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Felix ran to Jeongin's house since it was pretty close, wiping his tears away as he ran and fixed himself up to look presentable in front of his best friend. Once Felix got there, he took a few deep breaths before knocking on the door. "Lix!" Jeongin exclaimed with a smile. "My innie!" Felix exclaimed with a huge eye smile as he hugged the younger, who hugged back.

"I'm sorry I called. I thought you forgot about tonight. I'm sorry if you were busy." "No. Don't apologize, my love. I didn't forget. Changbin and I got into a disagreement, but we sorted everything out. I didn't want to leave him mad at me." "Ohhhh, it's okay, Lix. I get it. Things happen. Are you okay now?" "I am, lovely. Thank you for asking." Jeongin smiled with a nod as he pulled away from the hug to look his friend in the eyes. "I love you, Lix." "I love you too, baby. Let's go play some games?" "Yes! Can we also make cake pops?! I've been craving some, but the ones at Starbucks are expensive!" Jeongin whined as he shut his eyes and dramatically threw his head back.

Felix playfully rolled his eyes as he shook his head with a smile. "Of course we can, little one, whatever you want." "Thank you, Lix! While we're making those, I have something to tell you." Felix raised his eyebrows in curiosity as the two friends pulled away to go to the living room after shutting the door. "What is it, my Innie?" "Me and Chan are together!" Felix gasped in excitement before hugging his best friend again.

"You guys are?! I knew you guys were going to get together! How long has it been? Do you guys go out on dates? Does he take care of you? Does he treat you right? Is he a good boyfriend to you? Do you love him? Are you comfortable with him?" Felix questioned as he pulled away to shake the younger to get a response from him. "We've been together for a month now, Lix. He's perfect. He takes me out to eat and doesn't mistreat me like......" Jeongin reassured since the last relationship he was in was a little worse than Felix's current one. "That's good, my love! I'm so happy for you! Does your family know?"

Jeongin shook his head as a no. "I'm scared to tell them. I'll wait until after I graduate and have some money to support myself just in case they kick me out. I hope that doesn't happen, though. I love my family. That would make me feel like a disgrace and disappointment to the family." "If they don't accept you, me and my family always do. Don't worry about anything, my love." "I love you, Lix." "I love you more, my baby." "Thank you for being here for me, Lix." "Of course, little one."

"Can I get a kiss?" Jeongin asked, making the older shake his head as a no with a gentle smile. "No, my love. You have a boyfriend now. I have to respect that. I don't want you to be in a bad position with Chan. I also don't want to be someone Chan can't trust. I know what it's like to get cheated on and to get a reaction from cheating. I don't want you to go through that as well." Jeongin slowly nodded in response as he squinted his eyes.

"But it's just a kiss?" "Little one, it's wrong to do. Someone you love is who you should be kissing." "But I love you." "Maybe don't be too dumb for a relationship, Innie. Imagine if Chan was with a girl and he was kissing her. How would you feel?" Jeongin furrowed his eyebrows as he started thinking about how he would react. "I would be mad and hurt." "See. Do you want Chan to feel that way because we kissed?" "No, that would hurt me too." "So let's not kiss and keep Chan happy so he can trust you to be around me, yeah?" The younger nodded in response.

"Let's move on. How do you make cake pops, Lix?" Jeongin asked as he pulled out a bowl, and Felix grabbed the flour with a smile. "Let's use my dad's recipe. It's easier and tastier. Is that okay?" The white-haired male quickly nodded in response with a bright smile before speaking. "Dad has the best recipes, Lix!" "Of course he does, Innie. He wouldn't have a bakery if he didn't." The two laughed before they started making the cake pops.


Meanwhile, with Changbin and Hongjoong, an argument had started about Felix. "You don't treat him right! He should be with someone better than you!" Hongjoong yelled at Changbin as he pushed him. "You dont know what our relationship is actually like to be saying that!" Changbin retorted. "I've seen and heard enough to know you don't deserve him!" The oldest shouted as Changbin pushed him. "All you hear isn't true! I take care of him!" "You're not doing a good job with it! You left him to walk back home twice!" Hongjoong yelled as Olivia entered her brother's room to check what all the noise was about.

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