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Felix had now gone inside his empty house and straight to his room. His older family members were at school while Olivia was at an after-school program. The freckled male went to his room and sat on the ground against his bed as he sniffled. "Bin, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for fucking this up." He apologized, knowing he wasn't being heard. "I fucked up so bad." Felix cried, deciding to call Seungmin to tell him everything going on. "What's up, Lix... what happened, baby?" Felix just cried at the question, making Seungmin speak.

"Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" The younger gently asked. "Seung, I fucked up. I fucked up really bad" the older let put between hiccups. "Why? What happened?" "Changbin knows I kissed Innie and Hyunjin. He doesn't know it was them, but he knows I kissed someone else that wasn't him." The freckled male explained as he wiped his tears away. "Lix, why would you do that? I thought you would never do something like that." "Me and Innie used to kiss when we were younger, but he asked for some kisses not too long ago. I told him no at first because I had Changbin, but he kept insisting, so I gave them to him. With Hyunjin, he kissed me when we were out on a picnic. I wasn't expecting it, but I also told him we couldn't kiss again because I was with Changbin."

The blonde haired male explained to his friend as he sniffled. "Baby, I understand what you're saying, but did you explain this to Changbin?" "I did, but he just hit me. I deserved it, but I couldn't fully tell him what I was saying since he already doesn't like Innie and is threatening Hyunjin." "Oh, baby. This is difficult. I'm sorry. I don't know how to help you." "It's okay, Seung. I just needed to tell someone." "Do you want me to go over to your house?" "No Seung, I have to get ready to hang out with Hongjoong. Thank you though." "Of course, Lix. Are you feeling okay?" Felix sighed as he got up and wiped his tears away. "Not really. Changbin also kissed a girl earlier today and wouldn't stop even after he heard me. It hurt me, but I hurt him more."

The older spoke as he started getting ready to go out with Hongjoong. "I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but I think it would be better if you guys broke up. This isn't healthy for either of you. This could really affect your guys' mental health." "You think so? I love him, though." "I know, Lix, but you guys constantly fight, and he's always hitting you." Felix thought about what his friend told him as he got ready. "I'll.... I'll think about it. Thank you, Seung." "Of course, Lix." "I have to go. I'll talk to you later. Thank you, love." The blonde haired male thanked as he changed clothes. Seungmin hummed in response before the two bid their byes and hung up.

Fifteen minutes had passed by, and Felix was now ready and waiting for Hongjoong to pick him up. He glamed up to make himself feel better and forget about the fighting that just happened before he got home. Hongjoong let the freckled male know he was already there, making the younger go downstairs and out the door to Hongjoong's car. "Hi, Lix. You look beautiful" "Hi Hongjoong. You also look great." The blonde haired male complimented with a smile. "Where are we going today?" "Well since you look so beautiful, I think we should shop for some fancy clothes and go to McDonald's with the clothes we buy. Then we can go to the movies in fancy clothes. What do you think?"

Felix nodded with a huge smile before speaking. "I think that's amazing! That would be so much fun!" Hongjoong smiled with heart eyes at the smiling freckled male. "You're so beautiful. There's just one thing missing" Hongjoong spoke as he cupped the younger's face to wipe the makeup off of the blonde haired male's cheeks where the freckles were. "There. Your freckles are beautiful." The younger just smiled at the compliment before speaking. "Thank you." The older then pulled his hand away from his friend before he started driving. "I was thinking of going to a thrift store to get our clothes. What do you think?" "That would be great! I want to try putting a dress on. Why dont you put one on with me?" Felix enthusiastically asked as they made their way to the thrift store.

"I want you to be the center of attention. You look beautiful, and I want that to stand out." The older admitted. "Are you sure? I want both of us to turn heads when we walk by." "I'm sure." "Can you at least try one dress on?" Hongjoong nodded in response. "If that's what you would like me to do, then of course I will. Whatever you want me to do" "r-really? You can say no if you dont want to." Felix hesitantly asked, not really used to anyone really agreeing to him other than Jeongin. "But I want you to be happy, so I'll do it for you." "Oh! Thank you so much, Joong!" Felix exclaimed as he hugged the older's arm.

