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My eyes were hurting. My head was pounding. I had wasted so many tears that my pillow was almost drenched as Minerva stroked my hair, trying to calm me down.

My day had started as usual, walking into the Ministry and heading towards my office, working on my latest case. Some missing muggle-born girl, Margaret age 12, brown hair, stormy gray eyes. It had been almost two months since Theseus accepted a position at an Auror program. Only one person out of the whole department would be able to participate in it. That was how he headed in the Great Americas, leaving me behind.

But suddenly, he was sitting at my desk waiting for me. And sure, I should have been delighted, and I was until he uttered the words. I am engaged. That was it. Three worlds were enough to shatter my hopes, my dreams... How? Why?

My mind wandered back to our days in the army, fighting in the war side by side. Spending endless hours together as we piloted our aircraft. Kissing, sleeping together, losing ourselves in each other, trying to drown out the sounds of the falling bombs with our heavy breathing and sighs, as wandering hands and mouths explored the expanses of each other. And then our return, agreeing to never mention it, but sleep in a shared apartment most of the time to chase away the nightmares that plagued us. To peeking from my eyes to his form as he left the bathroom, wearing a long fluffy towel around his waist, as it rested precariously low. Admiring the droplets that traveled and fell from the expanses of his body. Spotting the differences easily from the war time and now. He was more lean; his muscles still existed but weren't as prominent, more beautiful.

And all of it had to be left in the past. People always said that one sided love; unrequited love was the worst pain anyone could ever experience and as I sobbed uncontrollably in my best friend's arms, who had ditched a teachers meeting to be with me, I found that sentiment to be very true.

"Sweetheart, please tell me what's wrong?"

"He is engaged" I whispered in her shoulder, my voice scratchy and worn out from the emotional discharge.


"Theseus. He is engaged."

"Oh, sweetheart."

"And wants me to be his best woman along with Newt. All of that ... for nothing, for him to love another."

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