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It was now lunchtime for all seven boys, and they had all agreed to go to Seungmin's place after school. The boys were now over at Seungmin's place, waiting for everyone to get there, Felix and Changbin being the first ones there.

"Felix, go to Seungmin's room." The oldest instructed, confusing the two younger boys. "For what? Do you want to talk privately?" "Well I didn't tell Seungmin to join you. He can if he also wants a beating." Seungmin immediately shook his head as a no as he continued getting ready for the others to arrive. "W-what? Why am I getting beat? I haven't done anything. I.... I stayed away from Jeongin most of the day. I did everything you wanted me to do. Im not going if you're going to beat me. I love you, but you can't keep hitting me even if you have a reason."

Changbin stomped towards his boyfriend and grabbed his shirt as Seungmin stayed quiet and flinched himself. "If you loved me, you'd do as I say!" "I do love you, but you're asking for me to do something that involves me getting hurt. I'm trying to figure out why you want to hit me, but there is no good reason. Let go of me, and deal with your anger another way. I'm not a fucking punching bag for you. Im your boyfriend. Apparently, your boxing classes are going to shit if you don't know the difference."

Seungmin's eyes widened out of fear for his freckled friend. He knew no one talked to Changbin that way, only the oldest male's dad, but that was it. "You aren't my dad to be speaking to me that way! Do as you're told, not as you please! Know your place, you whore! You're nothing! You need me for you to be something! You're fucking unbelievable! Who raised you?!"

"My mom and dad raised me in a loving family! I know your family is in a shit hole, but mine isn't! You don't have to drag me or anyone else into your damn traumas! When will you understand that?! I'm trying my best to show something that I know you're not used to, but you fucking hit me or push me away! It's weird to get used to, but we've been together for almost a month! You can at least be less fucking dense and more open minded!"

Just as Felix finished yelling, the blonde haired male forcefully pushed his boyfriend away from him and stood up right with a straight face. "I'm trying to make you happy like my family raised me. The least you can do is stop hitting me, so we're not going to Seungmin's room just so you can beat me. Now, think of what I'm telling you and go help us set this shit up. If you want to talk, talk. If you're going to hit me, you can easily get the fuck out and never talk to me again. I'm your boyfriend, at least respect the title."

Changbin was quiet. He knew Felix was right. He had been dragging everyone he knew into his past. He knew Felix was his boyfriend and was showing him something he and his brother didn't grow up with. He had to get used to change and start getting a bit open-minded. The way Felix was right sat in his head and chest.

He felt like crying but knew better than to cry for something he caused. His mind also told him not to cry because of his dad and the strict masculinity put on him while growing up in an all men/boys household. Felix had just walked away and went to Seungmin, who had been watching the whole thing.

The two boys went to Seungmin's room and closed the door. "That was amazing! Lix, you did something none of us could do! You're amazing, Lix!" Felix shook his head as a no with a slight frown on his face. "What are you talking about?! That takes balls to do, especially to Changbin! Are you not proud of yourself?!" "I..... I am, but it doesn't mean he's going to listen to me. I just think he's going to hit me more because I brought up his home situation."

Felix let some tears flow down his face as he let out soft cries. "Oh, my Lix" Seungmin frowned as he went to go hug the older. "You did amazing. Don't think of that. I think you actually got through him since he didn't yell at you right after you said that. He stayed quiet. I think he's actually going to take in what you said, little fairy."

"Even if I did get through to him, I shouldn't have yelled at-" "shhhhh. He was yelling at you. It's okay. Don't worry, baby." The freckled boy just nodded as he started to sniffle. "You were amazing out there, freckles. He'll talk to you soon about this, don't think about it." Seungmin spoke, placing a kiss on Felix's forehead afterwards with a smile.

"Let's go downstairs. Everyone's on their way. Innie said he was coming too, right?" The older nodded as he pulled away from the hug. "I don't know if he's going to come late or not. He said he was going to a doctor's appointment." "Ask him." "I can't. Changbin has my phone." "What? Why?" "He thought I was cheating on him with Innie. Can I use your phone, please?" Seungmin nodded as he pulled his phone out and unlocked it before handing it to Felix with a small smile.

Just then, the doorbell rang, making Felix grab the phone and Seungmin leave to open the front door. "Come down when you're ready, Lix. Hyunjin wants to see his angel~" Seungmin teased before leaving the room, knowing Felix didn't know Hyunjin had feelings for him.

Felix just nodded and called the youngest. "Hi Seung! I'll be there a little late! I'm at a doctor's appointment! Was there something you wanted me to bring?" Jeongin asked with enthusiasm, an evident smile accompanying the tone of voice even if it was through the phone, Felix still knew there was a smile.

The freckled male smiled as he heard his best friend. "Innie, baby, it's Lix." "Oh! Lix! Wait- why are you calling from Seungmin's phone? Are you guys okay?" "I'll tell you some other time. I just wanted to ask if you were going to be late or not, but you answered my question." "Ohh! Okay! I'll see you in a bit! I love you" "I love you too, my little one" Felix smiled before hanging up.

The blonde freckled male then went downstairs and handed the phone to Seungmin before greeting everyone with a bright smile and a hug. "You look beautiful, my angel" Hyunjin complimented the freckled male who just greeted everyone with a loving tone. "Thank you, Jin, you're handsome" Hyunjin patted his friend's head with a loving smile before speaking again.

"Were you crying, my angel?" Hyunjin quietly asked as everyone sat down on the couch and got comfortable. Felix furrowed his eyebrows with a smile as he shook his head as a no. "No, it was... it was allergies." "My angel, you're lying. Did he hit you?" "No, I'm fine, Jin. He didn't hit me." "Then why were you crying?" "How are you so observant? Yes, I was just crying, but no, he didn't hit me."

Hyunjin gently cupped the younger's face and observed it. "Nothing, just new bruises on your neck. Where'd they come from?" "Jin, let's just go watch the movie they put on. I'm fine" Felix smiled as he removed the taller's hand away from him and gently held it in both his hands.

"Where'd they come from, my angel?" Hyunjin softly asked again. "Hyunjin, I'm-" "Baby, I know you're not alright. You're getting hit and choked and not in the kinky way. Changbin's been doing this to you. He made you cry earlier, didn't he?" "Yes, that's true, but- wait. How do you know all of this?"

"Piecing everything together. All of us know about the abuse, and we're worried." "Hyunjin, I'll be fine. I just talked with him. Don't worry about me, you already have to be careful with yourself. I dont need you to worry about me." The older sighed before Felix let go of his hand, allowing him to ruffle the younger's hair. "Let's go, cutie. You're perfect." Hyunjin smiled, making the two start walking to the living room where everyone was.

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