"Of course, baby" the older responded before they arrived at the thrift store. The two friends got out of the car after Hongjoong turned it off and made their way inside. Felix immediately found a beautiful white dress and grabbed it. "Look! This would look amazing on you!" The taller chuckled at the younger's statement. "I think it would suit you more, beautiful. You should wear it." The black and blonde haired male spoke. "Can you try it on?" "Of course, Lix" Hongjoong smiled as he grabbed the dress and headed towards the dressing room. "Can you find me a nice suit, sunshine? I think I'll stick to you putting on a dress." The older giggled, earning a nod from the younger who immeadietly went to go for that.

Just as Felix came back with a suit, he bursted out laughing at the sight of his friend being stuck in the long, unzipped dress. "Felix, stop laughing. I can't get it off." Hongjoong smiled as he tried taking the dress off again to prove his point, earning more laughter from the younger who was now rolling on the ground. "Hey, hey, hey, get up and help me, Lix!" "Sorry, Joong, I think you have to wear it now. I can't help you. I'll wear the suit." Felix laughed after getting up. "Felix!" Hongjoong sternly, but playfully spoke with wide eyes as the freckled male went to a changing room and changed clothes.

"Just wear it. Let me change into the suit. We'll pay for it while it's on us." "I hate you." "I love you too. Now, let's go pay." Hongjoong groaned before grabbing his clothes and following a laughing Felix that was now in a suit. The blonde haired male paid for both their outfits with an employee who also laughed at the situation. The two friends made it to the car after paying, and the younger got his phone out to take a picture of his friend stuck in the dress as he laughed. "You're so annoying." "Deal with it." Felix responded as he recorded a close-up video of the older who just stared at him.

Hongjoong burst out laughing. "Beautiful but annoying." The taller shook his head as the younger stopped recording with a huge eye smile. "Now a picture of both of us," Felix suggested with a bright smile, making the older agree. The two took a bunch of silly pictures in their fancy clothes, many just making funny faces, acting like they were going to kiss each other, making evil faces, and smiling.

After taking the pictures, Hongjoong turned on the car and made their way to McDonald's to get some food, eating inside to not make Hongjoong's car smell. The two spent the time at McDonald's laughing, eating, and talking before they decided to go into the indoor playground inside the place. Felix had fallen from a higher place, making Hongjoong laugh from the higher level where Felix was, also falling from laughing at him.


The two friends laughed at the situation they were in before they continued playing around on the slides and whatnot. They soon left after a long time of playing and decided to go to the movie theater since the movie they decided to watch was about to start. On their way there, Hongjoong placed a hand on Felix's thigh before speaking. "Are you having fun, sunshine?" Felix excitedly nodded in response with an eye smile in response. "I am. It's been a while since I've had this much fun. Thank you for this. I'm sorry the last time we went out it went wrong."

"It's okay, beautiful. We're having fun now, aren't we?" Felix nodded. "Thank you for that." "Of course, Lix." Hongjoong reassured as he rubbed his friend's thigh with his thumb, soon arriving at the movie theater. The two males got out of the car and made their way inside while holding hands, Hongjoong paying for their tickets before going to sit down and watch the movie. Hongjoong and Felix sat next to each other in the movie theater, still holding hands before the older kissed the back of the freckled male's hand before kissing his cheek.

"You're amazing, beautiful." "You are too, Joong, just please dont kiss me. I'm dating Changbin, remember?" Hongjoong's smile slightly fell as he nodded in understatement. "You're right. I'm sorry about that, sunshine." "No worries, Joong. Let's watch the movie, it's about to start." Felix smiled, making the older's smile return at the beauty.

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