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The day at the mall was soon over, so Felix and Jeongin were at Jeongin's home, making dinner for themselves. Jeongin was left putting some vegetables to boil and to season the food as Felix cut some chicken up. After putting the cut-up chicken to cook, Felix brought out the bag with the hat in it and handed it to Jeongin. The younger looked at his friend with a smile and teary eyes. "Lix.... you didn't have to. I..... I would've gotten you something, too." "No, my love. It's okay. Hyunjin needed help, and you were there. It's okay. I wanted to give you something for pretty much being my energetic little brother and being able to make everyone happy today. You did amazing today."

Jeongin accepted the gift before Felix flipped the chicken over, putting his head against his friends chest as he let a few tears fall. "Thank you, Lix. I really do thank you. I mean it." Jeongin thanked with a shaky voice, making Felix hug him. "No problem, my Innie. You deserve it." Felix smiled before placing a kiss on the younger's head.

"Do you want me to stay over today?" The older asked after the kiss he gave his friend, earning a nod from the younger who wasn't leaving the hug any moment. "Are your parents going to be home anytime soon?" Jeongin shook his head as a no. "They come back in two weeks" "Innie, stay with us for that time. They've been gone for all of last month and arent coming back until two weeks from now." "Lix, I don't want to be a burden like I have been for the last few years."

Jeongin pulled away from the hug and placed the bag on the counter before grabbing plates and placing the cut-up grilled chicken on them, getting the boiled vegetables and also putting them with the chicken.

"Innie, you're not a burden, my love. We love having you over. You're part of our family." Felix reassured as he accepted the plate the younger gave him, the two making their way to the table to eat. "I'll be fine, Lix. Thank you, though. I love you, Lix." "I love you too, my Innie." Felix smiled before ruffling the younger's white hair before receiving a call from Changbin.

Jeongin stopped going in for a bite, wanting to wait for the older to pick up the call and eat with him afterward. Felix saw this and smiled. "You can eat, my Innie. Don't wait for me and refuel your body, okay, my love?" The younger nodded and took a bite of his food, slowly chewing so he could still have time to eat with the freckled male.

"Hi, Changbin! What's up?" Felix asked, excusing himself to get two cups of water for himself and Jeongin. "Are you free this week?" Changbin asked as Felix filled up both cups. The freckled male gave up trying to keep the phone against his ear and put it on speaker to talk to the older easier. "I'm free all the time. Do you need something?"

Felix asked, walking to the table with both cups of water and placing them on the table in front of their food. Jeongin slightly bowed as a thank you, making the freckled male smile and nod in response before sitting down. "Yeah, I want to hang out with you this week. Is that okay?" "Oh, sure. What for?" "Just to hang out" "sure. Are the others also going?" "I was thinking just you and me"

"Ohhhhh, I guess so. It never hurt to go out alone at times, right?" "There's nothing wrong with it." "Where do you want to go?" "I was thinking we could go bowling, car date type of thing, go for a walk, go to the movies, and probably have a picnic. How does that sound for the week?" Jeongin smiled and nodded, encouraging his friend to take the offer. "It sounds nice, Bin. Text me what time and everything. I have to go, I'm eating dinner with my Innie right now." "Okay, bye" "bye Bin!" The two boys spoke at the same time, Jeongin's voice being louder due to excitement.

"You're hanging out with Changbin! Tell me how everything goes! You guys would be such a cute couple!" Jeongin smiled, chicken juice being on his cheek. Felix smiled at his friend before grabbing a napkin and gently wiping the juice off the younger's cheek and speaking. "Thank you, my Innie." Jeongin nodded with a huge smile "let's eat?" Felix nodded with a smile before grabbing his fork, only to receive another call.

"Sorry, my love, go ahead and eat again. I'll be fine. I'm more worried about you getting your nutrients in than I am about myself, okay?" The younger nodded and began eating, Felix putting his phone on speaker so he could at least get his vegetables in while being on the phone. "Hi, Hyunjin! How's it going?" "Hi uh- Felix. I'm fine..." Hyunjin anxiouly spoke, feeling his heart beat rise and his face flush red. "That's good to hear. Do you need something, Jin?" Felix asked before taking a bite of zucchini.

"Uh yeah, actually.... I was- uh... wondering if you wanted to maybe go out with me this Thursday?" Felix chewed his food before speaking. "I'm sorry, Hyunjin, Changbin asked me to go out with him this whole upcoming week. Do you want to go out maybe the upcoming Saturday or after me and Changbin hang out on any of the weekdays?" Hyunjin's chest ached, Changbin was getting Felix before he could, knowing that Hyunjin actually liked the freckled male.

"Poor Hyunjin" Jeongin mouthed to the older with a frown, making Felix nod in agreement. "Oh, Changbin called... I wanted to go on a car date with you on Tuesday. Is that okay?" "Of course it is, Jin. When do you think works best for you?" "Never mind, I.... I don't think you want to go out with me." Hyunjin sadly spoke, feeling like giving up since Changbin already had Felix occupied all week so the long haired  male couldn't get to him. "Jin, I never said that. I'll ask Changbin to give me a day so me and you can go out together all day, don't worry about it. I'll text you what he says. I'm gonna go eat with Innie. I promise I'll make the car date happen. I'll work something out, okay?"

Hyunjin just hummed, feeling upset, angry, jealous, and nervous. He told Changbin about the plans he had for him and Felix, but didn't want to confront him about it since he knew he was going to get held at gun point again. "You okay, Hyunjin?" "Yeah, I'm....fine" Hyunjin spoke as he felt tears rolling down his cheeks. "I'll be here for you, Jin. You dont sound too well. I hope everything's okay. We'll sort things out, okay?" "I'm okay, Lix. Don't worry. I'll let you and Jeongin eat. Have a good meal" "thank you, Jin. I love you" "I love you too, Lix"

Hyunjin hung up right after saying that, making Felix frown. "Poor Hyunjin, he's acting strange. He seemed nervous after I said something about Chang- oh my gosh...... I'll talk to him privately afterwards." "What did Changbin do?" "Nothing my love. Changbin hasn't done anything. They just got into an argument, nothing you should worry about. That's why Hyunjin was crying in the mall, my lovely Innie." "Ohhhhh" "Yes, my love. Now, continue eating, my Innie"

Felix instructed, patting the younger's white hair with a smile before he grabbed his fork and joined the younger. "Do you like it?" Jeongin asked, making Felix smile and nod "it's delicious, love. You seasoned everything perfectly. You have talent, my little one." The younger squealed as he did a small dance with a smile in response to the praise, earning quiet laughter from his best friend from the cuteness.

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