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After school was done, the group of seven boys walked out of the school building together, Minho taking the chance to invite them to his place. "Guys, come over to my place, I'm going to make food and dessert." Minho spoke to the group of six. The five boys cheered as Jeongin smiled at his friends from behind them. "Let's go then!" An excited Jisung exclaimed and started running the the older's house. "Are you guys coming over to help me or what?" Minho asked in confusion as he saw Seungmin and Hyunjin start running after the blue haired boy.

"No, we're just hungry, so hurry your ugly ass up," Seungmin yelled as he continued running, not giving a glance to the oldest who just stood there internally sighing. "Let's just go, come on, guys!" Minho yelled after cracking a smile, running after the three boys who were running. Felix took off running with the oldest, leaving Jeongin and Changbin alone. "Let's go, Changbin, they're waiting for us!" the younger exclaimed as he grabbed the older's hand to start running with him but was stopped when Changbin didn't budge.

"Dont touch me," the shorter rudely spoke to the younger as he took his hand away from the taller. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you didn't want me to touch you. I should've asked. I'm sorry." The older rolled his eyes before he started walking, the younger walking next to him. "Changbin, I started working out not too long ago, and I want to be as strong as you. Can you help me with that?" The white-haired boy smiled, to which the shorter scoffed to, "you being this strong? Yeah, that's not happening."

The fox like boy furrowed his eyebrows "whys that?" "You can't even lift ten pounds," the older spoke before laughing. "But I can! I just need to-" "Just stop, you won't be as strong as me." "Oh... I should've known, I mean, look at me, how would I be able to do that?" the younger spoke as he covered his stomach with his arms, starting to feel insecure. "Right? And you had high expectations" the older continued laughing for a while, making Jeongin feel tears fill his eyes.

Just then, the two made it to Minho's house, where there were three boys lying on the ground as Minho cooked. The three on the floor looked to see who walked into Minho's house, only sparring a glance before laying their head back on the ground. Felix, on the other hand, noticed the older with a smile and the youngest with his arms wrapped around his waist.

"Love, what happened?" Jeongin looked at Felix before hesitantly smiling, Felix obviously noticing. "Nothing, Lix. I was just talking to Changbin." "Mmm, okay then, let's wait for Minho to be done cooking, then we can eat okay, love?" "...... okay," the younger whispered in response, not being sure if he was going to eat.

"Changbin, can we talk now? I'm.... I'm ready to talk to you" Felix asked after approaching the shortest, getting an expressionless nod in response. The two went over to an empty room and closed the door for privacy before Felix spoke. "I'm.... sorry, Bubba. I love you and Innie, but I just want to-" "I know. Show him love. I know. You don't seem to understand boundaries, though." "What? I do. Do you?" Felix immeadietly asked in response with furrowed eyebrows, pissed his boyfriend was already acting the way he was after a gentle approach.

"I do. You just dont respect them." "Bubba, I'm sorry. I do respect boundaries, but-" "There's no buts to respecting boundaries." "R-right.... I'm sorry." "Is this why you wanted to talk to me? I have a whole different reason to talk to you." "What's wrong, Bubba? I saw you being kind of distant today." "I don't know how to explain it. I fucked up today." "When do you think you fucked up? If you don't know how to explain it, I'll help you." "You know what I'm talking about"

Felix let out a quiet 'oh, that' before smiling and putting a hand on his boyfriend's shoulder as he thought back to when the older held him by the collar of his shirt. "It's okay, Bin. I wasn't respecting what you said. I know you don't like me and Jeongin being friends, but I can't drop him." "I wanted to apologize, not talk about your friendship with that child." "Oh. You..... you're feeling guilty and sorry" Felix explained, earning a nod from the older. "I'm sorry for being so aggressive and jealous."

"It's okay, baby. I know you don't mean to be like that, I understand. I was also dramatic for reacting the way I did when I should get used to it. You have a different personality than I'm used to" "you know, I really don't deserve you. You're too forgiving and nice. It's not always good to be too nice and forgiving." "It's what helps me be closer to people." Felix smiled before hugging the black haired male. "Food's ready! Come eat!" Minho announced to the friend group, who immediately stopped they were doing to go eat.

Felix let go of his boyfriend, who just went to go get food. The freckled male smiled as he was about to get food, being stopped by Jeongin, who just smiled and held his best friend's hands. "I want a kiss! I want a kiss! I wanta kiss, Lix!" "My love, what happened?" Jeongin took Felix to Minho's bathroom and locked the door. "I just feel happy. I'm spending time with all of you guys. It's amazing! I want a kiss, though." Felix shook his head with a smile. "You're adorable, my love." "Can I get one?"

"Love, we've been over this already," the older calmly spoke. "I know, but I'm really craving one right now!" "I'm sorry, Innie, I have to respect Bin." "Please? Just once? I won't say anything." Jeongin smiled while begging, earning a sigh in response. "Innie-" "Lix, please?" The younger slightly frowned, making the blonde haired male give in. "No saying anything. I love you, but we can't keep kissing. You have Chan, and I have Changbin. I love Changbin romantically, and he's my boyfriend. Understand?" Jeongin nodded. "Chan isn't my boyfriend, though."

"He will be. Now, do you want your kiss or not? I can leave-" "noooo, don't leave~ I want my kiss" Jeongin whined at Felix's teasing. The freckled male just chuckled in response, making the younger gently push him away. "You're so mean" The younger smiled before the older pecked his lips with his arms wrapping around Jeongin's shoulders as the younger held his waist. "Mean when I want to be. You know I love you." Jeongin nodded before kissing his friend again.

This time, the kiss was slower, the younger roaming his hands around his best friend's body as they continued kissing. Felix kissed back as he played with the white-haired male's hair, thinking about how he never really did more with Changbin other than give him a peck. Jeongin continued kissing his friend, who just responded to the kissing, not giving much thought to anything around them since there was a bunch of shouting outside the bathroom.

Just as the kiss started becoming longer and a bit heated, the freckled male started pulling away, earning a whine from the younger. "Nooooo, lix, pleasssee~ I want more~" "Baby, I told you before we kissed-" "I know, but he doesn't know. One more? I won't bother you after that." Felix sighed in defeat. "Last one, my love. I feel terrible for doing this to Changbin." "I understand, Lix."

The two friends pressed their lips together and started slowly moving their lips in sync as their hands moved around each other's bodies. Felix then pulled away after a few seconds to end the kiss. "No more, Innie," Jeongin whined in return.  "What about neck kisses?" Felix shook his head as a no in response. "No more, Innie." Felix sternly replied before he pulled away from his friend to face the mirror and fix himself up. "Aw" the younger frowned as he did the same thing.

"Love, you can't be sad because we can't kiss. You know I have Changbin-" "I know, Lix. I.... I just crave kisses a lot, and since you're with Changbin, we can't do that anymore." "I'm sorry, baby." "It's fine." Jeongin quietly replied as he left the bathroom, making the freckled male walk behind him. "Innie, you're going to be with Chan soon. Don't think you're going to be alone without kissing someone." "I know" the younger sighed as he sat on the couch as Felix went to grab food. The others were already talking with each other without paying much mind to the two friends who had just come out of the bathroom.

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