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Everyone had just gotten home from the afternoon at Seungmin's place, but before Changbin and Felix could go separate ways, the freckled male timidly walked up to his boyfriend after not talking to him during the entire hang out.

"Bin, can... can we talk?" He asked as he walked up to his boyfriend, who was standing outside the driver side of his car. Changbin sighed before speaking and rolling his eyes. "Go ahead." "I..... I'm sorry. I was disrespectful to you earlier today before everyone got here. I didn't mean to yell at you or bring up your family situation. I was wrong for doing that. I'll do whatever you want as a punishment.... or I can-"

Changbin chuckled. "You're cute when you're apologizing." "W-what?" "You heard me. I'll forgive you since you were right, but you have to introduce me to your family, go to school to and home with me, and we can stay on good terms. I won't hit you from now on if you do this." "That's fine. Thank you, Bin! I thought you weren't going to forgive me for what I've said and done. You're the best! Thank you!" Felix smiled as he hugged his boyfriend.

"Of course, Lix. Do you want a ride home?" "Can I please? You can meet my parents today like you want to! Let me...." Felix smiled as he patted himself down for his phone before remembering he didn't have it. "Can I please use my phone? I won't do anything. You can watch what I'm doing so you know I'm not lying. I just want to tell my mom before we get there."

Changbin nodded and pulled out the phone and watched his boyfriend's every move on the phone. "Mom?" Felix called out as he put the phone on speaker. "Hi, baby! Do you want me to pick you up?" "No, I'll be fine. Changbin's going to take me home. Thank you, mom" "Oh good! He's your boyfriend, right?" "Yes, mom." "If only he knew how much you talk about him! You guys are meant for each other!"

Changbin looked at the younger, who looked back at him with an awkward smile. "Right, what I called for. Changbin wants to meet you and dad. Is that okay, mom?" "Of course it is! Give me thirty minutes to tidy up, and you guys can come! How is that for you, baby?" "That's fine. I'll see you then." "Alright baby, stay safe! I love you!" "I love you too, mom."

After hanging up, the younger looked at his boyfriend. "Do you want to eat? It'll be on me." "No, I'm okay." Felix nodded to Changbin's response to his request. "Get in." The older instructed the younger who did as he was told and got into the passenger side to sit. Changbin had also gotten in the car and started it.

"Where are we going?" The freckled male asked. "You'll see. Give me your phone back." The black haired male demanded as he started driving. "Can I please keep it? You saw that I didn't do anything." "You're not keeping it. I'll give it back to you when you've been good for a whole day." "But, I have been good all day" "keep it until the end of the ride then."

Felix smiled before kissing his boyfriend's cheek. "Thank you, Bin. I really mean it." "Yeah, yeah." The older responded as he kept a smile back. "You just better not be texting other guys." The younger nodded with a huge smile as he opened Tik Tok.

After a five minute drive, Changbin came to a stop, making the freckled male look up to see where they were at. There was nothing but an empty and dark road. "Is something wrong?" Felix asked as he turned off his phone. "Yeah, get out." The taller furrowed in confusion. "What? Why?" "I need you to push the car, or can you drive?"

"I... I can't drive. I can try pushing the car for you, though." "Perfect." Changbin held back a smile as his boyfriend got out the car and left the phone. Just as Felix got out and made his way to the back of the car, Changbin sped away. The younger ran after the car for a good five seconds before stopping and laughing.

"This would be something he'd do." The freckled male laughed before seeing the car continue speeding away and not returning. By then, his smile was no longer on his face. A confused and scared look was replacing his smile. He looked around to see if he could recognize the place but failed to recognize anything since it was dark.

The blonde haired male patted himself down to see if he could use his phone but felt nothing. Now, the freckled male had tears filling his eyes as his breath started to become uneven. Felix would've tried walking around but didn't even know where he was to walk around and find a place.

Five minutes had passed, and Felix was sitting down holding his chest with one hand as the other one was supporting his body. The crying was now uncontrollable, and his breathing was heavy. Just as Felix was trying to control his breathing, car lights soon appeared, making the freckled male immediately get up and try going to the road to get the driver's attention to help him.

The car came to a stop, making the blonde haired male fully sob as he rushed to the driver's door. The driver rolled down their window and laughed. "Please, help me. My-" "You're crying? It was just a joke." Felix just sobbed even louder as he fell back down to the ground on his knees as he tried controlling his breathing after hearing his boyfriend's voice.

"I- I thought... you were going to leave me. I'm scared. I.... I don't care if it's a joke.... you left me here. I-" a loud sob cut the younger off. The older got out of the car and walked closer to his boyfriend to hug him. The younger immediately melted into his boyfriend's arms with loud sobs.

"Baby, I'm sorry. It was just a joke." "I don't care what it was. You left me here alone, knowing I didn't know where I was." The taller let out as a hiccup. "Baby, you're okay now. I'm here. I had to come back either way. I couldn't just show up to meet your parents without you." Felix just shook his head as he tightly hugged the older. "Why would you do that?"

"It was just a joke. Let's get in the car, then you'll know I'm not going anywhere." Felix nodded as his boyfriend helped him up from the ground to the passenger side of the car. By now, Felix's breathing was now at a normal pace, but the crying wasn't. The freckled male held his boyfriend's hand the whole car ride to his house as he kept crying, so he was sure the older wouldn't go anywhere.

"We're here. Are you okay now?" Felix's crying was just sniffling and hiccups by now. He looked at the older with teary eyes and a frown before speaking. "Stay with me tonight. I dont want to wake up without you. It'll remind me of tonight. Please. I dont want to know that you left me." The blonde haired male let out with hiccups.

Changbin sighed before responding. "I don't have spare clothes with me" "I'll let you borrow mine, but please stay." "Fine. Let's go inside now." "No, I dont want my parents asking about anything. Can we stay in here for a little longer?" "That's fine." "Thank you so much, Bin."

A while had passed, and Felix was now fully calm. "Can I get a kiss? Or do you not like the idea of that?" Changbin just pecked his boyfriend's lips before ruffling the younger's hair with a smile. "I'm okay with that. I need to be more open-minded and accepting of your affection. Now, let's go inside."

The two got out of the car and walked to the front door where Felix opened the door. The couple entered the home holding hands and smiles on their faces before getting greeted by two freckled parents who had smiles on their faces. "Oh, it's my baby!" Felix's mom exclaimed as she hugged her son with a huge smile before kissing his forehead.

"Hello, you're Changbin, correct?" The freckled father asked Changbin with a smile. "Yes sir, I'm Changbin, your son's boyfriend." The black haired male smiled as Felix's mom let go of Felix to cup Changbin's face. "You're so handsome! You and Felix are so cute together!" "Honey, don't grab his face. Let go of him. He might be uncomfortable." "Oh, right. Come in!"

Felix's parents led Changbin to the living room as Felix smiled at him. "Is the way they're acting making you uncomfortable?" Changbin shook his head as a no. "It's just strange. I never thought parents were actually like this with their children. No wonder you're so happy." "I'm sorry" Felix apologized before they sat down on the couch to start talking.

The parents approved Changbin as Felix's boyfriend and allowed him to stay just like Felix had asked. "Your parents really do love you guys." Changbin commented as him and his boyfriend walked to Felix's room after the long conversation. "They do! They also love you!" "Sure" the black haired male agreed, not believing someone would actually love him.

"Let's go to bed. It's been a long day." "Do you want to sleep on the bed with me, or do you want me to sleep on the ground?" "Let's sleep on your bed. You wanted me to be with you, so let's at least be close." Felix smiled before they started getting ready for bed and off to sleep.

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