The Reappearance

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Life was moving forward. Newt had published his second book which had been a huge hit and Minerva had requested hundreds of its copies to be delivered at Hogwards for new studying material. Tina, Thomas, Theseus and Cassandra had been thriving at their new leading positions, exchanging information about criminals and tactics, managing to bring down crime rate about 80%.

The nuptials of certain war heroes were the talk of the Wizarding World for about a month and there was no appearance of Grindelwald. Everyday more and more of his followers were captured and sentenced for life in Azkaban. The formidable prison which was inescapable. Family meetings as they now called the groups get togethers were filled with otherwise pointless bickering and messy cooking as the wands were not permitted access further into their houses. It had been an experiment Jacod had suggested at them, to see who would cave faster, who would need the safety of the wooden stick, as he liked to call it. So far, about five months, no one had lost yet. They all enjoyed this carefree version of themselves, where they weren't dependent on magic and anything related. Graham was spending more and more time in their apartment just to get no Theseus' nerves. Yet there was a darness in him, a shadow, that betrayed his mental stage. Things back at his house were back on  their terrible state. Cassandra felt sorry for him more ana more as the weeks passed and his smile seemed less cheerful and more forced than it should be. 

He was the first that noticed her weird behaviour around December. Her more agitated demanour. Her pale skin and the sudden mood swings. More and more syptoms showed up, betraying one important fact. She was pregnant. He hadn't wanted to be the one to tell her his suspicions, yet he still gave her subtle hints. One day he even went as far as to tell her about a friend of his that was expecting, but her only answer had been a withering look as she told him off from having other best friends and she tried to "rise up in his best frieds list" by buying him ice cream. 

Things were moving forward too fast. and he found himself being envious of his friends happiness, wanting to be in their place desperately. He had always wanted to have a baby, a family. He knew that was a faraway dream, one that would never come true. What was going to be his legacy? He wouldn't have a family and children to continue the great Malfoy name. H e wouldn't be written in history, he was a hero or anything remarkable to be remembered throughout time. He was a simple spoiled wealthy brat that wasnt good for anything, no matter how much he wanted to. The people closest to him were thriving both in their personal and in their working life, and he was still the odd one. The black sheep of the lot.

These dark thoughts were clouding his head as he sat in the comfortable living room, watching fondly as his Rory was pacing left and right, cleaning the room in a frenzy in an attempt to calm her nerves after a long day at the office and cursed under her breath about incompitence and stupid interviewers. 

Suddenly all the lights were enstinguised at their next breath and a sinister laugh echoed in the room. The hair at the back of his neck stood at attention, something was terribly wrong. He blindly walked towards Cass, trying to protect her in the dark from any posiible threat. A light blue flash lit up the familiar room and hit him square on his chest, if he hadnt moved both her and the baby would have been gone. 

His legs were shaking and his breathing was laboured as his shirt stuck to his skin due to a wet substance, clinging to his chest. The lights were turned on once again but his vision was still blurry and fuzzy around the edges. He could hear her talking, possibly screaming and yelling as her panicked face stared back at his. Her fingers were working his shirt trying to take it of and treat his wounds, tears running down her face. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it three times, a silent secret thank you and i love you. His last breath was torturous and in his last moment, he gazed at her, his best friend and pride filled his veins. He wasn't scared to die, especially this way. To protect the ones he loved, the ones that saved him. Her cold hands were touching his face and traced his wounds in the odd shapes of... letters?

ΕΠΕΣΤΡΕΨΑ (i am back)

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