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While licking around your neck the male had his fingers inside of you, giving you intense looks as he was fingering you.

You bit your bottom lip as you felt your body getting hot, "Look at you...taking my fingers." he says,

Making you roll your hips around, "Don't stop,
...please?..." you whined as you were letting out sharp breaths. A small smirk curled on his lips.

"Mm...atleast you said please." he teases as he speeds his pace with his fingers. Your insides clenched onto them hard as you felt yourself cumming.

He kisses your neck once again then your ear, "Cum for me, y/n." he growls lowly

You shut both of your eyes & let out that orgasm, he fingers you slowly then pulled it out while seeing your cum coming out of you.

A bulge grew bigger in his pants, he stared at your body twitching from the pleasure.

"Fuck you're turning me on," he says while sticking his fingers in his mouth. You slowly looked back noticing he was tasting your cum from his fingers.

A small smile grew on your face, you turned your body around having your legs spread in front of him.

He watches you and then puts both hands on your thighs to push them back, looking down at your wet slit. He moves his body up to where he has his knees on top of his bed.



Your phone beside you began ringing, and both you and Iwaizumi stared over your phone with an annoyed expression. Y'all were pissed that someone called you interrupting y'all.

"Now who's calling you y/n?" Iwaizumi sighs, staring back at you,

No cause who is calling me?

You shrugged as you picked your phone up and saw it was an unknown number, "I don't know..." you chuckled

While letting your intrusive thoughts win you pressed to answer,

"Hello, who's this...?" you say,

After a couple of silence, Iwaizumi tilted his head looking annoyed then began rubbing his hands on your inner thighs.

"... It's your favorite ex, silly." It was a male voice, sounding cocky.

You frowned a bit & then that's when your realization hit you.

It was Kuroo. You recognized his voice.

You looked up at Iwaizumi with widened eyes, he stared at you in confusion. You put the phone down,

"Hajime it's him," you whispered to the boy, he frowned a little.

"Who?" he stops moving his hand as he moves closer to you,

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