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It was the same day at the mall, but it was during the time Felix and Changbin were talking in the store where they were getting the matching hoodies. "Yo, has Changbin done anything to you guys again? I've noticed he doesn't try threatening us much even if we do something he doesn't like." Jisung asked. "I try not to get involved with anything between him and Felix's relationship since Changbin keeps being aggressive with poor Lix, so no." Seungmin replied. "I really feel bad for Felix. I know he loves Changbin, but he has a soft heart while Changbin doesn't really have one." Minho stated, worried for the smiley freckled male.

"I have noticed that Changbin started yelling and hitting us less. Do you think he's finally changing and letting go of the past?" Hyunjin pointed out to the three who nodded with furrowed eyebrows. "I think Lix got to his heart. He has that beautiful charm." Minho suggested, earning a hopeful nod from the rest of the guys at the table.

"Even like that, I still think he's going to go back to the way he was before. People don't change that fast." Seungmin said, earning nods in agreement from the rest of the boys. "Maybe we should just be happy he's willing to change for Felix." Hyunjin suggested. "Let's hope this lasts for a while." Jisung spoke before he continued eating.

After a little moment of silence, due to the eating, the group started talking again. "Do you guys remember when Jisung and Minho were fighting about who was more handsome and Jisung would get mad at Minho because when he saw him, he thought he was beautiful. First for everything, huh?" Seungmin spoke to the three boys that were eating with him.

"No! That's not how it went!" Jisung retorted. "So how did it go?" Hyunjin asked as he raised an eyebrow. Jisung stood up from his seat and started speaking. "I thought I was beautiful until I saw him walk into the classroom! I despised him because of how beautiful he was! Get it right!" Jisung loudly explained as he pointed to Hyunjin and Seungmin, who sat in front of him.

"Ji, honey, you're repeating what Seungmin said. Quit fighting and sit the fuck down. Your ass looks amazing, and it's turning me on. I don't need a huge ass boner in the middle of the mall." Minho scolded as he held his boyfriend's arm. The three males looked at him in disgust. "You're actually disgusting," Hyunjin blurted out. "You could've kept that in your head. We say everything we want, but that was just unnecessary." Seungmin joined in.

Jisung nodded before putting his ass in front of his boyfriend's face, making Minho smack it. "Shit, baby. Wait till we get home." Minho chuckled with a smirk as he squeezed the squirrel like boy's ass, smelling shit in a matter of seconds. "Fucking hell. Why did you fart in my face?! Bro, what did you eat?!" Minho said with disgust as he pinched his nose together and harshly pushed the younger away, making him trip over his own chair.

Seungmin and Hyunjin were laughing at the couple together for a while before getting their composure just to burst out laughing again. Jisung had gotten up and smacked his boyfriend's arm since he also started laughing at the fact that the squirrel like boy fell over his chair. "Bitch! I hope you get pink eye! You heard how juicey it was!" "Bitch! I hope you get bruises from that small fall! Dramatic ass."

"I am not dramatic! You are!" "How?!?!" "You yelled at me for farting in your face!" Hyunjin and Seungmin just watched the couple before looking at each other and rolling their eyes. "Let's make out? Imagine how they'll react" Hyunjin smiled, earning a smile of agreement from the younger.

Just as the couple was 'arguing', they heard kissing noises coming from nearby. They looked around and saw their friends making out, looking back at each other with confusion. "What is this? Weren't you in love with Felix?" Minho asked Hyunjin before earning laughter from the two making out. "Yall looked stupid when yall noticed us," the long-haired male laughed.

Seungmin, on the other hand, looked down in embarrassment after the laughter, feeling guilt. Embarrassment since he just made out with Hyunjin in the middle of the mall. Guilt because he had feelings for Hyunjin, but the older never laid eyes on him unless it was about Felix, and he kissed him either way. "How do you expect us not to look stupid when you guys just randomly start making out without yall being a couple?!" Minho asked.

