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Instead of going to his house, though, Changbin went to Hyunjin's house, parking his car and going right up to the front door and knocking. Hyunjin's mom fearfully smiled at Changbin once she opened the door. "Hi Changbin. Do.... you need something?" She asked. She knew what her ex-husband usually sent Changbin over for, and that was to threaten her.

She didn't know anything that happened between Changbin and the rest of the kids since they kept quiet, but had the thought they were also getting threatened since they would constantly apologize for no reason to her. "I need to talk to Hyunjin." The black haired male sternly explained. "Oh, yes. Let me get him for you." "I'll go talk to him in his room. It's something private."

The woman invited Changbin in as she hesitantly nodded, fearing the worst for her son. Changbin made it to Hyunjin's room and immediately opened the door, earning a gasp from Hyunjin who was sitting on his bed, texting Felix. "What the fuck do you think you're doing calling Felix while we're together?!" The older male asked in a frustrated tone after closing the bedroom door.

"I- I forgot you guys were together. I really don't remember the times he gave me. I swear I didn't mean to call him when he was with you!" Hyunjin spoke as he got up from his bed and got on his knees in front of Changbin, desperately begging for him to believe him. "You know I like him and want him to like me back. I just wanted to-" "why do you think I'm trying to take him away from you?! You don't deserve him! He's not going to like you back! You're nothing but pure shit! He's going to like me and not you! Accept it already! The more time I spend with him, the more he'll like me! Im going to give you little to no time together so he doesn't like you! I'll tell him how terrible of a person you are for letting your dad die. For killing your dad. For wishing death on him. You also watch what the fuck your saying or else you'll end up like your dad."

Hyunjin had tears rolling down his face as he shook his head as a no, begging the older to not do anything to him. "No! Please don't! I know I don't deserve Felix, but please don't kill me" Hyunjin cried. Changbin pulled out a gun from his pocket and pointed it straight at Hyunjin's face again, making the long-haired male's chest tighten and breathing to become staggered.

"Changbin, please.... I really didn't.... mean to" the younger pleaded between gasps for air, holding into Changbin's pants for support. "Get the fuck off me or I'll shoot" Hyunjin immediately got off and tried getting his breathing back to normal. "Changbin" Hyunjin called out while trying to breathe properly. "Now what?!" The older rolled his eyes.

"I don't want to die. I-" Changbin just rolled his eyes after hearing the first sentence and took the gun, holding it against the younger's head. Hyunjin shakily stayed quiet, his breathing only becoming worse. "Let me have Felix, and we'll be okay. I have what I want and you have what you want. I have Felix, and you have your life and your mom's life. Deal?" Hyunjin didn't respond since he was trying to calm his breathing, making the older pull the gun away from this head and get it ready to shoot.

Hyunjin realized this and immediately nodded, wiping his tears after doing so. "Good boy. Now, you better not tell your mom about this, or she'll be the one who's shot. Got it?" Hyunjin once again nodded. Changbin smiled before putting the gun away. "The last time you're going to see him alone is the car date. From there on, I'll send, either Minho, Jisung, or Seungmin, to report your behavior with Felix while hanging out. I better not get any reports saying you were flirting with him or touching him. If I get one report saying that, then it will be the end of your life. Understood?"

The long-haired male nodded. Changbin smiled as he crouched down near Hyunjin before kissing him. "What a good boy" Hyunjin immediately wiped his lips after getting kissed and let out more crying and irregular breaths. The black haired male got up and laughed before leaving Hyunjin's room. The mother no where to be seen, probably out of fear.

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