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School was now over, and the couple was now in Changbin's car on the to Felix's house. "Bubba. Why did you do that earlier today?" Felix gently asked. "You've cheated on me too." "What you saw wasn't cheating. He literally held my hand and didn't do anything weird. Sure, I have kissed some people while we've been together, but only because Im close to them. Their kisses don't mean anything. I regret the kisses. I feel bad when I think about them. I've told them to stop because we were together. I actually think of you. I was right there talking to you when you were making out with that girl. You don't care about the fact we're together. Do you regret it? Do you feel guilty? Does that not-"

"Shut up already! You just confessed that you cheated on me! I knew I wasn't making things up when I kept saying you were going to cheat. Who did you cheat on me with?!" "First of all, stop yelling at me! Second, the kisses meant nothing. They're not happening again since I told these people not to do it again." "You really think that stops people from doing that?! You're just going to continue doing it-" "Listen to me. I want to sort shit out. Answer why you did what you did today. After that, I'll tell you about these kisses. Do you understand?" Felix calmly asked after taking a deep breath in to calm him down.

"Fuck that. Answer me!" "No! We're going to do it the way I said so that's it's easy for us to understand each other, okay?" "You-" "If it's not a yes. I don't want to hear it. We're going to be adults soon, so let's fucking act like it. Do you understand?" Felix asked as they pulled up to a red traffic light, making Changbin huff in frustration. "Yes" "good. Explain what the fuck was going on earlier and why you did it." The younger spoke as the light turned green. "You were hoeing around today like you always do." "I was only holding his hand in a friendly way." "There's nothing friendly about holding hands!" "That's what you think. Were you feeling jealous or hurt when you saw that? Is that why you did that?"

Changbin stayed silent after hearing the question, confirming the freckled male's assumption. "So you were feeling that way? You know there's different ways to handle that? Like asking us to stop. Telling us how you were feeling. So many different ways, and you chose that one. For what? To also make me feel that way?" The oldest nodded as he parked the car in the driveway of the Lee household. "So you know how it feels. I see you doing all of this cutesy shit with people who aren't me. I'm frustrated and annoyed with how much you do it, to the point I decided to do that. Did you deserve it? Absolutely."

The black haired male stated as he turned his body to face his boyfriend. "Knowing now that you also cheated on me with random ass people makes me think you deserve it even more than before since I have stayed loyal throughout this whole time up until now. You know how much that shit was going to affect our relationship, but you still decided to do it more than once. Now that you confirmed that you cheated, it hurts me 'cause I do love you, but it doesnt seem like you actually love me like you say you do."

"Maybe I did deserve it, but couldn't you stop when you heard me? I fucked up, but I told you it wasnt going to happen again and I'm sure of that since one of those kisses werent asked for. It's been a while since that happened, and I haven't kissed anyone. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'll do better to make sure I dont hurt you, but you also have to stop being so stubborn and jealous. I'm not blaming you for my cheating, but you're constantly stubborn and jealous, that it gets to the point I can't take it anymore. The people I kissed weren't stubborn or jealous like you are and treat me a lot better than you do. I blame myself for not talking to you about this sooner before I did what I did, but I still do love you."

Changbin sighed in frustration as he looked away from the younger male, holding back the anger he had built up. "I can't fucking believe you. You know this shit about cheating isn't light with me, and you still decided to do it! You're so fucking disgusting!" The older said before harshly slapping the freckled male and grabbing his arm tightly, leaving yet more bruises on the younger, slapping him again after he held him in place. "You go around whoring around with everyone you know, and it's unbelievable!" The shorter shouted as he continuously hit his boyfriend's head, Felix protecting his head and taking it in since he believed he did deserve that type of punishment.

"You dont feel bad! You just want me to feel bad for your so-called mistake! I don't feel bad for you!" The older yelled as he continued hitting his boyfriend on his body and head. "You're so fucking disgusting!" The younger nodded after his boyfriend stopped. "No one's going to love you if you keep acting this way, stupid fat whore!" Changbin yelled again before hitting Felix's head one last time. The younger just frowned and nodded in response. "I'm sorry." He apologized. "Now you're sorry?! After keeping it hidden from me for a while now?!" "I know. It's wrong, but what else am I supposed to tell you? I feel terrible for doing that. I do love you. I'm not lying. I really do feel guilty for doing that. I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?"

"Get out of my car. I'll tell you tomorrow if I can forgive you or not." The blonde haired male nodded with a frown before getting his things and getting out of the car, turning to the car and apologizing again before the older drove away. Just after Changbin drove away, Felix broke down crying for the second time that day. There was no excuse to be cheating on someone he loved. He couldn't defend himself for what he did. He was going to have to tell Changbin about it at some point for the same outcome. No amount of explanation could change the reaction he got from the shorter for cheating.

Felix knew his boyfriend's mom cheated on his dad and how much it affected him and his brother. He fucked up. He felt guilty during those kisses, but Changbin telling him he was hurt made him feel even more guilty than before. Changbin, on the other hand, was crying the whole way home to the point he had to pull over from not being able to see the road. He sobbed as he repeatedly hit the steering wheel, feeling angry and hurt, yet sorry for his boyfriend. The day was honestly just a mess.

He cheated on his boyfriend out of jealousy just to hurt him and find out what the younger was hiding. He would've rather gone their whole relationship not knowing, than knowing. It hurt him to know he got cheated on, and finally understood why his dad acted the way he did. Was he going to follow in his dad's steps? No. Felix made him realize that what he was doing was wrong. His boyfriend had a good influence on him, but he still managed to fuck up that good influence. Changbin just sobbed before calling Jisung.

"Hi Changbin. What's u- Or what's wrong? Why are you crying? Are you okay? What happened?" The oldest just continued crying in return, making Jisung speak. "Hey, Bin. Breath in and out slowly. Calm down. Everything's going to be okay. You're not hurt, are you?" "He cheated. He fucking cheated on me multiple fucking times!" Changbin yelled before he did as Jisung said, taking deep breaths in and out. "What? Why would Felix do that? Did you guys talk it out? Did you guys break up?" "I don't know why he'd do that! Ask him! We didn't break up. He just said he wouldn't cheat on me again." "Bin, you also cheated on him today. I saw you kissing that girl in the hallway." "Because he was holding hands with Hongjoong!"

"I get that, Bin, but you can't be acting like that when you see that. Felix understands when you tell him you don't like him doing something with someone. You could've gone up to him and told him not to do that instead of doing that." "Why doesn't he understand the basics of dating?! He doesn't understand the fact you can't go around kissing other people while you're with someone! Is it that hard not to do?!" "Bin, calm down. I don't know why Felix would do that. Please, talk to him more about this. Understand him like he understands you. Give him time to speak. Let him explain himself, and please don't argue back. See what he tells you in his perspective. Consider how he felt in the moment, too. I don't know what else to tell you. Felix is usually pretty good at communicating his feelings when he's not getting interrupted."

"Should I give him one more chance?" Changbin asked, now only sniffling since he had been calming himself down like Jisung had told him to do. "That's up to you, Bin. Do you trust him enough when he says he won't cheat on you again? Do you still love him?" Changbin nodded as he sniffled and wiped his tears away. "You're right. Thank you, Jisung." "Of course, Bin. Whenever you need it." Jisung spoke before hanging up, making Changbin sigh. The black haired male had collected himself and once again began driving back home.

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