"Girl, it's nothing" Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "Seungmin, was it nothing to you?" Jisung asked the male who was looking at the ground, the male looking up to answer the question. "Hm? Oh.... uhhhh. I mean, it's whatever Hyunjin wants it to be. I- uh don't really mind" Seungmin spoke. "See? It's okay." Hyunjin smiled, earning an eye roll from the couple in front of him.

Everyone continued eating before Seungmin spoke. "So Jisung, how constipated are you?" "Oh girl. Don't even. I haven't shit in almost a week, but I shit today, and was luck was on my side." "Really? How?" Minho asked as he blankly stared at his boyfriend.

"So I went to the bathroom, took a small gut cleaning shit, and lucky me, I had no toilet paper." The three chuckled. "So, how did you get out?" Hyunjin asked as he covered his mouth with his hand since he was still chewing. "Girl, I got off the toilet and waddled over to the closet IN MY ROOM to get toilet paper, making sure my ass cheeks never touched too firmly. But yall know the big distance I have from the bathroom to my room! I didn't even pull up my pants!"

The group laughed at Jisung as Changbin and Felix sat next to Hyunjin and Minho. "Why didn't you call your parents or something?" "They were working! Bro, it was the worst cause my ass started itching, and I almost shoved my fingers up there to scratch." The group laughed hysterically at the story as Felix and Changbin just smiled with furrowed eyebrows, trying to understand the weird topic.

"What were you guys talking about?" Felix chuckled. "Jisung's great luck and constipation." Seungmin laughed. The freckled male just playfully rolled his eyes as Changbin watched him with a loving smile. "Sorry for not waiting for you guys. You guys were taking a little too long." "Don't worry about it, Min, it's okay. Right Bin?" Felix asked with a smile.

Changbin stopped smiling and out on a straight face as he cleared his throat. "If it's fine with you, then yes. Next time, you guys will wait for us no matter how long we take." "Great, just not the last part. Let them eat, Bin. It's okay if they don't wait for us when we take too long." Changbin sighed before grabbing his utensils to start eating.

"Lix, where's Jeongin?" Changbin put his utensils down and spoke. "We can talk about everything but that child. I've told you guys multiple times not to bring him up if it's unnecessary. Right now, it's unnecessary. Eat your food and forget-" The black haired male looked around and saw Felix furrow his eyebrows with sadness, making Changbin sigh.

"Lix-" "why do you always talk about him like that? You know how much I love him, and yet you still talk shit about him in front of me. Can you not? The others love him, too. Please Bin-" "Okay, look, I'm sorry. I just dont like him. Just stop talking about him. Eat your food in silence, and we'll be okay." "I..... I'm sorry." Felix apologized as he looked down at his food and started slowly eating.

Jisung and Minho held their hands together and watched their freckled friend get treated badly since they would've gotten threatened if they talked to Changbin in any way that was disrespectful. Seungmin held onto Hyunjin's arm as the two watched the situation, again not doing anything for the same reason. Everyone felt bad for not helping Felix, but they couldn't say or do anything to help.

"Are you guys going to just stare at us? Eat your food instead of being so nosey." "Bin-" "I didn't let you speak" Felix slowly nodded as he looked back down at his food before slightly pushing it away. "Now, what's wrong?" The shortest asked his boyfriend in an irritated tone, earing a head shake as a no. "Just..... lost my appetite," the freckled male quietly explained.

Changbin took a deep breath in "baby, please eat your meal before you become skin and bones. I want you to be healthy. I'm trying not to get mad because you guys brought up that child." Felix just hummed before placing his head on his arms to rest. "My angel, you're not doing anything wrong. Don't let him get to you. Please eat, my beautiful angel. I love you." Hyunjin whispered to the freckled male next to him, earning a nod from the Australian male.

"I love you, too." Felix smiled as he sat up right. Changbin smiled as he held his hand out for Felix to hold, the freckled male doing just that. "I love you. I get how you're feeling, Bin."

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