.

"Today we will get to know about that bastard" I Smirked.

"That's good hobi Hyung"

"Are you free I need you for now can you come?"

"Yes I can Jungkook is not in home.. I can't wait to find that person"
In evening

I came in home with Smirk.
I wore anything I found in closet it's not like I'm going there for my birthday party..
I came in office wearing a very simple black shirt paired with black pant..
I stepped in lift and I saw Mingyu.

"Heyy bro how are you long time no see" I gave smile

"Same here" It was akward..

"Where is Jungkook?" He asked

"I also just came.." he made o shape..
My eyes fell on something I fist my palm..

I came out of elevator..
I stepped in office everything is decorated beautiful it was not looking like office..
I almost forgot how to breath looking at Jungkook.. he wore a very thin black shirt which is looking sexy all people must be shocked.

I was coming when one waiter bumped with me and all drink fell on my shirt "shitt"

"I-im sorry s-sir" waiter said in scared tone.

"It's ok don't worry"

"What happened?" I heard Jungkook's voice from behind.

"Nothing" i said with straight face

"Gosh your shirt is all wet.. wait i have one suit pls change" he said in very soft tone i know I can't deny

"Ok" he handed me suit.

I came in washroom I changed into that suits.. wohh it was designer suit why he gave me?

I came out I couldn't see anything everything was dark..

"Hello anyone is here?" I asked cause i couldn't see anyone..
Suddenly I flinched when everyone started to sing "happy birthday too you.. happy birthday to you mr kim"

I saw he came toward me with smile.. i smiled widely with my boxy smile.
He hugged me wrapping his hands around my neck

"Happy birthday love" wait what he said love.
I pulled out and smiled.

"You planned this huh!!" I asked

"Ofcourse " I almost forgot everyone was present there.. and they all were shocked looking at me and Jungkook like this

"Let's cut cake." He dragged me toward cake..
'I'm so happy I can't tell.'

I cut the cake. I feed to Jungkook..
I saw everyone the person here, who is trying to kill me.

Author pov

Everyone was shocked looking at Jungkook and Taehyung. All employees be like it can't be true specially Lia.

Lia came toward Taehyung " happy birthday mr Taehyung" Taekook smiled

"Thank you"

"Happy Birthday bro" Mingyu came and half hugged Taehyung they were about to pull when Mingyu's located stucked in Taehyung's shirt..
Taehyung gritten his teeth and pulled out harshly before anyone could process they heard gun firing voice.

Everyone became scared and started to run.

Some men's came inside with guns.
"Don't you dare to run or I'll shoot you" The person who came in with gun said and everyone stopped on their place..
In 5 mins they surrounded everywhere.

Jungkook became scared and Taehyung gritted his teeth.. Taehyung held Jungkooks hand tightly.

"Y-Taehyung" Jungkook tried to say " shh.. baby nothing will gonna happen"

"Who are you?" Taehyung asked with dark eyes.

"The one who want to kill you.. I'm the one who almost killed you 3 year's ago remember my name is ohm" Taehyung smirked.
Jungkook widden his eyes hearing someone almost killed Taehyung.. now he is linking everything, truck was about to hit Taehyung, kiddnapping in village.. his body shaken by thought someone trying to kill his love.

"Do you think me as child, mr ohm, whatever your name is.." Taehyung laughed. One person in this croud first his palm.

"Don't you think you are talking much min Taehyung or su--" Before ohm could say..

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" Taehyung roared.

"It's you who should shut your mouth.. my man's are here, with guns.. you are standing on the door of dieing and showing me attitude!" Ohm took some stapes toward Taehyung.. taekook were standing in middle and all employees here and there in big room.

Ohm put his gun on Taehyung's chin.. Taehyung couldn't do anything because he knew they wre surrounded by many men's he don't care about himself but Jungkook.. Jungkook gasped looking at ohm putting gun.

"S-stay away from him" Jungkook said with teary eyes..

---- to be continued..


Hey wamily 💓

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