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Felix was now out of his house and made his way to Changbin's car. "Hi Changbin!" Felix enthusiastically greeted with a huge smile. Sure, he was disappointed that Hyunjin had canceled on him, but he was definitely happy he didn't waste an hour getting ready for no reason. "You look beautiful" Changbin complimented, not realizing he had said that out loud until the freckled male spoke.

"Thank you, Bin. You look great as well." The older shook his head to get himself out of the spell Felix had sent him into with just his beauty. "Thank you." "So, where are we going?" The younger asked as he put his seatbelt on. "Where do you want to go?" "I'm fine with anything, Bin." "Do you want to get some tacos?" "Eh, not really" Changbin blankly stared at the younger before speaking.

"You literally said you're fine with anything." "I am." "Then let's get tacos." "I don't want tacos, though. I want a good fat ass burrito." Changbin sighed. "So we're getting Mexican food?" "Well no shit Sherlock, burritos aren't Korean." Felix argued back. "To think I was going to pay for you" Changbin playfully stated as he started driving off. "I'll pay for you, don't worry, Bin." "Kid, I'm only kidding. I'll pay for us." "No, I'll pay." "Felix." The black haired male sternly stated.

"I'm sorry" Felix said after a moment of silence. "It's fine. I just don't want you to worry about paying for anything when we're together." "Are you sure? I don't want to make it look like I'm using you for your money." "I trust you enough to know you wouldn't do that." Felix nodded before the two finally pulled into the drive-through of a Mexican restaurant.

The two quickly got their food and made it to a nearby park to sit in the parking lot. They had taken their food and had started eating it as the radio quietly played. "This a good fat ass burrito" "it looks like it. These are some good ass tacos, too." The two sat there eating for a moment before the older spoke. "Are you and Hyunjin a thing?" Felix furrowed his eyebrows before shaking his head as a no, finishing his chewing before speaking. "What makes you think that?"

"He's been clinging onto you so much. I just thought yall were together" the black haired male lied. He needed to make sure Hyunjin hadn't gone against his words cause if he did. Pew pew. "I don't think he's been clingy. I also don't mind if he is. I've just noticed how much he's starting to sort of stop talking to me. I dont think he likes me anymore."

Changbin smirked, so Hyunjin was doing what he said. Felix took a big ass bite of his burrito as he finished talking, giving Changbin a chance to speak. "He probably doesn't. I think he told me something about wanting to drop you as a friend." The freckled male stopped chewing as he frowned. "Did I do something?" The younger asked, feeling hurt by the sudden news.

"He said you were being a hoe and going with everyone, and that pissed him off" the older lied. "O-oh.... I..... have I really?" Felix asked in a quiet voice after he had finished chewing. "That's what he's told me" the black haired male shrugged. Felix just responded by rewrapping the large amount of burrito he had left and setting it aside.

Felix just sighed before crossing his arms and looking down. "You're done?" "Lost my appetite" the younger responded with no emotion in his voice. "Don't think of it too much. You're better off without him. Plus, I dont think that of you." The freckled male just hummed in response. "Can you take me home?" "But we just met up not even thirty minutes ago" Changbin spoke, using a fake upset tone.

"Right. I'm sorry." "It's okay. Do you want to cuddle in the back seats to forget about it?" Felix just nodded before Changbin put his food away and started taking the blankets in the back and handing them to the youngest to hold onto for a moment. Changbin got out the car and set up his car as a bed (picture up top) so the two could cuddle. The black haired male signaled the younger to pass him the blankets, the freckled boy doing just that.

After the 'bed' was set up, the oldest called Felix over to the back. "Come on, baby. Get comfortable" Felix smiled in response before going to the back and laying down, Changbin following his actions. The freckled male immediately clung onto his friend and closed his eyes. Changbin took that as an opportunity to take a picture and send it to Hyunjin to make him jealous.

"Bin, you're really warm." Changbin put his phone away after sending the picture to pat the younger's head. "Of course I am. I have tits" "huge ones" the two joked. There was a silence before the shorter spoke. "Felix" "hm?" "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" The ray of sunshine shot his eyes open in confusion as he furrowed his eyebrows. "Your boyfriend?" "Mhm" "I... I don't know Changbin. I mean, you're a good person to me, but to others...  you're not the best. I don't know if I can do it if you continue that."

"How about this, I fix my ways towards others, and you be my boyfriend?" "I... I don't know, Changbin. How am I sure you're not lying?" "I'll take everyone out for some lunch this week. I'll pay for everything. I'll treat them with respect. From there, you know I'm not lying" "promise?" "Promise" Felix cuddled right back up to his, now, boyfriend.

"Is this what this whole week was going to be about?" Felix asked curiously. Changbin hesitantly hummed in response. "Thank you Changbin. You don't know how much this means to me. You're my first boyfriend. I've liked you for almost a full year now. Sure, we fight at times, but you make it up to me, and I appreciate that."

"Of course, my sunshine" "sunshine?" "Mhm, you're a warm person that just loves everyone." Changbin explained. Felix smiled as he closed his eyes, humming in return to what Changbin had told him. "Do you want to tell the others about us?" The younger shrugged. "I'm fine with anything. You can tell them or let them ask when they start realizing." The older nodded as he patted the younger's head "let them figure it out." The shorter spoke, making the freckled male nod.

"Can we listen to some music? It'll make me feel better about Hyunjin not liking me and will be a good start for us as boyfriends" Felix suggested "of course" Changbin had grabbed his phone and ignored the message he'd received from Hyunjin and went straight to Spotify to play Cigarettes After Sex.

The two stayed in silence for a while, apart from the occasional quiet conversations to the point where Felix ended up falling asleep in Changbin's arms from the warmth.

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