chap 22

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I saw him.. coming for sec I took relief breath still he need lesson
He enter in home totally ignoring my existence doing it purposely so he can run away from this situation..
Before he could go I pulled him by arm and pinned him to the wall very Harshly..
I behave harsh when I'm on my limit and he almost Crossed it.. nothing can affecting me expect someone laying eyes on my family and specially him...

He said nothing.. he was just trying to push me, but he knew, he can't push me.

"CARE TO EXPLAIN KIM JUNGKOOK" I almost yelled on him I could see he flinched.

"ITS FUCKING 1.." I made him look at me.. my eyes maybe scaring him he might be thinking who is this person

"I'll come whenever I want it's my life" he tried to say confidentiality pushing me little.
He walked towards couch.

I walked toward him I made in look at me by holding his arm.

"Leave my arm it's hurting"

"What you said it's your life.. it's 1am you are cokimg home and you are saying what! Wow"

Jungkook POV

Sometime ago

When I felt hand on my shoulder for sec my soul left my body I was about to screme but it was mark..

"mingyu you?" I hugged him.

" What happened Jungkooka?" He asked me worriedly.

" I was scared.. I was alone"

"Shuu its ok, don't be panic"


"But why you are late it's almost 1 am Jungkook Taehyung must be worried for you"

" I know I'm feeling bad can- can you drop me pls" I asked.

" Is this even question I'm going toward there.. thank god I saw your car and felt similar.. I went to attend my friends birthday party and I was returning toward home"


mingyu was saying Many things but my mind was only on Taehyung Hyung.

Gosh he might be worried
Finally we reached and mingyu left..
I was about to ring bell when I saw him opening door
He was looking so Angry.. he made me scared by his look..
I decided to ignore him so I can escape from this situation..
Anyone can see his anger

I was about to left when he pinned me to wall...
He yelled at me and I know I was at fault
I thought If i behaved confident he might leave but he again held my arm

He was looking totally different person.. his aura was different his eyes are scremming a different person
'Who is he?'
Totally out of character..
His eyes were burning in anger totally blank expression.

" You can't control me " I said

" You are my husband, and this is my responsibility.. get that from now I want you in home before 10 "

I said nothing nor gave any reaction..
His deep voice is scarier than anything
I know I was pissing him more.

He came toward me I walked backward.. he pulled me toward him
He was looking through my soul
I put my hands on his chest.
My chest was sticking on his chest.. my heartbeat went faster

" I- I'm s-sorry"

" Your sorry won't work" he said darkly in my ear sending shivers in my whole body.

"3 chances kim Jungkook 3 your every mistake will lead you to punishment and you broke your one chance already.. your every mistake and you are slowly slowly mine " he said in low voice.. what does he mean?

" W-what- d-do y-you m-mean" I was shuttering hard.

"I know you'll not gonna believe me you need demo punishment.. from now your lips are mine" I widden my eyes.

He pushed me on couch before I could process or get up he hoverd over me..
I put my hands on his chest..
You might be thinking I don't want but idk I kinda like his this side..
I was fucking liking his dominating side..
'Am I willing to let him kiss me hardly? '
I was in my thoughts when he smashed his lips on me..
I closed my eyes..
My hands automatically went on his shirt and I tighten grip
It felt good really good..
There was nothing wrong he was just talking what I promised him..

He started to kissing me hungrily.. he was nibbling on my lips..
Still I didn't kissed him back.. I never thought this can happen with the person whom I used to hate..

He pinched my belly under my shirt..
I moaned he took change and immediately he insert his thick tongue in my mouth he is kissing me hard..
He wanted me to kiss him back..
I was too confused even I was liking it still I was trying to push him..
He again pinched on my belly..
I was feeling thousands of butterflies in my stomach..
The way his hand was roakimg inside my shirt.. his mouth was devoring my mouth
I know I can't push him so I let him do whatever he want I gave up, I submit myself to him..
He pulled out I was trying to catch breath before I could breathe fully he again attached his lips with mine ..
His hands automatically went on my n!pples.

"Mphh" I moaned in his mouth..
My eyes were tightly closed
He was sucking my lower lips from 5 min. Before I can kiss him back he pulled out after biting my lip hardly..
I know he didn't did it intenationally..

I tried to catch my breath with close eye's I felt him standing up..
I saw him with my half closed eyes
He was looking calm but still Angry he ran his fingers through his hairs frustratingly..
He kicked couch hardly!! I Flinched.
He went out of room he went outside..
I know he want sometime alone..
I was still laying my cheeks turned red.
It was my first kiss
I touched my lips they were looking swollen..
I still couldn't process what just happened? After what happened in office and plus we almost argued in home how can someone kiss like this.

I came in bedroom.. I changed my clothes all time there was a red shade on my cheeks..
'I can't face him now'

I was to sleepy. I was waiting for him idk when I slept..

Other side

Author pov

" I DON'T WANT TO LISTEN ANYTHING, THE THING IS I WANT HIM LIFELESS INFRONT OF ME" Taehyung threw phone after saying this to someone..
His eyes are dark.. showing him totally different person
He was not looking like kim Taehyung but someone else who have power how was scary.

 showing him totally different personHe was not looking like kim Taehyung but someone else who have power how was scary

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"How dare she to sit on my husband's bike"


Hey wamily 💓

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