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Felix was walking the halls with Jeongin since Changbin and him had argued yesterday and still haven't made up. As they were walking the halls, Hongjoong approached the two best friends who were talking to each other. "Felix! Jeongin!" The oldest male spoke, making the two look back at him and smile. The two stopped walking, waiting for Hongjoong to catch up. "Hi Joong!" The two friends greeted the male that was now next to them.

"Hi guys! How are you guys?" The oldest asked with a smile as he wrapped an arm around Felix's waist and started walking with them. "I've been good! I've met someone who makes me happy!" Jeongin smiled. "Ohhh?" The black and blonde haired male asked with interest at the new information. "Like a boyfriend?!" Felix also asked, not aware Jeongin and Chan had been dating for a while now. Jeongin nodded in response. "Yes! Chan is my boyfriend!" "Who's Chan? Cause he's one lucky guy." Hongjoong asked. "Someone he bumped into at the mall" Felix explained, making the older let out an 'ohh' in understatement. "That's amazing! I'm happy for you, Jeongin!" Hongjoong enthusiastically spoke.

"Thank you. What about you? Don't you have someone, Joong?" Jeongin asked the oldest. "Not yet. I do like someone, but they're taken. I'm hoping they realize soon or leave their relationship since it's a really toxic one." "Ohhh, who is it?" The youngest asked with curiosity, making the older lean in to the white haired male's ear and whisper "Felix", earning a gasp from the white haired male in excitement, confusing the freckled male there with them. "Who is it?" "I can't tell you, beautiful. You're going to tell them." "Boringgggg" Felix whined as he rolled his eyes before the bell rang, signaling the end of the class and the beginning of the transition for the next.

"I'll talk to you guys later. We have to go to our shitty classes." The youngest announced before he left to go into his class. The two older males bid their byes to the white-haired male before they continued walking, Hongjoong's arm still wrapped around Felix's waist. "Do you want to have more fun days like yesterday?" The freckled male nodded in response to the question asked. "Yesterday was really fun. Thank you so much for that." "Of course, beautiful. As long as you're happy." Hongjoong smiled before they approached Felix's classroom. "Thank you, Joong. I'll talk to you later." The older nodded in response with a smile before the younger left into his classroom.


It was now the afternoon of the next day, and the couple had gone to Changbin's house to talk about their situation and what continuing the relationship would be like. "Bubba, I really am sorry, it won't happen again. Im sure of that. I won't forgive myself if I repeat what I did." Felix apologized after a long day of silence between the two. "Who and why is all I need to know." Changbin sternly demanded. "It.... it was a childhood friend I hadn't seen in a while that came to visit me. When we were younger, we..... we used to kiss to show that we love each other. That stuck with them, so they thought they could still do it. Before and after the kisses, I kept telling them that we couldn't continue because I was with you."

Felix explained, not really lying since him and Jeongin did do that. Changbin sharply looked at his boyfriend before speaking. "I don't want you seeing them anymore." The older stated. "I can't see them much anymore anyway. They.... they moved away." Felix lied, making his boyfriend nod. "So what were the other kisses about? There's more people you kissed." "We were greeting each other, and we accidentally kissed." "What greeting makes you accidentally kiss?" The oldest asked, confused and mad. "You know, the one where you press your cheek against theirs and make a kissing noise before doing it to the other side?"

Changbin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, making the freckled male demonstrate what he meant. "Why are you even greeting someone that way? That kiss wouldn't have happened if you just greeted them with a 'hi', you know that, right?" "It's a kind way to greet them. My parents taught us to do that when we greeted someone." Felix explained, making the shorter nod. "I guess I can forgive you. But you're sure it won't happen again? Cause if you just plan on doing it again, you might as well leave like my mom did." The younger almost laughed at the comparison but held it in. "I'm not going to cheat on you. I promise you that. I'm sorry it even happened. I really do feel guilty and just shitty about it."

The shorter nodded before getting asked a question. "You..... you won't cheat on me again like that... will you?" Felix asked his boyfriend in concern just as the doorbell rang. "Shit" Changbin mumbled before instructing his boyfriend to sit on the couch as he slightly opened the door to see the girl from yesterday. "You can leave. We made up. I don't need you fucking our relationship up more." "What?! You made me drive here just to tell me you don't need me?! Im also not fucking your relationship up since you're the one that called me!" The girl yelled, catching Felix's attention, and making him get up from the couch to the front door to also check who it was, just to let out a quiet 'oh' as he saw the girl, making him walk away.

Changbin just paid the girl some money for gas before completely shutting the door in her face and going to his upset boyfriend. "Baby, I know you saw her, but-" "You're still going to continue with her?" Felix quietly spoke with a hoarse voice from being on the verge of crying. "No, Lix, I-" "No, Bin, it's okay if you do. I deserve it for cheating on you." Changbin sighed in frustration. "Okay, first off, let me fucking speak. Second, stop acting like a little bitch. I get you're hurt, but you can stop saying shit like that." Felix nodded with a frown on his face after hearing his boyfriend aggressively speak.

"Sorry." "Now, what I was going to say was, I'm not going to do anything with her anymore. It was a one-time thing. I paid her to kiss me because I was mad." "So then why did she come over just now?" "Nothing. She's irrelevant now." The younger looked around before nodding again. "Now, do you forgive me?" The freckled male just shrugged in response. "I think I do. Promise none of this will happen again?" Felix asked as he held out his pinky, making the older smile at the pinky since it reminded him of children making pinky promises. "I promise. Do you promise not to cheat?" "I promise" the younger spoke before the two interlocked their pinkies and made their thumbs touch, leaving a kiss on their thumbs afterwards to secure the promise more.

"You're getting better at communicating your feelings and controlling them, Bubba. I'm proud of you." Felix smiled at his boyfriend as he held his hand after taking their pinkies and thumbs away from each other. "Well, I mean, you're always telling me to express my feelings and to keep them under control," Changbin shrugged. The freckled male nodded, "it's done you well. Keep it up, I really like you telling me how you feel." The older just smiled in response to his boyfriend before kissing him. "I guess this cheating was a test for that?" The black haired male suggested with a slight chuckle.

"I never meant for it to be, but it did end up being one. I'm sorry." The shorter kissed his boyfriend again before speaking. "It's okay. We won't cheat on each other again. We promised each other." Felix nodded at the reassurance with a smile. "You're right. Thank you, Bin," "Of course, sunshine." The older smiled. "Let's cuddle?" The freckled male suggested with a slight head tilt and bright smile, earning another kiss from his boyfriend, who gently pushed him down on the couch before he followed the blonde haired male.

The black haired male spooned his boyfriend and gave him a kiss on the neck, earning a giggle from the younger. "You're kissing me so much!" Felix excitedly pointed out before he turned to face the older. "I am" "It's new. I like it a lot." The blonde freckled male expressed. "That's nice to hear." Changbin smiled.

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